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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. I have one in private school and one homeschooled and it works very well for us.
  2. Neither of my grandmothers worked. My mom didn't work until all of us kids were all in school full time and then it was only part time.
  3. I am a neat freak so my house is always clean (plus I have a housekeeper). Therefore someone could stop by at any time and my house would be presentable. However, I REALLY dislike it and I think it is rude and I would NEVER drop by someone's house unexpectedly.
  4. My number 1 reason is because I use a literal hermeneutic when interpreting the Bible. I don't interpret some things literally and other things figuratively when it suits me (unless it is obvious that it is figurative since the Bible does include poetry and parables).
  5. What I do with a lot of eggs is make Eggs Sambal... It is our favorite but it is spicy! http://rasamalaysia.com/sambal-telur-recipe-egg-sambal/
  6. Thank you for this! It is so true. I dislike: - everyone walk around and shake hands and greet each other - get in a circle and talk about ... With people I do not know very well - get in a circle and everyone take a turn praying aloud In fact, I do not like forced group interaction. I get the relationship aspect but relationships should form naturally. I have plenty of relationships but none that were ever forced on me. I didn't even have a receiving line at my wedding because I couldn't bear the thought of it! And the fact that I don't like praying aloud in front of a group doesn't make me LESS Christian than someone else!!! Because of all this forced interaction, I end up coming to church late, or leaving early, or going to the bathroom a lot to escape these activities. .
  7. This week... Started reading: The Constantine Codex by Paul Maier Completed so far: 15. What the Dog Saw 14. What is the Mission of the Church?: Making Sense of Social Justice, Shalom, and the Great Commission 13. Gods and Kings 12. A Skeleton in God's Closet 11. My Hands Came Away Red 10. The Omnivore's Dilemma 9.Dead Heat 8. Redeeming Love 7. Family Driven Faith: What it Takes to Raise Sons and Daughters Who Walk with God 6. Organized Simplicity 5. Year of Wonders 4. The Holiness of God 3. The Paris Wife 2. The Peach Keeper 1. Relic
  8. Thank you ladies so much for all the awesome responses. It has given me a lot to think about. I did check the seat for the sticker that says it fits the standards but it never occurred to me that it might not fit the size of the seat! So my next move is to measure the seat and look up seat measurements on our carriers (SilkAir and Delta). If the car seat we have doesn't fit then it may end up being a moot point.
  9. Amira (and anyone who cares to chime in) Can I give you a few more details and see if you can help me think through this? - we are flying from Penang to Singapore, then a layover, then Singapore to Tokyo (plane change but no layover), then Tokyo to Detroit. Same flight in reverse on the way back. - I will need a car seat for our 6 week visit in the U.S. but I can use my SIL's so I don't necessarily need to bring ours. - Car seat or no car seat will probably make no difference to my daughter as she will be difficult to keep still no matter what. :glare: Obviously, I want my daughter to be safe and I am American so I have that hyper-safety mindset ingrained in me. :D No one here uses car seats or seat belts so they already think we are weird. So that's where I am at... is the car seat on the airplane necessary for safety or is it one of those things that is an "American" thing? .
  10. So we are finally able to take our daughter back to the U.S. in June. She will be 2.5yo at the time. She will have her own seat on the plane (you can't carry them on your lap past age 2 and sheesh, I wouldn't want to have her on my lap for a 27 hour flight anyways!:tongue_smilie:). I had fully intended to bring her car seat on the plane and install it in the airplane seat for the flight. I even checked to make sure it fit the standards for the two different airlines we are using (it does). But this past week I flew to Indonesia and back (it involved 4 different planes) and there were lots of small children on these flights and NO ONE had a car seat of any kind. So then I started wondering, am I being paranoid? Over-protective? I definitely lean towards over-protective and I have never flown with a small child before so tell me, should I bring her car seat or no? .
  11. This is how I explained it to my ds... If I owe the bank $1000 for a loan, it goes in the NEGATIVE column in my budget because it takes away from my net worth and that is a NEGATIVE thing! If the bank forgives half of my loan (subtracting 500 from the 1000 I owe), I now only owe $500 and that is a POSITIVE thing. :D This is, of course, long before I teach about interest rates. :tongue_smilie:
  12. In regards to "the widow's mite".... People often misread that passage. Here is a good analysis that talks about abusing the poor: http://time2changechurches.blogspot.com/2008/02/abusing-poor-by-john-macarthur.html
  13. :iagree: I work at a school with boarding students. Their parents send them here either so they can learn English, get an American education and possibly go to an American university OR because the parents are missionaries in other countries where there are not good education options for their kids. Let me tell you, I see a lot of messed up kids with an excellent education but LOADS of resentment and emotional issues from being away from their parents. I would do a lot for my child in this situation, like move the family if necessary, but a child belongs with their parents. .
  14. I really don't think it is a standard now. I don't know very many elementary schools that still teach it. In my school it is optional and left to the individual teacher but I don't require it. Most of the kids print or use a computer. I never write in cursive except to sign my name. In fact, I rarely handwrite anything. Everything is done via computer, iPhone, iPad, etc. these days. In an age where parents want more and more crammed into the elementary schedule, something had to go. The parents of my students would rather us teach computer skills, foreign languages, etc. than cursive. Also, when I taught AP English, they told us during training that they would MUCH rather the kids print than use cursive because it is more legible. .
  15. Then you won't like Cedar Point. It has the scariest, most neck-jarring coasters I have ever been on. And it is not open all year. It is usually open Memorial Day to Halloween. Personally, I like Universal Studios better than Disney World!
  16. It won't ever show here so I will be excited to hopefully get it on DVD!
  17. Yes! I wanted to be a teacher and then a principal and I wanted to travel. I got it all!
  18. Yep. I bought a 16G ipad and I totally regret it. Always buy the most memory you can possibly afford.
  19. Moving from the United States to Malaysia is one of the best things I have ever done!!!
  20. This week... Started reading: Gods and Kings by Lynn Austin Still reading: What is the Mission of the Church?: Making Sense of Social Justice, Shalom, and the Great Commission by Kevin DeYoung What the Dog Saw by Malcolm Gladwell Completed so far: 12. A Skeleton in God's Closet 11. My Hands Came Away Red 10. The Omnivore's Dilemma 9.Dead Heat 8. Redeeming Love 7. Family Driven Faith: What it Takes to Raise Sons and Daughters Who Walk with God 6. Organized Simplicity 5. Year of Wonders 4. The Holiness of God 3. The Paris Wife 2. The Peach Keeper 1. Relic
  21. We home church out of necessity. We would actually prefer to go to church but all of the churches on this island are of a particular denomination that we do not believe in so it was either sit under teaching we disagree with or home church. Sometimes it is just us and sometimes it is with another family. We typically watch sermons online by pastors we respect, pray, talk about the sermon, etc. We pray that God sends someone here to plant a church we can go to but until then, this works for us.
  22. It was filmed at Lake James, NC, where I used to live. Beautiful place. Great movie!
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