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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. :tongue_smilie: exactly. I must not be truly conservative either. I went to a hyper-conservative, massively legalistic church that controlled everything you wore, did, and said, and I still had no idea that geez or jeez was wrong. Not saying it isn't...just that I had no idea.
  2. Fair enough. But couldn't we just say "I disagree with you" or "let's agree to disagree" instead of making fun of her?
  3. A free pass to do what? Practice their religion without being continually mocked? Is that so hard, really? Personally, I think atheists are ridiculous but my mom taught me enough about good manners that I don't USUALLY say so (in fact, this is the first time I have ever typed it out). What some are describing as discrimination may not be so in a legal sense but the way some people mock and scorn anyone who is religious just shows what little class they have. .
  4. Like I said... Socially acceptable. :glare: FTR, I never knew anyone was offended by geez either, but I don't think you should be mocked because it offends you or because you teach your kids not to say it.
  5. I agree with you actually. If a school or a business does not want to put up a Merry Christmas banner because they feel it is too Christian- specific, that's cool with me. But if that same store puts up a Happy Hannukah sign? That is wrong. I think that is one of the things I really like about living here... All holidays have their moment, and often share moments, and even though the various groups don't agree with the other's teachings, they have a live and let live attitude for the most part. My school is a Christian school but we close for Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist and Christian holidays. Our favorite Indian restaurant, owned by Muslims, decorates for Christmas, Chinese new year, Diwali, Hari Raya... Even Easter! During the Christmas season, all the Muslim cashiers at the stores would say Merry Christmas as you left. No one seems to get bent out of shape about it. Maybe the U.S. needs to ease up a bit. Instead of trying to stop everyone from doing anything religious, just let everyone do it equally. Let the kid at school bring his Bible if he wants and the other kid can bring his Koran. No big deal. Put up the Christmas trees right next to the menorahs. I am a conservative, evangelical Christian but I just don't see the point in getting your knickers in a twist over this stuff. Stop making fun of each other. Stop disrespecting each other. Do your own thing. You don't have to agree with me. I don't have to agree with you. But wouldn't it be nice if we could do that without the hate? .
  6. :iagree: with the above. I am not sure that "discriminated" is the word I would pick. But it is now SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE to openly mock and deride anything to do with Christianity but all other religions are off-limits. Yes, there are those who make fun of Muslims or Jews but it is not considered socially acceptable to do so. People who do that are considered to be bigots, hate-mongers, etc. But anyone can make fun of anything remotely related to Christianity and get away with it under the free speech banner. Is that what you mean by discrimination? .
  7. :grouphug: That would have upset me too. My dh would have dropped everything to come and help me, work or not. And it is not because I am helpless. He would tell you it is because he is the man and that is what men do. But I also haven't pumped my own gas in 15 years. :D
  8. Yes. Before we moved here I sold or gave away about 80% of our books. It was actually quite liberating and I made a ton of money. :D
  9. Well, if I don't particularly care what the person thinks then my favorite snarky response is: Let's play a game called "mind your own business". You can go first. I've used that one with nosey cashiers and random strangers who make comments. If I do care about the person then I usually say "We all have to make our own decisions" or something equally vague.
  10. You expressed exactly what I was feeling so much better than I did. I felt like I was being tested...like if I said anything that could be misconstrued I would ruin everything. It was very intense. It made me think of what some Muslims living in America must have faced after 9/11 ... Like your intentions or your loyalty being questioned. Not a good feeling. .
  11. Wow. Did you even read my post? Could you possibly jump to any MORE incorrect conclusions? I said in my previous post that I said what I think. My boss was worried because it is a topic we have never spoken about so he had no way of knowing what my opinion was on the topic and I tend to be a little outspoken in general. My boss was pleased with my answer. The MOE guy had quite the poker face so I have no idea what he thought. All I know is, it was a really awkward question at a really awkward moment. But then again, I was raised that you don't discuss religion or politics at the dinner table. . .
  12. Today our school had a visit from the Malaysian Ministry of Education. It was very stressful because they inspect EVERYTHING from our bathrooms to our curriculum. They wanted written proof of all manner of things. They grilled me for a long time about testing and curriculum and data, etc. Then they wanted to have lunch with the administrative team. So picture this.... I am seated at a table with 8 people. To my right is the head of the MOE and directly across from me is my boss. Then the head guy from MOE, who is Muslim, turns to me and says: Can I ask you a serious question? I said Yes, of course. And he says: What do you think of the 9/11 situation and of Muslims? :001_huh: :svengo: :blink: :leaving: Seriously. These people are doing our review. They have the power to shut us down. And he asks me THIS? Over LUNCH? All 8 people were staring at me and I am pretty sure my boss was holding his breath waiting to see what would come out of my mouth. I know what I think of the situation but I didn't know what he wanted me to say and I felt like time was frozen as everyone stared at me. So I decided to just go with what I really think and I said that I believed in every culture or religion there is a small faction of people who act in a radical fashion in the "name" of that culture or religion but do not truly represent what that culture or religion actually stands for. And I said it is a shame that innocent people of any culture or religion have to die because human beings are often incapable of resolving their differences any other way. And then I felt like I was going to throw up. He nodded and then changed the subject so I have no idea if that answer satisfied him. I definitely earned my paycheck today. Now I need a drink. .
  13. I agree that a big thing is having something in common. Dh and I work at the school together and it has done wonders for our relationship. We are in different departments so we don't see each other all day but we DO get to go to lunch together almost every day and more importantly, we are both focused on a common goal. We love our jobs and it is our "thing". We talk about it and dream about it together. Also, we both love to read about and discuss theology. We also have interests that are separate from one another but having something in common is SO important.
  14. We adopted from Korea through AIAA. Their website is Aiaaadopt.org Our case worker was Joanne Weaver and she was amazing!!!
  15. 9 countries so far for me! Canada Mexico Hong Kong Japan Philippines Singapore Thailand Indonesia Malaysia!!
  16. :iagree: When we recently picked up the immigrant visa for our daughter I was patted down before going in (apparently there is quite the black market here for U.S. immigrant visas!). It was a thorough pat down and it just never registered in my mind that it was "sexual" just because she touched my breasts, etc. My gynecologist touches me in a lot more ways than that and I don't find that sexual either. I coached a competitive, co-ed cheerleading team for many years. Have you ever watched one of those routines? The boys have to put their hands in ALL SORTS of places on girls to accomplish those stunts. Same goes for dancers... all those lifts, etc. No one feels sexually violated. Maybe I'm just not sensitive enough? :001_huh: .
  17. I've got a nice long list now. Hmmm, where to start? They all sound good! Maybe alphabetically! :D Thanks ladies!
  18. I'm interested in reading a great mystery/thriller novel ... which is interesting because it has never been my thing in the past. Nothing TOO gory or completely full of sex. I want something suspenseful, something edge-of-your-seat but not horror. Murder mystery is ok, political thriller is ok. I just have no experience in this area and I have no idea where to start. Suggestions??
  19. Wow. Well, it seems like I am being accused of all manner of things in this thread so allow me to clear the air a little. By "new" couple, I meant this is their first year here but I have known them in a work setting since July. And no, I didn't kick them out the moment they said the word "Pearl". Please, I was raised in a southern home. I have more hospitality then that! We were discussing a different book then they brought up TTUAC. I didn't attack them. I wasn't aggressive. I wouldn't even say I was terribly outspoken about it. I merely said something about many of the teachings in that book being disturbing to me. THEY went on the defensive. THEY got riled up and started hurling accusations. At that point I stepped up onto my soapbox and told them what I really think. My dh forcefully changed the subject, we all finished dinner with some light conversation and they left. I doubt they would come back even if I invited them (which I doubt I will). Hopefully that clears things up. Now I know many of you disagree with what I did but I DO NOT feel every person you meet is a good person to bring into your life. There are many people I choose not to associate with because they make choices that make me uncomfortable. I keep my own brother at arms length because of his alcohol abuse, drug abuse, and spousal abuse. You might think it is close-minded of me. I call it discernment. .
  20. What are the norms HERE? Well, they are just now rolling out a campaign to convince mothers that they should nurse AT ALL. It is very uncommon to nurse a baby here. In fact, I have NEVER seen someone nursing in public at all in 3 years!
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