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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. I was in a wedding with black dresses once. It was beautiful in person but did not look great in the formal pictures. I did ACTUALLY wear it again tough. :D
  2. Well, it depends. If the hostess specifically stated she was making the dressing/stuffing and asked you to make something else to contribute to the dinner and you show up with more stuffing? Yeah, I would think that was odd. I am having thanksgiving dinner at my house with 20 people. Everyone has volunteered for or asked what they could bring and everything is already divided up. And everyone knows what the others are bringing. So for instance, one woman has said she is bringing green bean casserole and everyone else in the group knows she is bringing it and then if another woman who said she was bringing pumpkin pie brings green bean casserole too? Yeah, that would be weird. I make cornbread stuffing. If you were coming to my house and you or your kids didn't like cornbread stuffing and it was such a big deal to you that you just had to have a different kind that day, then I would rather you be honest and say "My family doesn't care for cornbread stuffing so I am going to make bread stuffing and bring it." That's better than just showing up with it or asking the hostess to make another kind. But if it were me, I'd just deal with it. (p.s. I don't like greenbean casserole)
  3. I call it ketchup. But everyone else here calls it tomato sauce.
  4. We have 21 people for dinner this year and we are serving: Two turkeys Cornbread dressing Mashed potatoes Gravy Green bean casserole Veggies Rolls Salad pumpkin pie Apple pie Chocolate cake
  5. Can you spin off your own thread??? At any rate... Recent conversation with colleague #1 included this statement from her: "Homeschool moms are not educated enough to teach their own" Not that I am saying it REQUIRES a college degree but it is interesting that 75% + of the moms who have answered the poll so far have a bachelor's degree or more. Recent conversation with colleague #2 included this statement from him: "What college educated woman would throw away her degree to stay home and homeschool?" Well, from the look of WTM numbers... A LOT. :tongue_smilie: Of course I reject his idea that it is "throwing away" your degree. Thank you for confirming in numbers what I knew in my heart to be true.
  6. I personally can't stand ANY FB posts that tell me to re-post something to prove that I support a certain belief or position.
  7. Not yet. I just found out about an hour ago. But we have staff at our school that used to live in Bandung so I will be asking them what is should see. Plus the school that is hosting us will be taking us out and about.
  8. I just received an email from the VP of ACSI asking me to be part of an accreditation team. We will be going to an international school in Bandung, Indonesia. How fun is that??? I am so excited!
  9. Miss Peregrines Home for Peculiar Children Hunger Games Trilogy The Book of Fate The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society This is Where I Leave You Just Do Something Snow Flower and the Secret Fan
  10. This week it is A Voice in the Wind by Francine Rivers. It is book one in the Mark of the Lion series. So far it is really good. I read books 1 and 2 of Martin's Fire and Ice series and I need a break from them.
  11. I once heard a pastor say if we didn't vote in the upcoming election we were committing a grave sin. Of course I thought "GRAVE sin? Is there any other kind?" and then snickered at myself for making movie references in church. :tongue_smilie:
  12. Well, if sex were ONLY about "biology" then I would agree with you. But that is stripping it of its social, cultural, and political meanings. The fact is, thanks to things like the Disney channel and MTV and a host of other entities, our children ARE deliberately sexualized at a very young age. When I see the 6yo girl next door in a pair of short-shorts with the word "hottie" across her butt I know that our children are being targeted. The quicker we get them knowing about sex, interested in sex, viewing and buying things that buy into the whole sex culture... The more money companies make. I will not push my children into that world before they have to be.
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