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Laura Corin

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Everything posted by Laura Corin

  1. Unless there are planning regulations against it. The field that we overlook is designated farmland - there is a lot of other land already designated locally for development, so it should be decades before development could even be considered. Trees are more tricky - you need permission to fell substantial numbers of trees, and you have to replant many more than you fell, but the regrowth phase is not pretty.
  2. We used to have three acres, of which one acre was mown. It took an hour on the tractor and and hour using the small mower to do fiddly bits. Plus strimming edges. The weeding was endless. We are glad to have moved to a house on the edge of a village with a small garden. We still have views, but the neighbouring farmer manages them. I like 'borrowed landscapes '.
  3. I was curious about this so I thought I would track a normal day. So far - it's afternoon here - I've eaten eggs, olive oil, red peppers, courgette, aubergine, onion, garlic, cheese, salt, pepper, basil, oats, wheat, rapeseed oil, Marmite, leeks, parsnip, mushrooms, soya, green beans. Only two fermented products in there - Marmite and cheese - but lots of variety. 20 items so far. ETA: add in prawns, quinoa, red cabbage, mandarin and chocolate. So 25 for the day unless your split out the constituents of the chocolate.
  4. We told our twenty-year-old this year that in the new house Father Christmas couldn't find his way to the bedrooms, so stockings would not miraculously appear on bed ends overnight. He would be leaving them downstairs by the tree. We awoke refreshed on Christmas morning. First time in about two decades.
  5. I have a free trial at the moment. I've glanced at the magazines but I haven't been attracted by the available books. I'll be cancelling.
  6. Merry Christmas, everyone! I'll be walking each day and might get back to yoga on Boxing Day.
  7. I am too. I was hoping that she would report some discomfort though. Immune response in someone so old is tricky, so mild side effects might have been reassuring.
  8. Mum - 96, in a care home - had the Pfizer a few days ago. No ill effects, she says.
  9. Traditionally I think it's Francis for a boy and Frances for a girl, isn’t it? Eta I have a female cousin Frances, and there's the author Frances Burney in the 18th C. I know someone named Jay, born in the 1950s, who was due to be named that whatever his sex - his mum liked the name regardless.
  10. Not so cute, but one Christmas Husband and I bought identical kitchen towels for each other for our new kitchen. We had not discussed buying towels. The shop was in the next city over, 40 minutes away, and we rarely went there. It was TKMaxx, so there was plenty of choice. Identical towels.
  11. I hear it in the UK. 'Morning' is even more common as a spoken greeting.
  12. We're doing really well, thank you.
  13. I thought I had two sons too! My eldest came out as a trans woman about a year ago. There's a sweet spot - between deep mud and slick, icy puddles - when the hiking is frosted and good. We're not there yet! I'm sticking to gravelled farm tracks for the moment. I'm sorry that you are in limbo, not knowing how to improve your health, @Soror I made Tollhouse chocolate chip cookies - Husband has fond memories of them. Having read a lot of comments on the original recipe, I adapted for the change in wheat since the 1930s when the recipe was written (!), doubled the vanilla, and also reduced the sugar by one-third. Still too sweet. My eldest's partner likes white chocolate, so presumably she can cope with overly-sweet, so I sent them off anyway. I'm making another batch tonight, so I'll cut the sugar further.
  14. Glorious sunny weather after our first real frost. I took the dog up onto a hill for good views across farmland. Made cookies to send to my daughter and her partner, and Marmite oatcakes for me. Still no yoga. Tomorrow is my last day of work until 5 January. Cinnamon porridge with yoghurt and grapes. Ham chunks with green beans, an apple and orange. Salmon with mushrooms and leeks. Cookies. Oatcakes.
  15. The one that trips me up is 'tofu'; the English pronuncitation is very far from the word in Mandarin.
  16. There is a permanent one in town, laid out in a public park by the local Quakers. This one was a pop up organised by the university Pagan chaplain on university land.
  17. Walked the dog and ran errands on foot - my only in-person supermarket trip of the season. 10,000 steps. Walked a Solstice candle-lit labyrinth, which was peaceful. Must do some yoga tomorrow. Berry porridge and yoghurt. Sauteed mushroom, falafel, cheese and egg. Red mullet and a veg.
  18. When I first started learning Chinese, my tutor drilled me on the tones - how you 'sing' the syllables to produce different meaning - for weeks. My brain needed to be retrained to hear the tones before I could progress with the language. My husband's Mandarin learning was more based around producing useful phrases - perhaps in consequence, his tones were never very good. If your brain has never registered differences in sound, it will take more than a quick demonstration to pick them up.
  19. Yes. My father died relatively young. Even though there were massive emotional difficulties dealing with my elderly mother's situation, enormous house price increases in her area meant that once the house was sold she became financially very comfortable. That's not the financial world I am aging into. So I went back to work full time and will work until at least age 67, when government retirement benefits start for me. I don't love my job, but I don’t hate it either, and I'm very grateful that it remains stable. Husband's benefits start in late 2022. He manages our rental property. If he dies now, I can support myself. If I die now, my death in service benefit covers him until government and other pension money starts. Since we downsized this year, we are mortgage free. We have one paid-for car. Youngest child graduates this year.
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