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Laura Corin

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Everything posted by Laura Corin

  1. Maybe Goody Three Toes needs clothes. She doesn't have much of a figure though. Not even shoulders, really. She could maybe manage a Winnie the Pooh style t shirt.
  2. @Soror I'm glad you are feeling a bit better. I didn't have time for a beach walk today but enjoyed a longer yoga. The longer stretch hold time that Kassandra tends to do is really good for me, I think. My hamstrings and hips are feeling much better. I feel as if I'm making progress. Apple porridge plus yoghurt. Leftover chickpea and parsnip curry with fresh wholegrain bread. Marinated tofu, Brussels sprouts and shallots with soba noodles and green beans.
  3. The reviews that made the mistake were all from the US.
  4. I bought a tea pot - ceramic - from Amazon. Several of the one star reviews were from people who had tried to heat the pot on the hob, at which point it had shattered. The kettle/pot linguistic confusion run deep.
  5. No. We usually go away in July and October. I hope our daughter can maybe come and stay in July instead. Maybe a holiday within Scotland in October might be possible?
  6. Not so pleasant at the beach today - vicious cold wind. Good yoga later though. Sleep tight, all.
  7. To the beach again yesterday to NW. I didn't manage to do yoga - a cup of Rooibos and a Poirot repeat on telly were more my speed after work. Oh, and eating everything in sight. Long week. Today it will be a dog walk on the beach and, I hope, a longer yoga. We are due for a thaw tomorrow, so I should be safe to walk locally next week. Time to go and re-read The Waste Land. It could not be more opaque to me. The advantage of living far north is seeing lots of great sunsets in winter, or in this case sunrises.
  8. This is what worries me. And if it doesn't work, that will feed the conspiracy theories. The programme was Newscast, dated 7 January, available on BBC Sounds. She said that to vaccinate 1,000 front-line NHS workers on New Years Day took 4 medics to prepare the vaccine and 12 to administer it. They were told that, once diluted, the vaccine 'doesn't walk', so presumably they couldn't even separate the preparation into a separate quiet room. She said that they joked it was like defusing a bomb. @Wheres Toto is the Moderna less fragile? It's also MRNA. The issue with the Pfizer is that the active element has a lipid coat that, if damaged, inactivates the vaccine. The UK has only just approved the Moderna and the government hasn't bought big supplies. I'm likely to get the Oxford vaccine sometime next summer, with luck.
  9. I tend to notice @Spy Car's pet subjects, so I would definitely spot him. My spelling and vocab would out me.
  10. I also find that when I lie on my side, I'm more likely to keep my hips and shoulders nicely stacked if I cuddle her, rather than collapsing forwards. She's only about 30cm tall, so it's not that she's a bulky presence, but there is an effect.
  11. My husband gave me a sloth for Christmas. I named her Goody Three Toes. I have found that I really like having her share our bed. She lies on my chest and I prop my book on her to read. When Husband cuddles me, I cuddle her. When I cuddle him and usually have one arm crooked against my body, now she fills that space nicely. When I get up in the morning before my husband, I leave her in his arms.
  12. I heard a GP talking about how very fragile the Pfizer vaccine is. You have to invert it the exact number of times to mix it. Then you mustn't even carry it upstairs - that would jar it too much and deactivate it.
  13. Do you have silicone sealant, and how did it work on that? I'm wondering if it would melt.
  14. Thanks. Garmin couldn't help, but an online article suggested clearing the Bluetooth cache on my phone. That did the trick.
  15. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-55574662 New treatments test well.
  16. I think you need to wear them continuously for a bit so that your brain can adapt.
  17. Light snow this morning, but the fallen snow is thawing. I'll put out grit on the pavement at nightfall, because it will freeze overnight. We'll probably go to the beach at lunchtime when it is due to ease. I'm wary of ice under the melting snow locally. I plan a quick yoga after work before my Intro to Studies module. Weight is creeping down after Christmas. So long as it's not going up... Apple porridge with yoghurt. Mixed beans with cheese, pumpkin seed butter on oatcakes, and an apple. Mushroom omelette with grilled veg.
  18. @IvyInFlorida Jackson is gorgeous and you look great. I'm sorry that recovery is not straightforward. @SororI'm glad you are doing a bit better. I'm sorry I haven't been around. I'm having to be a bit more disciplined in my use of time - I used to come here at breakfast time but now I study then. I've been taking long lunch breaks to exercise safely at the beach, as it's so icy near home, so work has been more concentrated too. The beach has been really good - NW alternating with dog walks. I'm doing Kassandra's January calendar, which is fairly low key so far, but has good stretches. My hamstring is loosening up slowly. First class tomorrow. @wintermom what kind of shoe grips do you use for ice? I need something. Apple porridge and yoghurt. Leftover fried rice plus sauteed mushrooms. Gurnard with mangetout and a pear.
  19. I played with my kids a bit because they liked to play. But mostly I made sure that they had lots of time with other kids. I read to them. My dog doesn't like to chase balls or sticks. I sometimes surprise her into running in circles. That's about it. Like Katie, I didn't like to play at school. Being chased made me panic. I only started to enjoy moving my body when I discovered solo exercise. Eta I just don't find playing fun. We play Scrabble once a year. It's the only board game I can stand to play. Games are just irritating and boring.
  20. My mother had a UTI without preexisting memory loss in her eighties. The symptoms were delirium plus vomiting. She ended up in hospital and emerged with no long term effects.
  21. BBC News - Covid: England and Scotland begin new lockdowns as cases rise https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-55540679
  22. Yes. I used the clippers on my son's hair and we now gave essentially the same hair cut, same thick dark brows. More often I see my elder brother's eyes and eyebrows- we have the same droopy lids.
  23. I have an arthritic knee. With daily yoga it no longer hurts. I think it's mostly building strength in the surrounding muscles to support the joint.
  24. I received a Garmin Vivoactive 3 for Christmas (Fitbit does not work with my new phone). If I leave the room and don't take my phone with me, there's a good chance that I will have to re-pair my watch manually when I come back - the watch automatically provides a code that I have to enter into my phone. I spent 45 minutes on the Chat this morning to Garmin, and they took me through the many steps to reset the whole system. It hasn't helped. The representative said that my watch's behaviour (manual re-pairing after the watch and phone have been separated) was normal. I've never had a Bluetooth device that didn't re-pair automatically. They suggested that I try pairing with a different phone, so I'll do that tomorrow. Otherwise, I'm going to have to return the watch. Does your Garmin do this? What model do you have and what phone? I have an Android Galaxy A41. Thank you.
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