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Laura Corin

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Everything posted by Laura Corin

  1. Not so fast! https://www.lbhf.gov.uk/articles/news/2021/03/aged-50-or-over-book-your-covid-vaccine-jab-today
  2. I make a veg-filled Spanish omelette on Sunday, then microwave a slice each day through the week.
  3. I can see them if I turn my Android so that the post is in landscape mode.
  4. For my eldest, running an air purifier in the bedroom cured cough asthma.
  5. Yes. The two vaccines we are using currently seem good against the Kent variant but maybe not others. The booster would be before the cold weather brought another wave. Those people get annual flu jabs anyway.
  6. That's roughly the conversation I had to have with my mum. As she had already refused the ten or so apartments that we had found for her, the only option in her case was a care home. I won't lie - the conversation and aftermath were among the worst days of my life. But it worked and she moved out. She used all the tools she could to resist, and I kept saying, 'This is not working...it's time.' We have a mostly okay relationship now. She intermittently reminds me that I 'threw her out,' but afterwards I can leave her and go home. Good luck. Remember not to get involved in explaining and discussing. It's time. This isn't working.
  7. BBC News - Over-70s could get booster Covid jab from September - vaccines minister https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-56544236
  8. I am keeping in mind this kind of scheme for the future. It's kind of an au pair/room mate for old people. It's not nursing care, but it might bridge a gap: https://homeshareuk.org/
  9. There are now data for over 65s https://www.astrazeneca.com/media-centre/press-releases/2021/astrazeneca-us-vaccine-trial-met-primary-endpoint.html This data was later revised downwards by a few percentage points, but the overall effectiveness in older people still stands.
  10. I agree. Plus, if my mother had been more willing to move into a flat where she had some support, she would not have experienced the crisis that resulted in hospital stays and a care home. She might still be living much more independently now if she had been more flexible.
  11. BBC News - Covid: The London bus trip that saved maybe a million lives https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-56508369
  12. Long Covid and women https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-56509340
  13. It's hard to tell from the article, but I suspect that the police did not believe that contact had taken place. They believed the boyfriend when he said that it was just a story made up to cover up infidelity. Not excusing how badly it was handled, of course.
  14. If only things were that clear! My mother, with whom I had always had a good relationship, didn't feel that she was imposing on me. For that matter, I was willing to care for her. But caring for my mother landed me in therapy and caused damage to me and my children that may well be permanent. I'm not convinced that it was the best thing for her either.
  15. Difficult to tell to what extent there's a Brexit angle to it.
  16. New tennis muscle workout plus new job sounds like a good prompt for some quieter rest days. There's a lot of chat about eating tons of different kinds of fruits and veggies. If that isn't for you, though, just eating more of the ones you can stomach is great. Some of the health advice can be discouraging by seeming to expect perfection. I'm glad that you are getting back into satisfying routines. --------------------- My arm and shoulder are still aching from the vaccine and my energy isn't quite back. I had been hoping to run today, but I think I'm going to shelve that until the weekend. So today will be the usual dog walk; I don't have class tonight, so I'll make yoga a priority after work. Food is getting better after a bit of a (wholegrain, but just excessive) carb fest.
  17. @mlktwins I've been there and it's really hard.
  18. But sometimes, through no fault of their own, it is beyond the capabilities of an individual who is trying to care. We cannot always know decades in advance who will be able to do the caring, for all kinds of reasons.
  19. Is The Detectorists available on any of your services? Gentle, beautifully written and acted, ultimately hopeful.
  20. If current social structures hold: - our house is paid off and we have the UK State pension plus some US SS; together they are small but adequate (so I may not be able to run a car, but I can afford heat and food and to take buses) - the house we moved into last summer is in a walkable village, and can be easily divided into two flats (existing separate entrance), so that we can rent out some of it, or alternatively give accommodation to a carer. It is an easy bus trip to supermarkets, doctors, dentists, etc. - we have some other savings that are set aside for elderly care - I intend to work until at least age 67, which is when I will receive my State pension. Recent research suggests that the happiest people work one day a week, so if I can carry on doing that, that might be good. My employer has a 'casual contract' list to cover absences, so joining that after official retirement and doing blocks of time when I fancy might be easier. My mother was probably capable of working well into her seventies and is relatively healthy at 96, so I need to think long term. - the NHS is free at the point of need - I have two children who will feel responsible for me, but I'd like to make their lives as simple as possible. I'm thinking of a family conference, after the worst of the pandemic is past, to discuss expectations, etc. - ETA: I eat well, exercise and have started to study at my local university (just for pleasure/stimulation) so I'm trying to age as well as I can - ETA: I'm trying to think hard about attitude
  21. Interesting on vaccine hesitancy https://www.theguardian.com/society/2021/mar/24/covid-vaccine-hesitancy-england-wales-being-overcome-study-finds?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other
  22. My suspicion (based on not very much) is that the tech may actually be fine but they are basically not a vaccine company, and they had to build their knowledge about the vaccine approval process on the fly.
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