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Laura Corin

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Everything posted by Laura Corin

  1. Very little protection after seven days, I believe. It doesn't start to tick up until about 14 days, and doesn't reach full capability until after three weeks. I'm sorry, just do your best. I hope things go okay.
  2. This show is good at answering a lot of questions, including about the non-relationship between strength of vaccine reactions and subsequent level of immunity. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000t48v
  3. Blue Envelope arrived today! My appointment is on Sunday. So excited! Balance yoga last night - I was pretty rubbish at it but I perservered. Nice walk with the dog yesterday too Today - working through lunch and leaving work early to go running.
  4. In case you are interested in donating to support worldwide vaccine distribution, this is one option: https://www.unicefusa.org/?form=FUNUNRDQFQB https://www.unicef.org.uk/donate/coronavirus/
  5. Got my Blue Envelope! The appointment is this coming Sunday. Woohoo!
  6. This is interesting on the precautionary principle BBC News - Is Europe's AstraZeneca jab decision-making flawed? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-56360646
  7. Thanks for the Gaia recommendation. I'm also going to get a power pack in case of flat phone batteries.
  8. This reading of Moby Dick was amazing: https://naxosaudiobooks.com/moby-dick-unabridged/
  9. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/mar/15/evidence-oxford-vaccine-blood-clots-data-causal-links
  10. There's no 31 April for me to make pie on...
  11. I walk on my own almost every day. That agency is really important to me, even if it's just on local paths. I'm looking forward to, post-lockdown, driving up into the Highlands and hiking on my own. It won't matter that it's a fairly tame hike - it will be the one that I choose.
  12. Husband got his envelope last Monday for an appointment five days later. The appointment time and place is stated in the letter - you only contact them if it's impossible to get to it.
  13. Not an Apple watch, but the features that I use my Garmin for: - Vibration alarm that wakes me but not my husband - I sleep with earplugs - Timer so that I can walk away from the kitchen, too far to hear the oven alarm, and still not burn things. The timer is usually set for the twenty minutes that my steel-cut porridge simmers on the hob - Keeping track of exercise and hydration. Sleep too, but I look at that less often
  14. Husband is fine this morning apart from a slightly sore arm, so that's one day of exhaustion and aches. They start sending out Blue Envelopes to my age cohort (without underlying conditions) from today, so I'll be watching for the postie. This is the vaccination status now:
  15. Husband has been very tired and his body aches after his AstraZeneca jab yesterday. His arm is only mildly sore and he doesn't have a high temperature. The same happened to my brother and he was fine within 24 hours.
  16. I hike alone and would camp. I choose safe trails - we have no large carnivores and only one, shy venomous species of snake.
  17. @KungFuPanda I would just so much prefer an apple pie and we have eight apple trees.
  18. They are starting to send out blue envelopes to my cohort from tomorrow. It's five-year bands at present, I think.
  19. I like Merrells because of the wide toe box. Same with Oboz. Short walk yesterday up the hill behind the hospital where Husband was being vaccinated. It was so efficient that I didn't have long. Yin yoga at bedtime to try to calm down and sleep better. It, or something, worked. Today I'm heading over to my mum's care home to drop off supplies. I'll go running in a forest plantation on the way, if I can find change for the car park. The 'feels like' temperature is around freezing, but better sheltered in the trees. Today's inspiration BBC News - Almost 100 and still dancing https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-sussex-56351673
  20. There are some Eastern European countries being hit badly.
  21. Husband had the Oxford AstraZeneca today. No side effects apart from a mildly sore arm so far.
  22. I find they do. I have these @Soror - they are for walking - https://www.merrell.com/UK/en_GB/accentor-sport-gore-tex/36352W.html
  23. Do you not have slugs and snails? I took out a hosta that I inherited when we bought this house because its leaves were lace by the end of the summer. Also taken out: Snowberry (invasive, much too much so for this size of garden), rhubarb (why grow rhubarb?), three scentless roses (pointless, to me) and two pots of mint that had been sunk into beds and were merrily escaping. I will spend the next four decades removing the mint from the bed.
  24. That's the main thing, isn't it? Sometimes with yoga I find that I don't have the energy I thought I have, but having chosen a particular sequence I almost always complete it, even if I have to modify on the way through. It lifts the heart, doesn't it? Our snowdrops are starting to fade, the crocuses are out in my window boxes and the daffodils are close. I sent my hiking boots to be re-soled after I realised when it was icy how far the tread had worn down. It's an old-school firm where you just send off your boots with a cheque and they email to confirm. The completion date is the beginning of June! Oops. I've bought some Gore-Tex Merrell walking shoes, as the waterproofing on my old walking shoes had finally failed, so I'll just have to cope with those until June. That sounds like fun. We were back to a 'feels like' temperature of around freezing today but we've had some very warm days recently. I ran after work - pretty cold and some sleet, but the run went well. I ran through a flat bit of the campus, which is pretty free of people still. Sleeping badly at present - oh well. I think my brain is very engaged by the module I'm studying and is having a hard time switching off. I've managed to get back to doing my pelvic floor exercises regularly again. Working from home disrupted my schedule (I used to do them during my commute) and I started developing pee problems when I ran. With a lot of work over the past few weeks, that seems to have gone away again, thank goodness.
  25. I don't know if you can do this on Zoom, but I have my Teams set so that it blurs the background. It just takes away any distraction.
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