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Everything posted by MeanestMomInMidwest

  1. :iagree: I'm new at homeschooling, and this is what I'm looking for as well.
  2. here are a couple of interesting links about mammorgaphy that you may want to read to help in your decision making process: http://ww5.komen.org/BreastCancer/AccuracyofMammograms.html http://www.cancer.org/docroot/SPC/content/SPC_1_Mammogram_Controversy_Explainer_October_2002.asp http://www.cancer.org/docroot/PED/content/PED_2_3X_ACS_Cancer_Detection_Guidelines_36.asp?sitearea=PED If you do decide to get a mammogram, here is some advice: Get the best quality you can. If you have dense breasts or are under age 50, try to get a digital mammogram. Bring your old mammogram films with you for comparison. Have more than one radiologist read your study. Ask if your center has CAD—computer aided detection—which calls the radiologist's attention to any possible areas of concern. Make sure the doctor who referred you for the mammogram includes an explicit note when ordering the study (providing clinical correlations—e.g. "palpable mass in the upper outer quadrant, rule out abnormality"). Correlate your results with other tests you've had done, like ultrasound or MRI. Discuss your family history of breast and other cancers—from both your mother's AND father's side—with your doctor. The above was found at the following website, which has a lot more helpful information http://www.breastcancer.org/symptoms/testing/mammograms/
  3. Wow! What an awesome accomplishment. I'm glad you shared. What did you do to train?
  4. welcome springmama. I also love to procrastinate!
  5. Probably, because what I really want is change. Dh teases me because I never leave things in one place too long. He likes things to remain the same, I like to change. My compromise to him all these years is the bed has remained in the same spot...his compromise to me was to buy me all new pulls for the kitchen so things would be different. maybe I'll buy some paint.
  6. the Dairy Queen near us shut down...the one in the next town over does have the choc. soft serve.
  7. Is your bed against the wall or do you have two open sides? If it is against the wall, who has to sleep by the wall? Our bed has always been near the wall and I always have "wall duty" I'm thinking of rearranging the furniture, but don't know how I'd like not having the wall.
  8. we like times tables the fun way music cd. the tunes are cute & catchy. Also Schoolhouse Rock.
  9. When I go through the list of family members in my head and check them off one by one, the only ones who may be shocked would be my in-laws, because even after all these years, they don't really know me. It is primarily because conversation with them is all ebb and no flow (or is it all flow and no ebb?), whatever way it is, I can't get a word in edgwise with them.
  10. Louis Sachar — Wayside School Book Series I don't know if those qualify for "twaddle" or not, but they're very easy to read, funny & use a lot of "play on words" My ds8 got through them very quickly, and actually laughed out loud while reading them. I think developing a sense of humor is important, so I'm not sure I'd classify them as what I think twaddle is.
  11. You get a prize for using my all-time favorite word: discombobulated :D Love the meaning, love the way it sounds rolling off my lips, love to see it in print. Thank you!
  12. I don't think its tacky, but I so love getting cards in the mail and I even like the newsletters that make everyone's lives seem better than they are. I have an area of my wall dedicated to taping up the cards (which, I admit, may be tacky). since my dh is x-mil and I'm halfway across the country from my family of origin, our family & friends are scattered far & wide, so I can feel your pain about the cost involved. I also take the time to sign each of my cards personally, and add a little personal note to 99% of them....it is a big investment of time and money, but I look at as a small price to pay to keep in touch with people who are or at one time were important to us.
  13. Here's a link from the American Diabetes Assoc about how to prevent or delay diabetes http://www.diabetes.org/food-nutrition-lifestyle/lifestyle-prevention/prevention/how-to-prevent-or-delay-diabetes.jsp
  14. no, actually, i asked about a couple of specific qualities/items within a model of faith. but thank you for this post, because my purpose is not to debate.
  15. that is the "Truth" according to you, right? eta: my belief in the one true god may not line up with your "One True God"
  16. Jenny - that's what I was gonna say!:tongue_smilie:
  17. Wow...thank you. I was raised catholic but had forgotton most of this (or maybe wasn't taught it...i think the last time i was sent to catholic church was early elementary school). very thought provoking. thank you.
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