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Everything posted by MeanestMomInMidwest

  1. hello marxisths gal...welcome to the forum

  2. Thank you both...I think between the two, I'll get exactly what I wanted. Having everything in one book is too much to ask, I think. Thanks again!
  3. Today in the library we were learning about Samhain and I thought it would be useful to find a book of festivals and celebrations arranged in calendar order...so I could just flip to October (or whatever month we're in) and see Celtic celebrations, Catholic holy days, pagan festivals, holidays around the world, etc. Does such a book exist?
  4. Well, what kind of music do you listen to now? How do we know if what we want to suggest is "new" to you if we don't know what's "old" to you?
  5. I just have to ask: what are "puberty cds"? and, imo, no mother/daughter event is complete w/o manicures & pedicures.
  6. From now on, I will read Jill's posts with Foghorn's voice in my mind ...wh, wh, well, Ah say there! Yeah, well it *sounds* lilke Foghorn Leghorn in my mind!
  7. anyone with a normal metabolism, no medical condition, etc., can loose weight as long as calories in < calories expended.
  8. Look into nursing (or teaching, if it really is not about the $). Many choose nursing as a second career so an "older" student (nontraditional?) will not feel out of place. If the person already has a college degree he/she may be able to begin a nursing career with <= 2yrs additional schooling. There is a demand for nursing, it is a demanding career, and some RNs feel that they do make a difference.
  9. into a ziplock bag in the fridge...someone will eat it we're pastaholics.
  10. I don't need a new avatar (mine fits me so exactly) but may use one for a sig pix. And, tibbyl, its okay to say it was me who thought your avatar was smoking crack....I'm half tempted to post a poll to see if I'm the only one who thinks so.:001_tt2:
  11. Are you taking anything for osteoporosis? If you are taking an oral bisphosphonate drug (Fosamax, Boniva, Actonel) you are at small risk of osteonecrosis (bone death), which is characterized by jaw pain, swelling, loose teeth and exposed jawbone (it starts with jaw pain). I think there are less than 50 cases of osteonecrosis per year, but it is a risk that most are unaware of, although some dentists will ask their female patients about bisphosphonate drugs if they c/o pain.
  12. Well, I just bought "What your 3rd Grader needs to know" used from Amazon....when it comes I'll read it and let you know if I think its too politically correct. Be advised tho, I'm not terribly opposed to some things that others would deem "politically correct" and I just tend to think they're "correct" (as in we say Native American not Indian; gay is okay; and some others I can't think of right now)
  13. I swear it IS US! Are you sure you're not in Indiana?:tongue_smilie:
  14. First, I have to ask about your 4yo: Did the child suffer any ill effects? Toes frostbitten? permanent damage? I would guess not. I sit firmly in the camp that kids will come in if they're cold. I have coats, etc. readily available for my dc. I tell them to wear appropriate clothing. But, if they choose to go out w/o sweater/coat/shoes/hat when *I* think it is cold, so be it (my youngest is 4). They'll come in if they're cold. They may come in crying from the cold, and maybe they'll learn a lesson (listen to mom, cold snow hurts bare skin). If they are old enough to put their own clothing on, they are old enough to decide if they're cold or not, is my motto. From your post, I think maybe I'm your neighbor, cuz I'm sure I DO bug my neighbors in a miriad of ways!
  15. I paid the neighbor boys $20 for 2.5 days of dogsitting, and all they had to do was feed her, make sure her water dish was full, and let her out in the morning/in in the evening. $20 is a nice, round figure...plus there were two of them so I thought they could easily split it. Boarding the dog would have been $30/day. I also liked that the boys were over at the house, anybody who thought we were out of town would have seen the dog in sometimes, out others. And all my mail was on the kitchen table.
  16. If a child has a slight cold w/congestion when he/she is up running around during the day he/she (1) swallows the post nasal drip (2) any secretions are moving around and not collecting in the lungs (3) he/she is eating/drinking/swallowing frequently so throat is not as dry/irritated/tickely Then, when he/she lies flat in bed at night (1) post nasal drip triggers cough reflex (2) secretions possibly settle in lungs (3) throat becomes dry/irritated I am not a doctor (nor do I play one on TV) but if the cough is not enough to keep them awake it may not be enough to worry about.
  17. This is hard to describe. this is what we use for no-hands clean up of poop. If doing it as a business, I'd use thick plastic bags and dispose of them (tied shut, of course) in the client's outside trash. Also, for the smeary stuff, hose the remains off.
  18. I don't often wear the pointy hat IRL....perhaps it is the pointy personality?
  19. All the guys in my family are going as Indiana Jones. I got hats & whips from buycostumes dot com for under $20. They already have bomber-style jackets, tan pants...They're good to go. This was second choice to Army Guy, which is also cheap via goodwill or Army/Navy surplus stores, but my sons wore the Army guy stuff so much it lost its appeal for Halloween.
  20. I cannot give the term "hottie" to anyone I would outweigh during pregnancy.
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