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Everything posted by KrissiK

  1. Sorry! I know that was a little rough!!! I'll do better next time.
  2. I am the parent of a couple of "not so stellar students". One who's sort of similar to the author's son. He really struggles academically, doesn't like school, probably won't be "successful" as the world expects, but I think he's going to make it one his own and do ok. The other... well, we have bigger worries about him. But... I think endings like hers are meant to encourage and tell parents there is hope. No, not every story turns out well. Some kids remain just barely getting by, and some kids just tank. But as parents...we have to have hope in our kids. Always. We can't give up on them. And stories like that do give me hope. Hope that kids can turn it around and end up all right.
  3. So, I'm driving home from taking DS to school this morning and I see this truck (not a semi-truck, a little smaller) with this big ol' picture of a toilet painted on the side and the words "Will it flush?" Written over it, and what looked like a list of words under it of things that perhaps will or will not flush. It looked like a huge environmental public service announcement. And I thought, "how embarrassing to be driving that truck all over town. It has a big toilet on it." That is all.
  4. Good Morning!! COFFEE!!!☕ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸
  5. I'm hiding out in my room with a cup of decaf. All heck is breaking loose, but I don't care!!
  6. Sometimes I hate being a responsible parent. Why do I have to preview everything my 13 year old son wants to watch? And why does he want to watch to watch the carp he watches? Oh.... wait.... you don't have to answer that. He's 13 and he's a boy.
  7. Sweet Pea is here!! Triple yay!! With honey-butter on top!!
  8. Can't have pineapple, but I chop up almonds and sprinkle some cinnamon. It's tolerable. Actually, I'm having celery dipped in ranch for snack, which is fine. My homemade ranch is sugar free.
  9. I'll just sit here in my corner and eat cottage $&&@%^ cheese.
  10. I'm sorry, Renai! I think you need some honey-butter on a deep fried scone!!
  11. Diagramming adverb clauses. Woohoo!! I actually love diagramming. I found, since homeschooling, that I love dissecting languages.
  12. I'm babysitting this afternoon! Not a baby, though. A little 8 year old. She's homeschooled, too, and likes to play with my girls. So, it's a win-win.
  13. I find that getting rid of all the prepositional phrases first really helps in figuring out what everything else is. And yes "us" is a pronoun and is the object of the preposition "of". The stripped down sentence would be "All should find enjoyment". Then you can easily tell the subject and the verb and then diagram the prepositional phrases according to what they modify.
  14. Boo on flaky dates!! Yay for cousins who step up to the plate!!
  15. I'm having a salad for lunch. No chips. But bacon.
  16. Wisdom!! I second the motion.... send them to everyone!!
  17. I love persimmons. Especially the hard kinds - the fuyu. You cut them up and eat them like apples. Yummy!
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