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Everything posted by KrissiK

  1. Wow! Well, you are the only one I have ever met. And I've only met one person in my entire life who doesn't like chocolate.
  2. Well, I'm not a fan of wine, I drink my coffee sweet and white and I have never in my life tried tobacco. But I love cilantro.
  3. I have never known anyone ambivalent about black licorice/jelly beans. They either really like them or really hate them. There's no middle ground.
  4. I know, that makes me somewhat weird, but.... the upside is that I get lots of black jelly beans because everyone hates them!! And this Black Jelly Bean Booya/h is brought to you by the letter H and the number 3.14.
  5. Uhhh, do you really wanna know?? (Actually, I don't know, really!! I do have some theories, but they aren't very well developed)
  6. Thanks, all, for your wisdom and advice. I think it is a combination of my personality and season of life. And yes, I need to have the attitude that being a mom is my job. Not that I'm griping about not having any time for myself. I just don't feel like I even have time, or mental energy to ... Meal plan, lesson plan, pull a few weeds in the yard, figure out where I am going in life. What are my homeschooling goals.... you know? And last week being sick, having my extremely difficult son home from school and being more difficult than usual, and then with my dad... a break down was to be expected. But, this afternoon should be fairly quiet, I had my mil over this morning, which was fine. And I thInk I will take another day off tomorrow, so I can just organize my thoughts and work on school stuff. I needed to get my eating under control, so I had a BLT Ranch salad for lunch. No carbs, but heavy on the bacon. 😜 that has lifted my spirits considerably.
  7. And this is why my Easter Break was so horrible. I felt like the whole break I was running around, letting other people's (I.e. My kids) priorities dictate my life. Having friends over (I'm kind of a curmudgeon regarding company, so I felt like I had to let them have company since it was break), then going to the movies one afternoon (because we try to see a movie during break, and if you do it once with these kids it becomes a tradition), and the volleyball clinic (because it's good for DD and she needs to make friends), and then being sick, and squeezing in time to see my dad.... does anyone else feel this way? Like your life is a big pinball game and you're the ball? Is this just a season? Because if it is, I could probably manage to get through it, like diapers and potty training and everything else. But I kind of feel like it's a personal problem and I need to get out from under this and gain some control over things.
  8. So, I am sitting here with my Bullet Journal.... I'm not feeling the love anymore. How are the rest of you Bullet Journalers? I keep thinking about our conversation back around Christmas/New Years and how fresh and exciting it all was. Now, it's April and my life seems spinning out of control and the BuJo is just one more thing I have to do. I wonder I if it's because i put too high of expectations on myself. I had such fun looking at the blogs and all the fancy writing and colors and doodles, and quite honestly, I am not artistic. At all. Maybe I felt like I was becoming subservient to the BuJo instead of using it as a tool, which is what it was meant for. But see, I do that with everything in my life. I end up becoming a slave to expectations and then wear myself out.
  9. Good Morning!!! COFFEE☕ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸ Was not ready when I woke up. I must have forgotten to flick the switch.😡 We're taking today off, too. DS's school has off today, too, so we're all taking it off. I need it. Last week was such a wash as far as Easter Vacations go.😩😩 I'd love to take another week off, but I don't think that would be a good idea.
  10. Wow, I have never heard of that before!! Sounds good!
  11. I have no idea what you people are talking about.
  12. more butter makes everything better!! yum!! Now more for you!!😜 I concur quite heartily!! Happy Happy Anniversary!! I gotta check that out!! was it AMJ?
  13. We have churched. Of course, it never matters what time church starts, we are always running late, tearing down the street, screeching to a halt and sitting down in the pew in the front row just as the service is beginning. Today was no different. Now, we are on our way to the foothills to DH's sister's house. Have a great afternoon everyone!
  14. Brandi was here!! I saw your avatar yesterday and I thought, "where has Brandi been?" And now, here you are!!
  15. And we are up and running at 7:00am. Cats catching birds, little girls running around, elderly cat trying to sneak into the house and find a soft corner for a nap, DS checking on a hug tray of tadpoles..... at least there's COFFEE!!!
  16. I still remember my first Labor Day as a stay at home mom. Every year previous Labor Day had been a time to sleep in and enjoy the day. No work. Just play. And then, the boys were up at 6:00am. And then the reality of motherhood hit me. 😩 😩😩 I'm up early making potato salad for the BBQ at DH's sister's house!!
  17. Good Morning!!! COFFEE!!!☕ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸ ðŸ’ðŸ’Happy Easter!!ðŸ’ðŸ’
  18. Well, I had some chamomile tea (which I hate, but I was hoping it would make me relax a little and sleep better) and am going to bed. Sleep well, my lovelies!
  19. Ahhh, innocence lost!! We were driving back home from the nursing home to visit my dad this evening when all of the sudden I hear, "ooooh, GROSS!! Mom, there's a man standing in his kitchen in front of the window and he's N@KED!!! oooohhh!" Apparently he was fat and hairy, too. I am glad I missed that one, that's all I have to say!!
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