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Everything posted by shawthorne44

  1. You can get cameras that will send a photo to your smart phone if they detect movement when you've told it to watch for movement.
  2. In a way, this is a good thing. At least that it happened now rather than after they were living there. Stuff is just stuff. I had my house robbed once while living in it, but I wasn't home. I felt violated and it isn't a good thing.
  3. Back in the dark ages, I used to work for a company that went out to people's houses to sell water softeners. I've also done research because I'm a water snob. Technology hasn't changed much since then. Is your water hard? If so, then a water softener is a good thing regardless of whether or not you get an R.O. There isn't a lot of difference in the water softeners. There is tank size and how efficient they are with the salt, but really they all do the same thing. So, you can get one at Sears or Lowes or wherever is convenient. Back in 1990 +- a few years, the salesmen were getting paid $1000 per sale. That is where all the extra money is going. Assuming your water is hard, you could try a water softener with iron-out salt and then have the output tested to see how it worked. I've never lived where there was an iron problem. So, I don't know much about the iron filters. Although, if they are cheap, it might be a good idea. In the water you drink, salt will replace the hard minerals that are removed. So, if your water is very hard, there will be a slight salty taste. If your water isn't too bad you won't notice the salt. The water softened water my house tastes MUCH better than the pre-treated water. I also have an R.O., Again like the softener just get a cheap one. I bought mine at Sam's, or Costco I forget which. If you have hard water and get an R.O. without a softener, it will require more maintenance and filter replacement because the minerals will gunk it up. But, if you get the water softener and the water tastes fine, then leave well enough alone. As part of my get_healthy and lose_weight I am trying to do, I am trying to drink lots of water. With the R.O. water that isn't a problem. With the just softened water I can drink it, but getting lots just doesn't seem like fun.
  4. Basically, a smart phone CAN use call data, but it doesn't have to. I used the same prepaid t-mobile SIM card that had been in flip phone in the smart phone that was a hand-me-down from my parents. I don't have data on my cell phone plan(although you can get that), I just have the wifi of my usual places in the phone. I live a pretty boring life, so unless I am driving, I am probably in one of those usual places. Actually, I think they had to cut the SIM card down to fit into the smart phone. Same card, just made smaller.
  5. with those needle sizes, do your arms end up looking like a druggies?
  6. Thank you for this! I love my goggles. Normally we let DD open all packages, but her birthday is coming up. When the goggles came, I wasn't sure what they were, so I handed them to DH to open figuring he ordered whatever it was. When he handed me the goggles, he said, "Happy Birthday". I could tell he was a little grumpy about the goggles. When we get something expensive only one person wants, we call it a birthday present So, I figured out that he thought that they were expensive, so I told him the price. He was impressed.
  7. I think there needs to be some surprise for the story to get traction. Pastor talking about burning a book: surprise. Muslims talking about killing non-muslims: no-surprise.
  8. Really really solid Algebra understanding is far more important to a STEM student then anything past the first month of Cal 1. I remember I struggled with it myself. Then in trig I realized that Algebra was just a matter of writing down the formula, grouping the thing you wanted to know on one side, and moving everything else to the right. Everything else was just techniques to do that.
  9. The Zero Waste blog also has other interesting things. Like keeping a sourdough starter, and what to do with the extra stuff when you feed the starter. She's amusing in the way of the Pioneer Cooking Woman.
  10. I am a horrible pill swallower. One day I was visiting my parents and I took a pill while on the couch, my Dad said, "That is the colic face!" Apparently I make the same face swallowing a pill as I did when I had colic as a baby. Fortunately, many vitamins are available powdered now if they aren't chewable. I need a bunch of water, preferably milk to swallow a pill. Milk can satisfy the "take with food" requirement. I, too, never understood the swallowing pills dry thing.
  11. Is there a rehab place he could be moved into? Also, I wonder if it is legal in your state to put a hospital nanny cam in?
  12. The good news is that driving is an option. So, you can plan on driving, then check the flight you want before you leave. If it is cheap enough at that point, you buy it, otherwise drive.
  13. Not in our current home, but our last home was in a school district that was highly desirable. I wasn't tempted at all. Socioeconomic status is the best indicator for academic success. So, I'm not particularly impressed by good school stats in a school with middle to upper-middle class kids. The school district has the pick of teachers, they don't accept applications except from teachers that have been invited to apply. They have plenty of money to spend at the school. The Senior High School is nationally respected among people recruiting high school kids for academics or sports. Yet, I noticed that the four nearest grocery stores to me each had a different tutoring center in the same parking lot. If the schools were truly that great, why are there more tutoring centers than schools in my immediate vicinity? it isn't just near me. I hadn't noticed at all until a friend of a friend bought an existing tutoring center in the same city but not near me, so they were on my mind one day. That our new locations has schools known to be bad is an advantage to me. There are more homeschoolers and the property taxes are lower.
  14. In college my boyfriends mother owned a nursing home. I was sitting around the kitchen table with the family and she started to talk about the drugs that the doctors would give to people when they were old. She said that the doctors attitude seemed to be, "Well, old people take many long term drugs, if someone old becomes addicted, who will notice or care? And the patient is quiet." I think at the time it was a lot of narcotics. She had a bottle larger than the Sam's size bottle of Motrin except it was a strong Narcotic. When someone died she'd confiscate their drugs and then add them to the supply of whoever was taking the same thing.
  15. I do have some flags in the distance that I like to look at. Until I needed reading glasses, I'd thought that was the reason for the improvement.
  16. It could be that emotionally they are much closer in age. Teenage boys are soooo young. If he was sheltered he might be even less mature than the average boy his age. My main concern would be if he was looking for a Helpless Female and your daughter might not want to be the Helpless Female when they are old enough to get married.
  17. What stinks is when your glasses fall off the nightstand. Or you lay them down next to you in bed to read and fall asleep. I never understood the concept of eyeglass donations. I NEED old glasses scattered around the house in designated placed, in order to find my glasses. One advantage of getting old is that my prescription has gotten less bad although now I need reading glasses. (sigh) But I went from -8.5 to -5. The reading glasses make contacts less appealing. With contacts I need to carry reading glasses around anyway.
  18. I have the number of a woman with lots of medical initials after her name. She is out of work because she did her job and blew the whistle on her hospital for killing a patient by knowingly putting a MRSA patient in with a non-MRSA patient. If any of my loved ones are in the hospital I am going to hire her as a personal hospital watchdog.
  19. I just bought some prescription goggles for me from the Amazon link given her. They did have + powers. We bought six flags season passes when they came with season passes to the water park. So, I imagine we will be going several times as a family.
  20. When DH is being completely unreasonable, I will tell him to poll some other people. Hearing, "Dude, what were you thinking?" from his soccer buddies makes him see the light.
  21. Aren't low-flow all that is allowed anymore? I thought I heard about a black-market in non-low flow toilets. I had a plumber explain the problem with low-flow toilets. If they are good, they do a fine job of getting the stuff TO the drain, but not so good at pushing it along. This isn't a problem if the drain has a frequently used shower/bath upstream of the drain. But, if the low-flow toilet is the first thing on the drain line ... Speaking of which, Katy, I wouldn't cheap out on the toilets you buy. LAST thing you want is a problem with them,.
  22. In that case, just buy the toilets and hire a plumber. When the first toilet is removed have the plumber look for rot under the toilet. Or maybe, yank one toilet yourself to look for rot before you pay to have a plumber come out.
  23. What is the going rate for plasma?
  24. My theory is that it isn't based on money but on the idea that students need more hand-holding than in the past, so more class time.
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