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  1. Hmmm, much to consider for sure. I saw my acupuncturist the other day and I was curious to know what he thought, after all, he is all about alternative medicine and well educated. He said he has been vaccinated and to go get the shot because covid can be serious. He doesn't believe in all the conspiracy crazy stories. Just passing this on.
  2. I can't recall off-hand what BA math is. But have you ever looked at Mortensen Math? You can find many videos on youtube, see Crewton Ramone. It is all about hands-on math. Your son sounds like a good candidate for the use of this kind of learning. My daughter was a question-asker. Homeschooling was so fun because of her varied interests. Use it to your advantage!
  3. Peter Pan, are there any videos of the metronome activities that you could recommend? I am so much better at seeing this sort of thing in action than reading about how to do it. I'm sure I could find them on youtube, I was just wondering if you have any specific that you liked.
  4. ByGrace3, hang in there, Barton can and does work! I have tutored now for 6 years. In comparing my students to where your daughter is in the length of time that you started, she is moving along very well. I would guess her dyslexia is not as severe as it is for many. I have 3 students in Book 4, 1 who has moved along quickly as your daughter has. Her reading is really not that bad, I see more of a problem with the spelling. If you remember, the spelling may always be a difficulty. But especially the doubling rule, it seems the kids have a hard time hearing that open syllable. Then remembering, oh, it is a short sound, I need to double the next sound. And to top it off, hearing the accent has been introduced (or if not, will soon be). So yes, there are a lot of things going on in this area of the book. They are not used to pausing and listening for all of this. So I would continue to keep moving on. Make sure she knows the spelling rules well and throw in a few of these types of words for extra practice, just as a reminder of the Happy Rule. And I like how Barton often reviews the particular ones needed for certain lessons Or she gives clues: Is this word the Happy Rule or the Milk Truck rule? I also started to incorporate Kilpatrick's 1 minute exercises because the phonemic awareness is so important. I hope things will smooth over for you. I have 1 student weak in PA, who really started to stumble once we hit 2 syllable words. We backed up for many months, with lots of review. He understands the rules well. He just finished Lesson 4 of book 4 and it was like the planets lined up perfectly for him this week. He could read the sentences without the usual stumbling! Spelling for him will always be his weaker area, but at least he is having success now in reading.
  5. I am followers as well, as I have a person in mind I have wondered whether or not covert. If so, it is on the far left, let's say traits of...yet after learning so much about Asperger's, and childhood trauma, etc., I sometimes I wonder if there is a fine border to narcissism and these other things. Have you ever heard of anything to this idea? Thank you for the above chart, I will have to take time to look it over.
  6. Not on the spectrum that I know of, but definitely music to me because I often can't make out the lyrics. I tend to focus more on what the different instruments are doing, all at the same time. I saw this band in concert many years ago and I was fully mesmerized and energized: https://www.crookedstill.com/ The mellowness of her voice, the strumming of the banjo, the bass... I get sucked in to the music, and although I am not a screaming reactor like some at concerts, it is because I am reliving the different rhythms in my head because I enjoyed it so much. It's kind of hard to explain.
  7. This exactly, time. Don't try to jump back into things too soon. Take the time to relive those wonderful memories. So sorry for your loss.
  8. My condolences for the loss of your daughter. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story.
  9. So I am wondering if taking elderberry as one would normally do during flu season would help to reduce symptoms, you know, take it a few days before and after. Has anyone heard suggestions about doing this? I normally take elderberry when I feel a bug coming on and it helps immensely.
  10. I have a degree in special education and I continually learn so much on this forum of all the subtypes, etc. of conditions. I had never heard of PANDAS until I was on this forum...Given I got my degree many, years ago, and stayed home to homeschool my children, but when kids are assessed in school, there is never any mention of subtypes, as you mentioned PDA. At least that I am aware of. What sites/resources can you refer me to so I can learn more about subtypes, like you mentioned PDA...
  11. I saw an ad for a young teacher in the area needing classroom supplies for her special education class, so yeah! I am taking up the opportunity once again to go through homeschool stuff to donate. I have given so much away, but it is nice when someone is actually looking for something that I may have.... I like hearing how some of ya' all are watching not just 1, but more services online... same here, nice to get a variety, especially with the music.
  12. I have been using Everyone, Nourishing Unscented, comes in a baby blue squeeze bottle. Nice that there is not a scent and it is just right for use after every hand wash. But I am glad for the above suggestions as well and will have to try some of them.
  13. kbutton, Tim Hawkins, thanks for the laugh tonight, maybe I was in one of those moods, but that had me rolling! (or maybe because I know that tune from Kansas). I am waiting the response from my daughter, I sent her the link. If she doesn't appreciate it, I think it is because you have to know the song! That natural gas tower, hilarious!
  14. Idk, but lately even when I try to find a recent topic/thread (I google wtm and the topic), I recently don't get anything newer than 2019. Yesterday, I was trying to find the thread on 'wearing progressives' that was posted in the last month or so, and google didn't bring that one up. I did eventually find it, but it takes so long, sigh... And thanks for the heads-up, I didn't realize those were zombie threads, the tush wiping one...I will remember to read dates from now on!
  15. Also, typically, you are supposed to dilute the soap. I pour some soap in a smaller container and add mostly water. It says, 'Dilute, dilute!' on the bottle if you read the instructions. But I wonder now with these 1 oz. convenient gift bottles, if you are still supposed to dilute. I haven't taken the time to read the label. And yes, the peppermint is the best!
  16. I like the soap, especially lavender. I also like how they have stuck to the same packaging all these years (minor tweaks I'm sure). It may not happen so much with soap, but when packaging is changed, you know the consumer pays for the reinvention, etc. It just struck me that this one has been the same for so long, and I appreciate the lack of 'bells and whistles' to sell their product. The product sells the product...
  17. Congratulations! My daughter got married last summer, outdoors, so you are doing what I did a year ago...online shopping. At least I tried on a few dresses before the lockdown and got a sense of colors looked good on me, or not I ended up with a navy dress. All your choices look beautiful. Consider a color that would also compliment the bridesmaid dresses. Since it is outdoor and you may have pictures on the lawn, I would suggest at least a tea length dress, but no longer. My seamstress and I contemplated that one, and I should have gone shorter. Even though I had a small heel, the grass was long. It looked ok, but just a tad long in the grass. Also, I had a slightly pointed heel which kept sinking in the lawn walking down the isle. Be careful on this choice as well. I found my dress at Macy's. Don't be afraid to order a few with the intent of returning. IDK what bridal shops are doing now, but if they are still being careful, you may be able to get an appointment to try on. There may not be as many people in the store as usual. Ours was on lockdown, and I had no choice but to order online. If you do get to try on, you can get a better feel for color and style and order elsewhere if you don't find what you like there. A tip for the reception: Think to have any food that will be served, to be served by specific people only. No foods with tongs for guests, as everyone will be touching even the tongs. Plenty of hand sanitizer around...
  18. I work part-time for a school district that is up for getting vaccinations this week. I am not in the high risk category, just choosing to work from home. So I am thinking I may be able to piggyback and go in for a vaccination. I am cautious about any vaccination, but when my husband is able, he will get his. So, this is on my mind, wondering if/when to get one...
  19. My daughter just recovered from a milder case of covid, luckily we live in another state and was not around her. I had asked if she will get the vaccine, since some have gotten covid a 2nd time. IDK where she gets her facts from, but she has been told she has immunity for 8 months. I have cautioned her to continue to wear mask, which she has no problem with. When she went back to work after 10 day quarantine, no one expected her to get another covid test. She was jabbed pretty hard on her original test, so I am sure not volunteering for a 2nd one. I am surprised a test was not required. I also don't like the idea that people are hearing numbers, like 'immunity for 8 months', when there are no hard and fast rules on sicknesses, especially this one. I mentioned other strains of the flu, and she played that down as well. Maybe she is tired of all this, but if this is the info she is getting from the doctors, I guess she figures who is she to argue? The 'facts' that are being shared are what is troublesome, since they are all different...
  20. So what about those who were asymptomatic, but wondering if they had 'something'. Should they get the anti-body test to see if they had covid, or wait on getting the vac? Looking back, I had some weird stuff over Christmas that lasted over a few weeks, but I never felt 'sick'. But I began to wonder when I woke one morning with a fever rash (I sometimes get them after having a fever.) I tend to run on the cool side and I would say around this time I felt like I had been having hot flashes 2-3 times a day, not daily, and I am postmenopausal. So I wondered what that was about. It didn't occur to take my temp then. My mind was a little fuzzy as well, having a hard time recalling a few words. I was beginning to think maybe it was age related. Usually I can tell when I am coming down with something. My legs tire when walking uphill and I crave hot tea. But I had skied 2 days before the fever rash and was just fine, actually better than fine for my first time out this year. I wasn't tired, but for a few days following, I did take a few catnaps, again, only something I do when I am sick. There was 1 time when the taste of PB was off, but not the taste of other things. About a week later, I guzzled hot tea for a day, and my nose was stuffed the next, no fever and felt a little run down. But my appetite was ok. (Yes, by this time, I was staying home). So now I am wondering if it was a mild covid, or just a cold that didn't amount to one? Should I ask for an antibody test before I get the vac? It all seems so odd to have to explain to a doctor, like it wasn't enough to really be anything...
  21. Just got an email that Christopher and Banks is closing?! So sad! Every time I find a store that sells clothes that fit (they carry petite sizes),look good on me, and are not crazy expensive, they close! Do you have any suggestions? I am more of a casual dresser, but want to look nice. Link for their sales if interested: https://e.christopherandbanks.com/public/viewmessage/html/35294/cm3xieu4y47mxhlvgh699g03duk57/0bf903eb00000000000000000000000c837f
  22. Yes, it is being recorded. He is modelling good teaching skills for us too, so much good stuff here. I need to remember so much of this, especially how he paints pictures for kids with words before expecting them to write. (One of the reasons I am so against expecting writing full sentences to a paragraph in kindergarten for Common Core. They need to be encouraged to expand and use their language first through stories, songs, experiences... Model the sentences for them, but not for it to be expected by students so early...) Ok, off my soapbox. The 2nd part quickly described his materials. But the first part was pretty good if you can see it recorded sometime. I am glad Andrew demonstrated with a group of kids today.
  23. It is being played on youtube, try this link if you are running late, it may get you to it right away: IEW.com/SPED-conference-watch
  24. For your interest, I am passing this on, I am not affiliated with IEW. Andrew Pudewa has a dyslexic child, so his insight may be helpful. Sorry this is so late! IEW conference tomorrow morning, Sat. Jan. 16, 10:00-3:30 Central Time Success in Teaching Writing: A Special Education Writing Conference from IEW [2021] FREE Registration: I copied this link for registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdsAMuT8BsMxgog9F58GvTeNUSBRsAodysHcJOKhZ64U5LGBg/viewform
  25. NM...maybe Google had a glitch. I went back just now and the button and whole panel are there now. It's been one of those days with computers it seems. Tech issues, ugh!
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