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Everything posted by Capt_Uhura

  1. I think with note taking, you are jotting down words and phrases but often are listening to knew content while jotting down your notes. I think note taking is probably easier but if you can do dictation, you can likely be efficient at note taking. Or you might listen to a paragraph of speech, hold it all in your head, and then during the transition, quickly jot down key words and phrases. You're still holding the info in your head similar to dictation.
  2. LisaK - Did you see SWB's schedule of talks? I think things will be starting early..... so I would leave as early as you can that will allow you to be functional.
  3. I can never do only one science each year. The sciences are so related. I say go for it!
  4. Just my opinion.... Some kids don't do well w/ dictation. I think it was Correllano whose DS had to do dictations in school and his writing got worse. Only you can decide if this is really an issue w/ your DD. For my kids, dictation has been very, very important, I feel in them writing as well as they do. We've done nearly all 4 levels of WWE. My 10yr old is in WWE4 and he can't hold the entire passage in his head so I break it up into chunks, just long enough to stretch him. HOWEVER, he has no issues with getting his own thoughts on paper. One role, I feel of dictation, is training DC to hold their own thoughts in their head and get them on paper. Is your DD able to write down her own narrations, her own thoughts w/out problem? If so, then I'd worry less about dictation. If she is having issues w/ getting her own thoughts on paper, I'd really work on dictation. The other aspect of dictation, I feel, is that of note taking. At some point, kids will be asked to listen to a lecture and take notes. they will be listening and jotting down notes simultaneously. If it were me and my DS, I'd back him up to WWE2. Yes, WWE2. You said she can do that. Well, let her build confidence such that when it's time for dictation, her stomach doesn't get tight and neither does yours. If the narrations are quite easy for her, work on including more complex sentences in her narrations. Even though she's doing WWE2 for the dictation, you can have her begin to write the first sentence or two of her own narrations down or her full narration if that's too easy. Or skip that part if she's already writing down her narrations in history, literature, and science and cruise through the WWE2 dictations and move right into WWE3. Also, any word I think my Ds will have issue w/ spelling, I have him spell it on the bottom of the page. We go over any spelling rules, etc.
  5. To me, my is answering a "whose" question which is an adjective question. Whose is it? my dad's. Gotta love grammar! Who would have thought there were so many grey areas! :lol:
  6. Yep, there is one, I'll see if I can find it. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=253227&highlight=6th+grade
  7. I checked three websites and they all listed "My dad's car" w/ dad's being a possessive noun. In that case, "my" would be an adjective? I know the camp is split w/ sentence such as "His car was stolen." One camp calls "his" a pronoun possessive adj, another simply as an adjective, and another simply a possessive pronoun. But it is still functioning as an adjective.
  8. You can give him/her the end of year assessment for year 3 and see if DC passes. http://wtm-pdfs.s3.amazonaws.com/wwe/wweevaluations.pdf
  9. You should listen to SWB's MP3s on Elementary Writing as well as Middle Grade writing. I think we are discussing two different things. There is retelling a story in all it's wonderful details. This helps in getting to know how stories are organized. WRiting Tales is based on this (a variation of the progym I believe) and then DC begins to alter the stories and make them their own. There there is a narration/summary. You are picking out the main details. The story would no longer make sense of those details were removed. This is critical. This is the beginning stages of outlining, of finding the main idea and the supporting ideas. I believe SWB mentions that many kids will give long and detailed narrations but can't give a summary. These kids may later become struggling writers b/c their own writing just goes on and on and on with no organization b/c it's all details. WWE1,2 uses mostly fiction. WWE3 begins to use non-fiction (history and science). By the time you're in WWE4, you'll definitely see paragraph structure, main ideas, supporting ideas.
  10. Interesting! If the teacher believes that, why would they give their advanced math students Foerster's? You'll probably get more info at the high school board. :bigear:
  11. Here's the link to the placement test. http://wtm-pdfs.s3.amazonaws.com/wwe/wweevaluations.pdf
  12. I would give them each a placement test. Somewhere on Peacehillpress's website, there is a pdf to download. it is the end of year assessments for WWE1, 2, 3, and 4. I would start with WWE1 assessment and continue until they do not pass satisfactorily. Then I'd start in that level. If you have the Writing Fundamentals book, the assessments are in there as well.
  13. Vigor: physical strength and good health. • effort, energy, and enthusiasm : they set about the new task with vigor. Rigor: the quality of being extremely thorough, exhaustive, or accurate : his analysis is lacking in rigor. • severity or strictness : the full rigor of the law. • ( rigors) demanding, difficult, or extreme conditions : the rigors of a harsh winter. They are not synonyms. I could say, "P90X is a rigorous exercise program." ACK - forgot I have hair color in my hair!
  14. Cool!!!! Thanks! Nothing like holding a book in your hands as opposed to looking at samples on line.
  15. Hello Hive, Have you used the CPO Physics A First course, CPO Foundations of Physical Science, Foundations of Physical Science w/ Earth and Space or Foundations of Physics? Capt Uhura
  16. I deleted my post b/c I decided I wasn't sure about what you were asking. If it is about creative writing, SWB's mom, Jessie Wise, said if she had to do it over again (Her MP3) that she would not worry about creative writing. But I'm not exactly clear on what you're asking about so if you can give more info, I can give my totally naive, never been there but have been thinking about writing for the past year opinion. Ha Ha Ha. Capt Uhura
  17. I totally agree Kuovonne. That stemmed from the K12HO assignment which stated "How did Sumer met the criteria to be considered a civilization?". I think it's too abrupt. But while we won't technically revise it again, we'll discuss it and I'll just copy it and edit as you suggested so he can see the difference w/out making him suffer through coming up with something on his own. Then next week when we do the next one, we'll focus on a strong opening! Thank you so much! Capt Uhura
  18. Thanks Jennifer! I hope others will post similarly. I"m finding that I don't lack for writing curricula:001_huh:. What I lack is the dialogue necessary to utilize that curricula, that knowledge. If you read Julie Bogart's TWJ, much of teaching writing is in that dialogue which can't really be scripted. What I need is examples!
  19. I would download the WWE placement at http://www.peacehillpress.com and see where he places.
  20. Thanks for the heads up. Sorry it happened to you but glad you caught it. This will get easier these days b/c most of my bills are auto bill pay and I only get a notice via email so I might not even open it up for things like telephone which never changes. I do make it a habit to check but I can just see the one month when I don't, something like that happens.
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