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Everything posted by Capt_Uhura

  1. Ester Maria - Would you mind expanding on this in another thread perhaps or a PM if you prefer? I don't know a lot of details about the Finnish outside of what I've read in NYT etc but I'm interested in your thoughts about. I know many think highly of it. I know nothing of Mittel Europen/Medit tradition so if you could expand on that, I'm all :bigear:.
  2. Hey, girlfriend, keep rambling....You're speaking to my heart. I have Corbett's book on deck for the summer. Can you give specifics about what you told your DS about rhetoric and why it's important?
  3. Are you in NY state? She does not have to take the NYS test. She can take the CAT, SAT/10 or the ITBS. But it might be easiest this year to have just take the NYS test and be done with it. Unfortunately, it sounds like your district is going to be a bear to deal with.
  4. Yes, I'm considering having DS take the LNM1 class if he's old enough. It would be nice to out-source something next year.
  5. OH I forgot about that...with only 9 weeks to go, read some history, read some science, read some literature, perhaps give her a math assessment from a few different programs (SM, MM, Saxon) and see where she places....and call it a year.
  6. A few of us encountered an issue w/ the new LLfLOTR. It doesn't seem to be much of an issue since it seems most do not do the fill in the blank portion. And I am not sure if the mistake has been fixed since the new edition came out. In several of the chapters, the page numbers from LOTR does not match was is given in the workbook. So it might say that the sentence is on pg231 and it's really 243. But if you're not doing the fill in the blank, it's a non-issue. I was a bit perturbed that several emails to the author regarding this issue were never returned. So if you intend to use the fill in the blank, I would contact the author to verify this issue has been resolved.
  7. OH YES! Go to http://www.peacehillpress.com and click on audio and purchase SWB's Middle grades writing, Joy of Classical Education, History as Literature, and Literary ANalysis! THat'll take you for about $16 but it's money well spent.
  8. Take a deep breathe. I know the more knowledgable among us will chime in. I'm only in my 3rd year. I have a 5th grader so take what I say w/ a dollup of salt. IF I were in your shoes, I'd focus on what you have listed and not worry about the questions marks (latin, geography, logic, spelling,) for now unless your DD was begging to do it now. I think for most HSing is a transition even if DC is begging to homeschool. I think doing what you have listed, you'll get a feel for where the holes are, how your DC learns best, and what will work and not. You'll be able to assess her writing, spelling, her critical thinking and will then be in a better position to make solid choices for the upcoming year. Capt Uhura
  9. Has anyone taken a class through http://www.latinandclassics online class? http://www.latinandclassics.com/OnlineClasses.html Thanks, Capt Uhura
  10. YOu can learn more about Dr. Gallagher at the Royal Fireworks Press website. http://www.rfwp.com/series90.htm#868 Here's a clip: This is a Problem-Based Learning unit about the Chinese Exclusion Laws in the late 1800s. Designed primarily for high school classes, students investigate how and why the Chinese Exclusion Laws came into being from the vantage point of a Congressman from California trying to decide whether support the Geary Act. The Resource Book, Teacher Manual and Problem Log make up the Unit. Before the unit is over, students are forced to consider what reasonable limits can or should be placed on immigration in a country that urged "bring us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses…" Throughout, students draw powerful parallels to contemporary immigration issues. To understand the background, students investigate why Chinese immigrants first came to America, the rate of Chinese immigration, changing attitudes towards Chinese immigrants, the initial Chinese Exclusion Law and Supreme Court decisions supporting that act. This unit is appropriate for any high school classroom and has elements particularly suited to advanced classes. Excluded! aligns directly to core Social Studies content outlined in the National History standard and integrates the theme Individuals, Groups and Institutions from the curriculum standards of the National Council for the Social Studies. The content is tied to AP US History topics contained in Development of the West in the Late Nineteenth Century and Industrial America in the Late Nineteenth Century. Interdisciplinary study is fostered through data analysis and connections to literature, and a companion volume allows for investigation through primary resources. Complete with story narrative, fully articulated lessons and a Problem Log for student use, Excluded! provides support for teachers new to PBL and a scaffold for experienced PBL teachers.
  11. YEs that's true. I'm trying to talk Dr. Kemnitz out of that so if you have strong concerns, please express them here. I would rather cut some time off the coffee break and lunch and be able to all the talks.
  12. Here is the schedule for the RFWP mini-convention in Valley Forge, PA featuring SWB and MCT. It's a pdf. http://rfwp.com/valley-forge-schedule.pdf If you prefer the original link, click here http://rfwp.com/valley-forge-convention.php and click on the link for schedule.
  13. I think it's great for her first attempt. She spoke in complete sentences! What I did w/ my boys was to read what SWB suggested so they could see what was expected after they had given their narration. Or I would remind them of the questions I posed. I think for some of the exercises, SWB gives you three questions to ask if DC is having trouble with the narration. It's ok to give a question and then append that to the narration. You could have said, "Can you tell me something about the family?" Then have her append that to her narration and say it all over again. But for a first attempt, it's great and I'd just move on.
  14. Yes that's the I have. sadly, the prices were cheaper when I purchased several years ago. There is a place that uses this to teach a class. The class is $275 and you don't even get to keep the kit! I'm a sucker for LEGOs. If the money won't take food off your table and your DC likes LEGOs and engineering, I'd say go for it. I think you could sell it for only slightly less than what you paid for it. You definitely need the worksheets to get all of the science out of the kit unless you're an engineer.
  15. can you provide a link? I have several LEGO ED kits but the names have changed since I bought mine. Where they worth the cost? Well that's debatable lol. LEGOS are well just expensive. Where they worth it? I'd say yes!
  16. Actually, it's Shaun T who made Insanity and his latest, Asylum. But in contrast to Tony's videos, I don't see any "old" folks on Shaun T's videos. Maybe I just missed them. :lol:
  17. :lol: You all have me playing with my calculators. It always amazes how they can be so different. I have the Casio fx-300MS, Ti-30XIIS, and Ti-30XA. The Ti-30XA has a 10(x) (x is superscript) key but it raises 10 to whatever number you put in. The other two the 10(x) key is scientific notation. I don't have the exact Casio mentioned above but between the Casio I have and the Ti-30XIIS, there isn't much difference for 3.7x10(4). For the Casio fx-300MS you hit 3.7 shift 10(x) (on the log button) 4 For the Ti-30XIIs you hit 3.7 2nd EE (on the x(-1) button) 4 or you can hit 3.7 2nd 10(x) (on the log button) 4 ). It appears you don't have to close the parenthesis but I'm not sure if that would mess things up in an actual calculation.
  18. Yep, I usually think in terms of money when discussing negative numbers. If a store lets you run a tab until you get paid, and you take $10 worth of merchandise, you now have -$10. If the next week, you take $20 worth of merchandise, you now have -$10+(-20)=-$30. But if you work a day for the store owner, you don't have to repay the $20 so you have -$10-(-$20)= -$10+20=$-10. Is that what you're asking?
  19. Travel definitely! Well stocked science lab. Very nice telescope. Music lessons. Foreign language tutor.
  20. I was about to post the same thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol::bigear:
  21. CONGRATS! WOW only one question! NLE=National Latin Exam???
  22. We did SWR to about list L. then took a break and did HTTS book 3 for my 5th grader and book 2 for my 2nd grader. Now we are going back to SWR and starting w/ List M.
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