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Everything posted by Capt_Uhura

  1. I'm thinking of you and sending you all the best! Good luck!
  2. I think we were under a gag order! I'm not sure how much we can say about it. I will say that the starting age for WWS is 5th grade. I think there needs to be discussion etc w/ the student in all phases. Sure there will be students who can do it independently just fine but I think many will need parental involvement. I suppose it depends on why you think WWE is teacher intensive? It was pick up and go and required no prep for me. I wouldn't think of it as teacher intensive but perhaps we're not talking about the same thing. yes WWS took time but it was time well spent. DId it take more time than WWE? On some days yes. On other days no. It is written for 4 days/week similar to WWE.
  3. :iagree: I just don't believe in college for all. I'm open to changing my mind but there are jobs out there that don't require a college education to do the job well.
  4. I emailed Don w/ my suggestions and how we all might get our needs met. He seems sincere in accommodating everyone. So things are in the discussion phase. If you have any interest in this and have ideas or just want to say you need a place for discussion regarding using LNM, I would email them at their contact info.
  5. EE has THE BEST customer service I have found. If you get this and try it for a a few weeks, I am almost certain they'd refund your money. I would double check their policy however. But my kit was several years old. They not only let me upgrade it for a nominal fee, but also gave me the newer kit parts I would need as well as a new student manual. A friend has had similar customer service with them. They answered emails very quickly. When my kit didn't get shipped out as they had informed me, they sent an email explaining the delay (all of 2 days, I would have never have known) and then shipped it express mail! As far as the product, we have used the Intermediate level but only got through the first few lessons but I felt it was fine. NExt year we'll "officially" do it, upgrading to the Advanced version and adding in additional reading from CPO Physical Science for Middle School.
  6. I love the double toads!!! Once when we were out and about for nature study, my boys saw two animals. I can't recall what type of animal. My younger son says, "What are they doing?" My oldest, who was about 6yrs at the time, said, "They are either mating or fighting. Sometimes it's really hard to tell." :lol:
  7. Hello Hive, I know we've had some discussion about LNM of late. I really like the looks of this curricula. I was notified today by Ms. Bolchazy that the LNM teacher's lounge will no longer be open to homeschoolers. THere has been complaints by the teachers regarding the homeschoolers and fears that their test bank will be compromised. It seems the web page has been changed to reflect this new policy. I don't know if this will alter your plans to use this curriculum but I felt you should be informed before purchasing. Capt Uhura
  8. OH MY can I steal that????????????????? WOnderful! This thread just warms my heart! Capt Uhura
  9. Thanks for the heads up! I missed that! It's perfect for my DD.
  10. We're using K12 Human Odyssey. We will be outlining from that as well as the World in Ancient Times. I'm playing it by ear as far as the order. Sadly, I'm still in the Try It Before You Buy it stage w/ History Odyssey. IT doesn't match up perfectly but good enough. We're mostly reading Human ODyssey as written but will need to re-read sections at time to correlate w/ History Odyssey.
  11. Here's my understanding. You use something like Kingfisher Encyclopedia for your "just the facts." These are put on your timeline. If there is a famous battle, or person or invention, you write a summary sentence or two and put in the relevant section of your history notebook. Then DC finds something interesting from the pages in Kingfisher to research. For example, you use World in Ancient Times book on China to further research textiles. DC would outline a few pages on textiles. You begin to rewrite from that outline and write a summary of what he learned. My 2nd grader is using SOTW so my 5th grader is listening to it again with us. He doesn't do anything else with it. Some folks get their feet wet w/ the History Odyssey level 2. You can download the try it before you buy it which gets you about 8 weeks of material. It's not as open as WTM method ie DC doesn't choose what to research it tells you to write a summary paragraph about Hammurabi, for example. It also has you outlining Kingfisher but I find Kingfisher difficult to outline since it's already distilled down to the important facts.
  12. No further info on when the pre-alg1 will be ready but I'll be one of the first 50 to order it. :001_smile:
  13. I've only been reading through AoPs but I found the explanations were in depth and very clear. In fact, the author says if your child has trouble with this, you can do the explanations first and then the problems and it would work just fine.
  14. Ok, after the downward spiral of the diamond earring thread and the HSer over hearing someone at the convention talking about the negative impact of black HSers on the HS community.....I really needed a nice, positive, uplifting thread to post on. thank you! And CONGRATS!!! ENJOY!
  15. While I'm quoting you, this is not just directed at you but this thread has been bugging me all day. :001_smile: But I think the OP's point and many others, is that you are exactly right. It's the thought that counts and the OP felt that this gift was THOUGHTLESS. She does not have pierced ears nor has she said that she expressed a desire to have her ears pierced. It's like your DH brining home dog food for a dog you don't own. What if I have a prosthetic leg and my mobility is decreased but DH buys me a rock climbing vacation? Would I be happy w/ that and think it was the thought that counts? Ah nope. I think it's sad that the OP obviously wanted some commiseration and not to be judged or called evil by so many for having very human feelings. There I said it. I'm sure I'll be stung by the hive.
  16. We have had only minor issues w/ our Macs and we own several. Prior issues were faulty power cord on a laptop which was replaced by Apple out of warranty. We had one minor issue w/ something which I can't recall, but took it to the Apple store and it was fixed promptly. We never have issues w/ viruses. My friend's w/ PCs are plagued w/ viruses. I can't speak to the faster but I love my macs. I'd probably love my PCs as well but nope, no big issues w/ Macs. Sometimes there are software issues when upgrading the software but I hear PCs have similar issues. All of a sudden your fav software no longer works w/ the new OS but eventually the programs get up to speed and issue a patch.
  17. It's going to take me awhile to get over the shock of that statement. Maybe I'll be able to think straight in a moment once I stop banging my head against a brick wall.:cursing::banghead::mad::angry::(:sad: Your post just brought tears to my eyes. I can't even post anything right now. I'm sorry.
  18. Sigh....might as well push the buy button on Amazon.... resistance is futile...... Capt Uhura
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