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Everything posted by Capt_Uhura

  1. Hugs...same thing happened to me Christmas before last. I thought, "WOW you really don't know me well at all, do you?" Those weren't diamonds but very beautiful. I do wear earrings everyday, but I wear my gold studs he had bought me a few years ago and I recall telling him that I was good for jewelry for another 20years. So why a new set? :001_huh: But he works ALOT and had no time for shopping and I'm positive it was an impulse buy. Men! OH no, I just read a post saying you were attacked about your post???? If so, I'm so sorry. I totally get what you were saying.
  2. thank you! I was on the right track! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! But figured I must be on the wrong track lol. I'll finish it later and then compare to what you've done. Thanks again, Capt Uhura
  3. That book looks interesting! I wonder how much it overlaps with Killgallon? It seems it goes further however.
  4. HELP! I'm having a brain fart. Please someone work that out with bar diagrams from me! I'm currently working through SM CWP 5 challenging problems only. :001_huh:
  5. I am *reading* AoPS Intro to Alg1 right now. I realize reading it is different from *doing* it, however, I AM IN LOVE! Granted, I'm coming from the aspect of already knowing Algebra so that's different from a student doing it, but I feel like I'm having a conversation with someone when I'm reading it. I have Foerster's and NEM1 and I don't think I felt the love that do when I read AoPS. I have more reading to do today of similar content but so far, I'm leaning strongly towards AoPS for my DS. I think it will fit him nicely.
  6. This is what I was getting at. I'm in the process of reassessing my belief that alg1 for ALL (not talking about the higher-end kids) is not a good thing. That there is a certain level of maturity required that many kids don't reach until high school. This is not from any experience I have, just from some limited reading. I watch for readiness skills as well for math, similar to how I watch for those skills for teaching reading. But since PS is based on age, that's what we have to go on. My DS will be doing AoPS intro to Alg1 as a 7th grader. He'll be more than ready but I think there are some things in MM6A/6B we should cover as well as do some Problem Solving books (Zaccaro etc) and finish up Rightstart Geometric Approach. Anyhow, I've read of several math teachers complaining that Alg1 has been dumbed down significantly so that everyone can take it in 8th grade....it made me question whether alg1 for all in 8th grade was a good idea. But I'm concluding that it's not a developmental window (generally speaking) but rather a poor foundation in elementary school. I just didn't realize that so many schools already had alg1 in 8th grade as a standard.
  7. You all have me excited to take Calculus again! What texts would you recommend? OH I'm sure AoPS must have something. I'm totally enthralled w/ the AoPS intro to alg1 text right now.
  8. Becky - Thank you for the links! I've emailed a teacher friend to see what she knows about our district changing to this system. I've not heard anything about it!
  9. Interesting! So it seems from this small sample size that Alg1 in 8th is already pretty standard. I feel like I've been living under a rock! So perhaps the issue that HSers have is not one of maturity, but access to higher math classes. If, as a HSer, you do alg1 in 8th, geo/trig in 9th, alg2 in 10th, pre-calc in 11th, and calc in 12th....and doubling up somewhere to do a stats/probability course, many HSers would be faced w/ going to CC for these advanced courses? And if you start the sequence in 7th grade, you'd run out of math courses that are easily self-taught. Don't you need 4 high school credits in math for college entrance?
  10. If I knew that, I certainly forgot it! Thanks for the info! I remember enjoying calculus but I didn't take it until college.
  11. i just made that choice. I even had to give up my dreams of a homeschool room. But to get the homeschool room, I would have been locked into a subdivision surrounded by houses. It did have a nice wooded area off the back. Instead, I chose the smaller house on 3.5acres in an older neighborhood with nothing but park land/forest behind us for miles. And the house is set far back from the road so I feel isolated but I'm only 5min from my grocery store! Just saw your update. HHmm. We left 1200sq.ft. (3 kids) b/c I needed space to get away from the kids. Our choice was between 2400sq.ft and almost 3000 sq.ft. We chose the 2400sq.ft w/ no HS room. We are finishing the basement to give us the extra bedroom that is needed for when we have house guests. I think you have to consider if being in 1000sq.ft. will drive you insane. My kids are loud. I'm very sensitive to noise. Once the basement is finished, they can play down there and I can go upstairs and have some quiet time to regroup. I'm MUCH less stressed here b/c I can find that space. After reading your post, I'd have to go w/ the larger house w/ no yard but I had already voted for the smaller house, not knowing how small it was. However, some folks are entirely happy in 1000 sq.ft! You have to decide if you are one of those. I'm very sensitive to noise and really wanted my own space that was quiet. Also, I had a terrible time sleeping in our other house due to traffic and road noise. That was a large part of my decision. It's so quiet here, I can hear the owls at night. What a sweet way to fall asleep.
  12. Every day. The kids are required to make their beds as well. It bugs me to see a bed unmade. :001_huh: I can't even exercise in the AM before making the bed.
  13. Yes! THat's what I was thinking but not articulately clearly....in a rush as usual. By giving concepts through late elementary and middle school, you can keep interest high but not spending years in pre-algebra, while also introducing topics as the students are ready for them. I completely agree about the readiness to write down steps. I'm fighting that battle right now w/ my DS. Just the other day he worked a problem which I assumed he had wrong since he had no work, he did it all in his head. I wrote it out step by step to show him and I got the same answer as he did. He said, "yes, that's what I did but I just do it in my head." :001_huh: BUT BUT I do feel he'd be quicker if he wrote it down b/c he wouldn't lose calculations in his head and then have to start over or wouldn't lose it b/c of the slightest background noise.
  14. I actually think I like that system better! My friend said that other countries taught alg1 in 8th so I was looking for data on that but it appears that is not entirely accurate. So this developmental/maturity readiness that I read about for algebra is false....and it's really a poor foundational skills.
  15. My son finished RS E last year. He went right into RS Geo approach and it has worked well for him. He needed more work w/ fractions, factoring, division w/ decimals however. Many go into SM level 5 or MM level 5 after RS E to pick up those topics. The geometry will all be review but review is good some times. The first 1/3 of RS Geo is in SM level 6. Another option *might* be AoPS new pre-algebra course coming out in the Fall. The big question is how much will it overlap w/ SM/MM level6. MM is a good fit I think after RS b/c it has a bit of that discovery flavor of RS. It presents things and then asks DC if he noticed the pattern ie standard algorithm. If not, it goes on to spell it out.
  16. On Myth Busters, they did the "whose mouth is cleaner? Yours or your dogs!"
  17. Hello Hive Highschoolers, I was just looking at the course sequence for the kids featured in the 2Million Minutes documentary. The Indian and Chinese students have math, chem, physics, biology every year of high school. Well, the Chinese students were a bit different but still covering at least 2 sciences each year. Here in the US we are still on a chem one year, physics the next, then biology, then science of choice. Has there been a discussion on this board comparing these two approaches? If so, could you please post a link for me? Thanks, Capt Uhura
  18. HHmm that's an interesting point. I spoke w/ a teacher in a nearby district. She said what ends up happening is that the students are ill-prepared for Alg1. So the first half the year is pre-alg1, the 2nd half if Alg1. Then when they take Alg2, they have to cover all the missing content from Alg1. So while they graduate w/ completion of Alg2 on their transcript, it's not Alg2-worth of content.
  19. You guys certainly aren't helping in my comparison! :lol:
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