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Everything posted by Capt_Uhura

  1. I use the workbooks. My 5th grader did HTTS workbook 3 this year and my 2nd grader did HTTS workbook 2. We had completed to about list L in SWR with my 5th grader in the past so he was familiar w/ all the phonograms and the spelling rules. I used HTTS workbooks as a refresher and a focused look at each rule. We'll be returning to SWR continuing from List M and then do HTTS workbook 4 for my then-6th grader and 3 for my then-3rd grader.
  2. I will be doing Druidawn with my DS10 (will be 11 in the summer) and DSalmost8. It's not a writing curriculum but a fun way to get boys writing. You could easily cover descriptive writing and expository writing by playing Druidawn.
  3. I had the same issue at first but my oldest loved to the edit sentences. We discussed grammar and laughed at how the writer's obviously didn't think young kids could handle grammar. It didn't phase him at all. It was the same with my middle child.
  4. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: What do you think if causing the numb foot? My foot becomes numb while running. I had it checked out many years ago and was told I have compartment syndrome. The fascia that surrounds my calf muscle is too tight. Once the muscle becomes engorged with blood, it constricts blood flow to my foot as well as nerve impulses. I could have surgery to fix it but never have. I find if I stay under a certain speed, my foot does ok but I have to occasionally stop to let blood flow into my foot.
  5. I'm sorry that happened to you. THat woman obviously has a huge block on her shoulder. My son's classmate asked him why his mom is brown (my son isn't brown). I just laughed. I thought it was so cute. My son replied, "I don't know. She just is and always has been brown." They were 4.5yrs old at the time. :lol: When he was 2.5-3yrs old he said that he tastes like vanilla and I taste like chocolate! :D I don't find "negro" offensive...outdated, but not offensive. I don't use the word "nigger" but family members down south do use it in normal conversation. I should ask if they still do....they did 15yrs ago when I lived at home. Example: "Hey cuz, do you want to go sky diving with me?" "Nigga please, you wouldn't catch me jumping out of a perfectly good airplane."
  6. I used it with my two boys and am now using it w/ my DD. It's cheap and it got the job done effortlessly.
  7. Thank you everyone for taking the time to post. It has been very helpful!!! We've been swamped this week w/ annual assessments, gone all day several days but I will get to posting mine this weekend.
  8. Yep, I had the same conversation with my DC. Not sure if I would actually do it, but they don't know that. ;)
  9. In our district, DS would get in the bus at 8:30am and would get off the bus at 4pm. He would then have about 1-2hrs of homework each night. In a neighboring district, over every. single. break. her same-grade DS has a report to write, assigned books to read or project to do...even over Christmas break. We do nothing over that time but enjoy family. I include everything in the times I give. I think of it as time spent learning so unless it's absolute free play, I count it. So I count their reading time, read aloud time, PE, 2hr nature hike. So now that it is spring, you'll often find DS at the table finishing up some work at 8pm b/c we spent 3-4hrs outdoors. It's not an excuse not to get regular work completed....we simply shift the schedule around to enjoy the nice weather while we have it.
  10. SWB posted a schedule for WWS on the Logic Stage Forum. It is due out sometime in the fall. She will make the beginning parts available for those wanting to start earlier. It will be available as pdf earlier than in print form.
  11. Thanks Lori D! I'm putting yours and Swimmermom's comments in my Writing file!
  12. I was also curious about using WttW secularly so I value your input Swimmermom. Thanks Lori D - you are a wealth of information on this board and I sincerely thank you for sharing your thoughts, opinions, and ideas. :cheers2: (I wanted to give flowers but I didn't see a flower smiley). With what age/grade would you use WttW?
  13. I don't know anything about WttW. There is a cheap product titled Teaching the Essay. It's by the company that produces Analytical Grammar. I have not used this product or have seen it. Stacy in NJ posted that a more accurate name for this product is "Teaching the Literary Essay. It focuses on reading a short story and developing a literary essay from it. IT's a good short introduction to responding to literature for an older student (7th grade+)." If you want more info, you can try PMing Stacy in NJ. Capt Uhura
  14. I signed up for the Classical teacher and catalogue. I see some back issues. Is there no way to view the current issue online so I can know what you all are talking about? :lol:
  15. I have one of those too!!!! Drives me insane. I am a sit down and get it done person. My son fiddles w/ his legos, stops to tell his brother something, goes to the restroom, gets a drink of water, gets a snack, drops his pencil, notices a bird building a nest outside the window, wants to know what kind of bird, we stop to look it up in our bird book..... That's why instead of posting # of hours, I wish people would post a day in the life....but I know that takes time and we are all short on time. I wonder how folks can get it all done in 3-4hrs for a 5th-6th grader. We spend about 40-60min on a read aloud, that would leave 2-3hrs. Math alone takes 30-60min depending on the day. That would leave 1-2hrs to do language arts, history, logic, reading. It takes us an hour just for language arts. It'll take 10min to do MCT Practice Town and have a discussion about it w/ both boys. It takes another 5min for DS10 to do a Daily Edit and check his work. Then if we do a writing assignment, that could take an 30min. Then another 15min for Sentence Composing. that's an hour. Then add in the time it takes for DD4 to ask DS10 a question and for him to answer. Then for history, time to do the reading, time to do the outlining and discuss as we go. Both boys like discussing and relating to other things such as Civilizations Game etc so lots of little bunny trails. Then add in stopping to get snack for DD, set her up w/ playdoh, read her a story, handle her tantrum, run after DS7 who has finished his work and snuck upstairs..... we are doing something from 9am-4pm with about 1-1.5hr for lunch and several small breaks. But if I were to set a timer and figure out actual focused, on task time, it's probably more like 3hrs....so I guess we're on the public school schedule. :lol: And then there is the matter of what folks are including in those hours. I see folks say their DC do 3hrs/day but then later find that that doesn't include independent reading, PE, etc. Now when I only have 1 kid for some reason (illness usually), we are done so much quicker and get more done b/c of less distractions and the one kid staying on task longer.
  16. It does sound intriguing. If you purchase it, will you report back as to what you think? The boys have read Gilgamesh the Hero and we did a quick lit study of it but they likely wouldn't mind a bit more discussion of it.
  17. I can't get to the Lost Son of Sumeria ebook. It takes me to a weird webpage. Here's one we read. It's very short. http://www.amazon.com/City-Rainbows-Tale-Ancient-Sumer/dp/0924171707/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1303993455&sr=8-1
  18. I'm glad you've found some info that may help you in dealing with her.
  19. I am teaching my DC cursive. When they were babies, I kept journals for them written in cursive. I'd like for them to be able to read them one day. And perhaps it will be additional income - translating documents from cursive to type for all the people who can no longer read cursive. :D
  20. Here is a link to a NYT article on the Death of Cursive. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/28/us/28cursive.html?emc=tnt&tntemail1=y You can make multiple selections of it differs for each DC.
  21. OH Shari, I'm so sorry. Just imagine if you had been a child, at face level w/ the dog. The bite could have been fatal for a small child. I have no advice but agree to have photos taken and be sure to bring any witnesses with you.
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