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Everything posted by Capt_Uhura

  1. We just do it every day. I just turn the page and do the next thing. If it's a writing day, then I might do a narration in WWE rather than a long dictation.
  2. While we haven't yet completed EE, I have to give an overwhelming endorsement to the company. Their customer service is the BEST of any I've seen, HS market or otherwise. They, for free, sent me new parts for my kit which I had purchased years ago, before we were even HSing but never had time to complete. For free, he sent me a new car when I offered to pay for it so DS8 could build it w/ the newer software since DS11 had already built the car. Then I realized I had bought the upgrade kit to go to advanced for DS11 and since I don't want them to share, I needed to buy a new supplies only kit for DS8. Well, in the box for DS8, John included 3 kits, for free, w/out my asking....anticipating our needs, that they had changed slightly since I bought the original EE intermediate kit since the advanced upgrade still uses the kits from the intermediate kit. That's customer service! So, I'm writing this to emphasize that if you have any issues, drop them an email. Hopefully by years end, I'll be singing the praises about the science. :001_smile:
  3. The teacher manual is fine. We had no problems with only using the teacher's manual.
  4. Chez J - that's a wonderful idea! If you care to share the examples you find, I'd be more than happy to take them. :lol:
  5. OhElizabeth....Now that you mention that, I did check out one of those from the library!!! THanks for putting it on my radar again.
  6. Make sure it's the 2nd edition. THere is quite a bit of new material compared to the first edition.
  7. Kfamily - I wonder if your DD would like Image Grammar 2nd edition? I"m really enjoying reading it. The language, from quality literature, is just beautiful. OHElizabeth - I'd love to have a link to those essays that Janice in NJ gave you. Pretty please??????? And can you please tell me more about Writer's Inc? What is it exactly? Is it the handbook you are referring to or the curriculum?
  8. Take a look at this thread http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=306456
  9. SWB had commented that if you're using WWE (and I would assume she would extend that to WWS), then your history/science notebooks will be much smaller. What you can do, on the week the WWS assignment is to outline history, have your DD do it w/ her history instead. If it's a week where the details are given, you find the details and have DD pick what's relevant to what she wants to address and rewrite. Otherwise, I know for my son, a 6th grader, it would be a lot. I would look at the WTM2009 guidelines. I meant to do that as well. In it, I believe she gives guidelines for how much outlining each week. If it's 2/week and you're doing 1 outline w/ WWS, you can do another in science or history. Those are just my thoughts...we'll be starting WWS next week. We did the Beta test last year.
  10. ALL doesn't assume any prior grammar instruction, I do believe. Someone correct me if I am wrong. It certainly won't kill them to do some FLL4 since you've already bought it. But, if you hadn't already bought it, I would say go right into ALL. Since all of ALL isn't out yet, you can go through FLL4 quickly until comes out.
  11. Pam - Don't feel alone. I'm doing my planning right now. Most have started school already!! Our district starts 9/6. Dh is having surgery 9/7. The inlaws were supposed to take the kids away for a week so I could have alone time, get my planning done, organize HS stuff but the storm canceled everything. I just feel like everything is not the way it's supposed to be lol but we'll get there....Hang in there!
  12. Well, if it's words he's not likely to encounter in his own reading and is not likely to use in his own writing, I wouldn't worry about it. I would discuss how to figure out what a word means in context, then check a dictionary and see if you are correct. Look for some synonyms and move on. I'll be :bigear: for what others have to say about this.
  13. :iagree: about not taking away TV and computer. At these ages, I think it's better to teach self-regulation. After all, when they are adults, there won't be anyone around to take away bad things. Help them to decide how much TV/computer is Ok each day and still get their work done. It may be computer/TV only after 5pm or only on weekends or only in the AM.
  14. Check out this link - it's already planned out for you! :001_smile: http://quarksandquirks.wordpress.com/biology-hs-level/
  15. Actions speak louder than words. Tell your son you spoke to him out of your anger and frustration at YOURSELF. Tell him you're seeking help to your family issues. Tell him that you love him but more importantly, show him that you love him. Do you have something special you do w/ just him? A walk everyday to talk? Trip to the ice cream parlor on weekends? Go see a movie? Enjoy a book that he's reading...just enjoy it and talk about it...no matter what level the book is on. I'm sure the other posters here can help you w/ the educational issues but if you suspect LD's, I'd have him tested ASAP.
  16. LOL I'd have to check the pdf. Originally it was WWS5 b/c it was level 5 in the series WWE1-4, WWS5-8. Maybe that has changed. At any rate, I'm referring to the FIRST book in the WWS series which will be available in the fall 2011. :lol:
  17. We just started at the beginning and worked through it. For some of the pages where you match one half with another half, I had DS do it orally. Later in the book I started typing those out (half the page) and have him type up the other half so that in copying and pasting the halves together, he also had to insert proper punctuation. It was also a way to get him to work on his typing skills. So some days he might do two assignments b/c they were quick.
  18. Matroyskha - I didn't know it was shipping already!!!! IT's on my list. Thanks for the info.
  19. Just google diagramming and you'll find online sites. http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/diagrams2/one_pager1.htm
  20. Swimmermom - Do you have links for the PBS shows? Capt Uhura
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