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Everything posted by Capt_Uhura

  1. Ok, thanks for your comments. :lol: BIL has volunteered to cook dinner so I'm snuggling up to DH on the couch while he watches TV, he's not feeling well, and I'll read through AoPS pre-alg. Now isn't that romantic! :lol:
  2. Thanks for the review Alessandra! I'm going to try to get my DS to read some of it this weekend. W/ AoPS Intro to Alg1, I felt like the author was talking to me. It had a living book feel to me whereas others I have are definitely textbooks. My DS very much likes to discover things on his own, often makes huge conceptual leaps, hates incremental instruction, etc. I'm hoping this reignites his passion for math b/c he is good at it. RS math worked well for him. I hope this will be the same.
  3. That schedule is worth the wait! IT's simply beautiful! :001_smile:
  4. OH no Jackie, that stinks! My son hates MM w/ a passion. It ruins our whole day. If he's able to do AoPS pre-alg and enjoys it more, I'm fine w/ skipping most of MM6A/6B. Math is just such a pain in my *(&*(^(*^& with this kid. I think he only missed 1-2 on the pre-test and I didn't read where you're supposed to give them a second chance. If AoPS proves too difficult, I'm fine w/ moving back to MM6A/6B and saving it for next year. Unless of course my reading through both of them this weekend puts me on a different path.
  5. That's why I needed it to arrive today....to make that decision. He hasn't finished MM6a/6b. Based on the TOC from AoPS and MM, it seems they cover the same material. I think 8filltheheart commented that doing a math program that totally overlaps w/ AoPS, negates the beauty of the discovery aspect of AoPS. I need this weekend to read through AoPS pre-alg and MM6A/6B. It's also like pulling teeth to get my son to do MM so I'm hoping he likes the narrative style and living book feel of AoPS.
  6. Don't tempt me. My boys IHIP (individualized instruction plan) is due in the district office on Monday so I have to make some headway on that before I'll let myself open these books. I did un-box it to make sure it was ok. :D
  7. OH I JUST CHECKED MY MAIL - IT"S HEREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ok, what does this say about us? :lol:
  8. Sillines7 - Thank you for your thought-provoking post! Why are you afraid of Kon-Tiki?
  9. Julie Bogart is now writing programs to make WJ more open and go, I think. the first one is now available. It is called The Wand and is your young kids. She is also working on a program for later elementary. I'll have to look for the email she sent out describing the products but you can now download samples of the Wand at her website.
  10. ANyone scheduled for Saturday delivery? I think it'll be Monday here as well.
  11. Thanks for the heads up! I've looked at a couple of primary source books and they both had content in it that I don't want my kids exposed to yet.
  12. I've looked at the Concise one but it didn't do anything for me. We have the Visual Guide but so far haven't used it yet for much.
  13. I think that's why it's important to know the function of a preposition rather than memorize them. The elevator went down. (down is an adverb modifying the verb went, answering the adverb question "where") The cat went down the tree. (down is a preposition, linking the cat and tree in direction). Prepositions tell how two words in a sentence are related in space (above, below, on, behind), time (before, after, during) or direction (toward, from, to).
  14. My order left San Diego facility at 9:05pm on Aug, 11.
  15. No, it actually wasn't like pulling teeth. Math is usually like pulling teeth.
  16. Ok to be totally trivial.....let's see who gets theirs first! :D
  17. Sounds wonderful Sadonna! Now if I just had a cooperative student, I could probably get all of that done. :glare:
  18. That was my goal for the summer....to replicate Swimmermom's beautiful Ancients schedule for MIddle Ages but ala....life interfered. I think Luckymama was working on one but I think life got in her way as well. We're not doing w/ Ancients yet. I'm going to try and compress it into a few months so we can move into Middle Ages mid-year. I hope to start on a schedule next week when the kids are at all-day sports camp.
  19. I think the CPO Investigations manual which is free online had practice problems as well as an explanation for doing dimensional analysis.
  20. I doubt ALL will be available in 5 weeks. My impression it will be closer to Nov or Dec for ALL.
  21. Scrapbabe - Do report back about the class!!!! DS has soccer during that time so we are unable to enroll.
  22. ORdered mine. And I had just checked a few hours ago and there was nothing there! Thanks for the heads up! Now to start stalking the mailman (well, she' a woman but mail woman is just too many syllables).
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