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Everything posted by Capt_Uhura

  1. SWB - Which Oxford Guide are you referring to? http://www.amazon.com/Oxford-Essential-Writing-Resource-Library/dp/0425176401/ref=ntt_at_ep_dpt_1 or http://www.amazon.com/New-Oxford-Guide-Writing/dp/0195090594/ref=ntt_at_ep_dpt_2 Thanks, Capt Uhura
  2. Sadly, she didn't bring her knives or sticks with her! She can definitely take me down in a dark alley. :001_smile::lol:
  3. I'm on vacation and met up w/ LG Gone Wild for the day and her three kids. She is so beautiful, outside and inside! We were instant friends! Her kids are such dear, sweethearts. They kept me entertained with their knowledge of the zoo and all the animals. THey were very patient with seeing the things my kids wanted to see. It was hard to leave but DD4 was getting pretty tired. In fact, she was asleep within 2min of being in the car!!! Just had to share.... :001_smile: Capt Uhura
  4. I thought negative numbers were not covered in the US SM edition? I thought it wasn't covered until the beginning of NEM.
  5. I'm impressed! You go girl! I need to some self-educating for logic as well.
  6. Ok I think I got it. BUy the 1st edition of the text...either whole or in two volumes and buy vol1 and vol2 workbooks 2nd edition (not the 1st edition workbooks). THanks! Capt Uhura
  7. I'm wondering the same thing but he says he actually likes this math program and he doesn't balk, cry, moan, writhe on the floor when I say it's math time.
  8. oh whew, I almost fell over. Some books say Vol1 and VOl2 and others do not. I'm assuming you can buy the book either whole or in two parts? For ex: Vol 1 says chs 1-16.
  9. Is this it? Scroll to the bottom where it says "Research Paper" http://www.welltrainedmind.com/article-index/
  10. Is this the book you all are referring to? http://www.amazon.com/College-Physics-Strategic-Approach-Workbooks/dp/0321602285/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1316821789&sr=8-1
  11. When I log into my Alcumus, it doesn't give me the option of selecting only the prealgebra book. When my son logged in, the option was there for him.
  12. I know. If you have WWS, read through the section on using a thesaurus. Or go to google books and google Roget's Thesaurus and then think of a word and search for it. It's grouped according to themes. It's odd at first but I think I see how it might work. I'm sure your library has one as well.

  13. I did buy the Synonym Finder as well as Roget's International 7th edition since it is what SWB recommended in WWS. We will definitely get use out of it. It was a bit of shock as expected it to be in alphabetical order. Ha Ha Ha. We have used the Synonym finder as well. Neither were very expensive through amazon so I don't regret buying either of them.

  14. I'm trying to think of how to implement WTM vocabulary. I had initially thought of a composition book arrange alphabetically. But I nixed that idea b/c it would be too hard to find the words he had added that week. So then I switched to a composition book in order the words are put in. But then I had the thought of index cards so that at any point, he could arrange them any way he wants. Any thoughts?
  15. There was a thread a few months back here at the logic stage forum about those.
  16. Great! I was just on there last night and didn't see it.
  17. OH what a wonderful day!!! I'll be sending my kids to your house!!!! They can rotate between your house, 8filltheart, Swimmermom, Correllano, and Karen's houses. I know that's not punctuated correctly but I'm too tired to think.
  18. Ok fess up, what chemistry text are you using? :001_smile: Thanks for the info, it was extremely helpful. Capt Uhura
  19. Hello Hive, What grade is Conceptual Chemistry ISBN 978-0-8053-0579-1 intended for? I seem to recall some confusion but perhaps that was for Conceptual PHysics. Let me rephrase my question....what grade level do HSers use this book for? Thanks, Capt Uhura
  20. Satori, thanks for the vocab.com link. That will be fantastic to go along w/ the books.google.com work in WWS!
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