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Mary in VA

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Everything posted by Mary in VA

  1. Me too! I love curly hair; mine is stick straight. OT but does anyone know how Nest of 3 is? I haven't seen her on here for ages.
  2. Praying for you and Toby! Hoping to hear good news from you soon! :grouphug: :grouphug:
  3. I was so disappointed Emma Thompson didn't get an Academy Award nomination for her performance. I thought she was wonderful!
  4. I weaned my oldest at 20 months. My dh put her to bed and she never even asked. She knew Dad couldn't provide what she wanted. :001_smile: The other times I would just cuddle her on my lap and offer her juice and cheerios. She really wasn't nursing for nutrition any more; she just wanted the cuddling. Within a week she was done.
  5. I totally agree. These are not the people I would want discussing any "problems" my dd or her friends had. They need to stick with the program as established.
  6. My 23 yo dd and I watched it. She was 3 during those Olympics and I remember her watching the skating and saying, "How do they do that?" She didn't know about the story exactly but did know Tonya Harding did something bad. She said after watching the show that she had no idea of the magnitude. SHe just thought she'd tripped Nancy or something like that. We think Tonya did nothing to rehabilitate her reputation by doing the interview. She came across as whiney with a victim mentality. Not likable at all. Nancy Kerrigan came across as a class act and nothing like the "ice princess" the media portrayed her as after the attack. What a circus she had been thrust in through no fault of her own! Tonya should be grateful the conspirators were such bumbling idiots or she could be in prison for murder. We totally think she was involved from the start. The notes in her handwriting are certainly evidence of that. She was caught in so many lies in the interview alone. I believe her ex-husband changed his name after he got out of jail.
  7. Do you know who you contact to do this?
  8. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Will continue praying.
  9. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/parents-accuse-mass-hospital-locking-daughter-psych-ward-article-1.1609998 This link says her sister has the disease, but doesn't say how old she is.
  10. I didn't read the link, but I've been following it in the news. The even crazier thing is Justina's older sister has the disease too! You would think when nationally recognized specialists in the field say she has a disease that appears to run in her family that they judge would believe them! This an absolutely horrifying case. The family is in my prayers.
  11. Thanks for explaining the location issue Punks. I looked at HSLDA's Canadian site and saw they provide liability insurance for their members. That makes the op make so much more sense! Not that we need to understand it to pray!
  12. Here is a previous threat that discussed it. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/489138-bill-gothard-ati-part-2/?hl=+gothard
  13. :lol: :lol: I was a crazy reader when I was a kid and I can still remember two words I mispronounced in my head every time I read them. Pneumonia- something like Pu-moan-ia. And in one book there was a main character named Geoffrey. I had never seen that spelling before and thought it was Gee-off-rey. I still silently chuckle when I read that name.
  14. Just a point to clarify what you will be asking. When you say "insurance" what do you mean? At the beginning of your post I thought you meant liability insurance, to cover the co-op should anyone be hurt during the classes/meetings. I would think the church where you are meeting would require that and if they don't they are being foolish. Your co-op should have liability insurance. But then you mentioned HSLDA and that is a whole 'nother kettle of fish. I don't want to get into a pro/con discussion about HSLDA and I don't think you do either. Our family was a member of HSLDA when we home-schooled. (kids have graduated) Joining HSLDA isn't insurance. Being a member entitles you to legal advice and representation of the issue homeschooling related things. It is not insurance and organizations don't join HSLDA, people/families do. So you need to know this info when you are speaking up at the meeting. People can join HSLDA on their own, at any time. I don't know why the co-op board should be involved with HSLDA. What is it exactly you want to know from the board? Mary
  15. Both my dds have graduated now, but my oldest, now 23, liked to pull my chain about this when she was in high school. We'd be having a conversation about something, e.g, history and Martin Luther would come up. She's innocently say something about him living in England. I'd start off with a," NO! You know that he was from Germany. I taught you that, remember? Remember he posted the 95 Theses on the door of the church in Wittenberg? Doesn't that sound German?" And then I'd look at her and see a tiny smile and a glint in her eye. :laugh: She'd do that every once in a while and still does on occasion. Mary
  16. I have mild osteoarthritis in my hands, knees and hips. I would take ibuprofen in the morning with breakfast to get myself moving in the morning, but the first joint in the first two fingers on my hands would bother me in spite of that. The doctor gave me a prescription NSAID-diclofenac sodium, 75 mg. It is time released, so I only have to take one a day. It has made a huge difference and I have little to no pain now. I just take one in the morning and I'm good all day. Since it is time released, I never have any breakthrough pain. Mary
  17. I had mine removed in 1998 and have no digestive issues at all. Of course everyone is different, but I don't think it is a foregone conclusion that if you have no gallbladder you will have issues. In fact, most of the people I know who have had their gallbladders removed have no issues. Mary
  18. Faith, I had a question about this comment from yesterday. This conference was run by R.C. Sproul's ministry and had many renowned speakers. Are you saying the conference itself was about, or from a view point of, Dominion theology? Also, do all the speakers hold to that view? I would run from R.C. Sproul, Jr., Doug Wison, and their buddies, but there are speakers listed for that conference who are well known theologians who I respect and trust. I haven't been able to find anything linking them to Dominion theology, e.g. Alistair Begg, Ravi Zacharias. Thanks, Mary
  19. I am an attorney, though currently on inactive status. My state bar association requires all attorneys practicing within the state to have malpractice insurance. We have to certify every year that we have the insurance or are working in an area that does not require it, ie. government attorney, military attorney, etc. If your state has a similar requirement he would have an ethical violation for not carrying insurance and misrepresenting that to the bar. Also, I believe some bars have funds to compensate clients who have been wronged by state attorneys. My state has one. I am so sorry this has happened to you. I know that the perception is that lawyers protect each other, but the ones that I know want to hold each other to a high standard and are appalled when an attorney acts as yours did. I hate to say that this could take a long while to sort out. I suspect your attorney will not cooperate with the bar investigation. Ultimately that also could be an ethical violation on his part, but it will make it take longer. Mary P.S. You can still sue him for malpractice even if he doesn't have insurance. The money would have to come out of his own pocket, not his insurance. Certainly more painful to him that way!
  20. :grouphug: Praying the Lord would hold your family close and direct your every step. :grouphug:
  21. I hope someone has an answer for this problem. My 23 yo dd has had a pain in her right side, lower down, like where ovarian pain is felt. She has had this since before Christmas. It is a sharp pain, like when you get a stitch in your side when running. She doesn't have it when she sits for a while, but it becomes very uncomfortable when she is walking around. She is a third grade teacher and is one her feet, moving, a most of the day. She says that when it gets very bad it radiates to her back, not around the side, but through her. She has been to the doctor and had both an ultrasound and CT scan (with contrast) which were normal. All her blood work was normal. She is VERY frustrated and feels like the doctor is not taking this seriously. I told her about Dr. Hive and she asked me to put this out there. If anyone has ideas we would greatly appreciate hearing about them. Mary
  22. How old is he? Our dds both got a credit card with a $500 limit when they went to college.
  23. I have a plain, old easy name. But the library's autobot had trouble when calling to tell me my books on hold were ready. My middle name is Victoria. So the machine would say the call was for "Mary (mar-ee) the Fifth last name." Thankfully we now get notice by email. But my husband still calls me Mar-ee the Fifth on occasion. :001_smile:
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