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Everything posted by kiana

  1. Your dd should start giving him gifts that she wants herself :):):)
  2. They also do look at your percentile by intended graduate degree -- for example, 25% intending graduate school in mathematics or physics score an 800 on the quantitative section, whereas in many other fields, less than 1% score that high. For more information, see http://www.ets.org/Media/Tests/GRE/pdf/994994.pdf and scroll down to about page 18.
  3. This is absolutely 100% correct and I second it. This is the mistake that my mother and father made as well. When SO and I finally get our place, the only animals we're getting in year 1 are meat chickens and hens that will be butchered at the end of the year. And a dog :D ETA: Countryside would be my number 1 recommendation for a magazine.
  4. fyi -- the link's typoed, it seems to be www.ucopenaccess.org, for anyone who was interested :)
  5. So C, G, and E-flat walk into a bar. The bartender says "No minors allowed!" So E-flat leaves, and C and G have a fifth between them.
  6. I googled mine and found that I'm an actress and model! Looking at the bikini pics I found I kinda wish I looked like that ;)
  7. There are some virulently negative reviews on Amazon as well, all but one of them complaining of pro-Islam as far as I can see. Most of those seemed to be complaining of insufficiently negative treatment of Islam. The other one said that the reading level was too high for the stated grade.
  8. My homeschooled (since mid-first grade) brother just graduated from there, college of Ag. :D I was also accepted (homeschooled since mid-second grade) but left due to health issues and finished closer to home. He did have a year at a state college first. I had 16 credits from a state college as well. Overall they were pretty friendly to both of us.
  9. Does she want to take Chinese, or have any interest in it? If you decide to do Chinese history instead, Suzanne Strauss Art has some books that look pretty good. http://www.pemblewickpress.com/china.htm
  10. This is good (although some of the fan fic is kinda low-quality, I will no longer buy it but read it at the library), but if you like this you should try SM Stirling's Island in the Sea of Time. The modern island of Nantucket is sent about three thousand years back in time by an unexplained phenomenon, and the rest of the trilogy is them building their world. I bought these books for my brother for Christmas, and my mother and brothers were squabbling over who got to read them first ;) BTW, they meet a few people you might recognize ;)
  11. Jerry Pournelle. One of my all-time favourite books, btw, since I discovered it when I was about 10 I've read two copies to pieces (my brothers helped).
  12. I absolutely agree that she should get "a credit" for her work last year. A thought, however: In some school districts, they still run a two-year version of Algebra 1, with the students getting two credits. The courses are frequently called Algebra 1A and Algebra 1B. Some districts have phased this out or made it only worth one credit. However, since you're the superintendent ... :D In other words, last year could be Algebra 1A and continuing alg this year could be Algebra 1B.
  13. I got sucked into the Honor Harrington series again (science fiction) and read the whole thing before I could stop :/
  14. What do you think a "feminist" thinks, anyway? There's a huge difference between "I'm a feminist, and therefore I think that a woman has the right to hold a job, and not be fired because she might become pregnant, and has the right to not be raped by her husband (both of these passed in in the late 70s), and has the right to own her own property, attend university if she so chooses, and make her own legal decisions", and "I'm a feminist, and therefore I think we need to abolish marriage, and any woman who chooses not to have a high-powered career is a Bad Woman and a weak-minded brainwashed fool."
  15. Ya, ditto. It takes a lot longer to say "do you mind, dear, you're interfering with my ability to drive," plus it's actually very nerve-wracking to be trying to pay attention to the road and trying to listen to someone that you normally wouldn't just tune out.
  16. What Martha said. And also, just so you don't feel TOO bad -- we do this in beginning algebra, we do this in intermediate algebra, and when we get to college algebra, many students still get bogged down. So you're not alone :)
  17. Subtract 1 from the UK year. K is usually 5 (at beginning of school year, varies depending on the state's cutoff), 1 is 6, etc.
  18. Although the captain may be in ultimate charge of the ship, if the engines break down, he tells the engineer to fix them ASAP. He doesn't tell the engineer *how* to fix them. :)
  19. Did she actually complete what one would consider to be a high school program, or was it focused more on life skills etcetera? If she's completed high school, she can say she's a high school graduate. She could quite probably write her own transcript indicating which courses she's taken, if needed. Also see http://www.thsc.org/FAQ/default.asp#gradrequirements
  20. Don't mess around with head injuries. Go to the doctor.
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