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Everything posted by kiana

  1. You're wrong and I'm right, because I SAID SO. Neener Neener Neener. there we go, +1 response :D
  2. Homegrown ones are way too fresh for me to peel easily. I usually age storebought ones a week and homegrown two (in the fridge), and it peels more easily then.
  3. Very happy things are going more smoothly. Best wishes for the future.
  4. http://www.namenerds.com/uucn/advice/nonicks.html names without nicknames :) there may be some you like on there!
  5. I found this list on amazon -- the contents look secular and evolutionary to me. :D http://www.amazon.com/Kindergarten-Prehistory/lm/R3H428HDAPHRET (if it doesn't come through, I found it by searching for kindergarten prehistory)
  6. Let it go, but make sure he knows that's an inappropriate way to talk. At his age, he probably considers it hilarious and will start using it. :glare: With regards to the pop issue, it may help if you suggest that he asks for sprite, 7up, root beer, or some similar caffeine-free pop (that he likes) when offered a soda. If he's out anywhere and ordering off a menu, they'll definitely have one of the above. If it's at his dad's house, they might not, but if he has a liking for it they might start keeping it around. Or they might not. But it's worth a shot.
  7. Was it irradiated or something? That might explain the useby date.
  8. You forgot "learning not to ask questions" and "learning that the teacher is always right, even when they're not" Grumble.
  9. There's always Grigori Perelman :D 40 years old, and the Poincare conjecture! You've got 12 years to go! (P.S. Did you realise your age is a perfect number? :):)
  10. Edited because I was harsher than I really meant to be. I understand that it's upsetting. I further understand that you and he don't like each other. But visitation needs to occur when it's scheduled. Cancelling or rescheduling it for anything other than a grave emergency leads to further acrimonious behaviour, and if it does get to court looks very, very bad to the judge. Trust me on this. Deliberately making him be the one who has to be mean only fuels his anger.
  11. It's not really fair to your ex to put him in the position of having to either say "no, you can't go to the ballgame" or possibly miss time with his son.
  12. If you've thought about part-time enrolling in the future (at HS or something), now sounds like a great time to suggest that (if it's not already allowed), since it looks like the superintendant wants to shake things up. :D
  13. I can't decide between spring and autumn -- I like winter as well, but detest summer.
  14. If he's going to be certified, your best bet is to ask the teacher education department at the university he attends.
  15. We're against the STATE putting up a sign in a courthouse that says, among other things, thou shalt have no other gods before me. If someone wants to rent a billboard and put the ten commandments on it, that's fine. I've seen many religious billboards as well as Victoria's secret billboards.
  16. This thread (and other similars) really make me think of this. http://xkcd.com/386/ :)
  17. I used it myself as a child -- I think that it provided an excellent foundation in algebraic thought processes for when I took "real" algebra later. I am a huge fan of this program :D
  18. Erm, it's not just because they were praying, but because they'd already been told not to -- it says they're facing contempt charges. Contempt of court IS a jailable offense.
  19. Maybe he's measuring protein per calorie rather than protein per serving? Otherwise, no clue!
  20. My Toshiba ran hot, too. It would routinely overheat itself and shut down when I was attempting to run any program that used a significant amount of cpu. At some point it overheated enough to melt the case (though it would still boot after that). After I bought a laptop stand to raise it off the table and pointed a fan at the bottom, it worked better. A component went bad after 4 yrs of near-constant use, and SO was unable to repair it. I shan't buy a Toshiba again. My new laptop is an HP. :D
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