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Everything posted by kiana

  1. Love this book. She has several others, including The Plague and I, a story about when she had tuberculosis. Interesting to read how they treated it.
  2. Taste it and see, but it shouldn't affect it other than being extra sweet.
  3. At my undergrad: Lang gives credit for Freshman Comp, Lit gives credit for Freshman Lit. (I think they're really named 'intro to comp' and 'intro to lit') Credit for English AP varies a bit more by university than Calc ... there isn't as set a curriculum, especially for Literature.
  4. Are you sure that they don't mean "three credits of social studies including two credits of history?" I'd email them and ask before I planned out a course schedule specifically to meet those requirements.
  5. Hot buttered toast with homemade strawberry jam, with the jam and butter dripping through the bread. Mmmmmmmmmm...
  6. I would put her where the CC placement test puts her, or if she has a borderline score, perhaps one below. If she places out of Elementary Alg at the CC, that's an indication that she has a fair grasp on it. Any later Alg course would include review of Alg 1 as a matter of course, as the Alg 1 techniques are used to solve more complicated problems. That said, if your goal is solely improvement on the SAT score, she might be better off working on an SAT prep course focusing on those more specific problems.
  7. The advisor is very much incorrect. Most business schools require a calculus course -- at many, there is a specific calculus course for business and social sciences. This specific calculus course often requires merely college algebra as a prerequisite, and doesn't delve deeply into trig functions.
  8. Board games are nice -- Settlers of Catan is a popular one among college students. Some colleges (CHECK WITH THE DORM) will allow you to have a George Foreman grill in the room. One of my friends has one, and it's super awesome for college students, can make grilled cheese sandwiches, etc. If the college math classes require a specific calculator, that would be a nice gift.
  9. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I really don't think Real Science for Kids is a complete high school chemistry class. I wouldn't do it for 11th grade, at least.
  10. Try and watch from a distance when it's getting close to chicken bedtime, then catch them at night. Also, find something that they think is very yummy. Start feeding it to them in the coop or near it if they won't even go in it to look.
  11. Can you take a train, bus, or car? I'm driving 12.5 hrs for Thanksgiving myself rather than pay the exorbitant rates.
  12. I have read the whole series several times. I like it. Some people don't like it because they say the plot moves too slowly in the middle books. I understand their viewpoint but I still enjoy the books. If he is a huge Tolkien fan he may well enjoy them. I would test it by buying him just the first one or two, and that way if he doesn't like it you aren't out much. If he does like it, then, birthday present for next year solved. :D
  13. If you're talking about Garrison, it's at nolongerquivering.com
  14. It depends (JMO) on whether they're going to college seeking education or going to college seeking a fast-track to big money or going to college because "that's what you do". It depends on whether the college is actively seeking to give them an education or seeking to receive as much tuition as possible through increasing retention by any means possible.
  15. :iagree: My parents had a dysfunctional relationship (that was visible to us) for at least 10 years before their divorce. I wish they'd divorced sooner rather than later. Yet, I also agree with the second half.
  16. Nothing is wrong with your reasoning, you may have erred on your use of the quadratic formula. Common errors could include forgetting that -b is positive if b is negative, that -4ac is negative if a and c are both negative, that 2a is negative if a is negative, or that b^2 is always positive. Without knowing what answers you got, it's impossible to trace further. ETA: Unless I mistyped, you should get 410 +/- 30 sqrt 137, which are about 761 and 59
  17. I haven't seen the movie, but I love love love the books too. :lurk5:
  18. The Sword of the Lady -- SM Stirling. (sci fi) The Boy who was raised as a dog -- Bruce Perry. (psychology/traumatized children) The Gathering Storm -- Brandon Sanderson, with notes from Robert Jordan(fantasy)
  19. Just because a textbook is listed in the AP section of the catalog does not indicate that there is a corresponding exam -- the only AP exams are the ones listed on the College Board's website. The text you found may very well have been intended either for part of AP bio or for a textbook for students who have already surpassed AP bio and wish to do more, but I don't see a Plant Bio exam listed.
  20. I wouldn't take it again. For the reference, my first reaction was like yours, my second was drastic and fortunately I was already *in* the hospital. No more tylenol for me. You have to be really obsessive about checking all the cold meds too. Look for acetaminophen in the ingredients.
  21. Cohen's precalc is an excellent book. I learned precalc from a first edition and at my current university we use the latest edition. You should at least be able to buy the student solutions manual, which would help with the odd problems; many even problems are immediately followed or preceded by an odd problem which is quite similar.
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