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Everything posted by kiana

  1. Whatever you use, make sure she takes the placement tests. It's better to do a quick run-through algebra to make sure she actually understands it than to try and learn algebra 1 and 2 at the same time. That being said and given your situation, I'd look at teaching textbooks.
  2. Thanks for saving me typing time by saying what I was going to say :D
  3. I really don't think anyone was saying "Don't let your dd go to be a teacher." but rather "Don't let her take out those kind of loans to be a teacher -- she needs to find a cheaper option if she can't get merit aid." That's certainly what *I* meant -- there's nothing wrong with teaching as a profession and it's a necessary and valuable profession. But starting out life 160k-200k in debt is going to consume a huge chunk of salary for many years.
  4. Yep. Actually, watching the spread of it is very interesting. A random mutation usually doesn't spread that widely unless it conveys some survival benefit (like sickle-cell in Africa actually protects against malaria in the heterozygous condition -- enough benefit that there's a strong selection for it genetically.)
  5. Oh, also, make sure he brings the potatoes in a regulation-size casserole. (Just kidding ... but I couldn't pass that up) :)
  6. I've always been super-picky about clothes myself -- I went to college near St. Paul, Minnesota, and wore shorts every day, year round, because they were the only pants I felt comfortable in. Drove my mother nuts. :)
  7. That's an awfully high $ per year for teaching. If you (the parents) have the money to spend, that's up to you, but if it requires loans that she'll have to pay back I'd say it's absolutely not worth it. If merit aid's in the question, go for it. See what you get. If not, she should be able to find a school for a lot less than that, even if it means living at home. Many college kids are dead-set against the idea. When they look at the costs, at mom/dad saying "Here's what I can afford" and at how long it'd take to repay loans, it may seem more reasonable.
  8. 1) See if they'll make them ahead of time. 2) Prepare your own with a slightly different recipe. 3) If they'll get offended by this, do some other starches so that eating can go forward. If they're sure they still want to make the potatoes, they can stay in the kitchen and do them. Suggestions: Rice Pilaf, Scalloped Potatoes, Roast Potatoes, Macaroni and Cheese, a good bread. I actually like the rice because that's also delicious when you pour gravy on it.
  9. Yeah, pretty much. At the dojo people also use liquid skin, there's a bottle in both the men's and women's locker room and another one at the front desk.
  10. That's pretty neat and he sounds like a great teacher. Your kid also sounds like a great kid, but I'm sure you know that :D
  11. Basic trig 1 and 2 (the first two on the trigonometry playlist).
  12. I have to say that I use peroxide and then superglue on my own minor cuts :P
  13. You should only need the applications of these (and their inverses) to right triangles if I've read the sample module correctly. Chapter 11 of TT geometry seems to cover these, however I don't see the inverse functions listed on their table of contents. If TT geometry discusses sin^-1 (also known as arcsin) and the others, I believe you're set. If they don't discuss them, it should be possible to teach this topic only in one lesson with a borrowed book if necessary.
  14. a) If you run into problems like this again and simply want to double-check your work, consider wolfram alpha. b) Think of larger versus smaller in *absolute* value (distance away from 0). Multiplying -4.56 by 10^2 will move it further away from 0 in the negative direction. Multiplying 4.56 by 10^2 will move it further away from 0 in the positive direction.
  15. Heh, I didn't know they did this but that's a major plus for me. One of the things I really hate about the quadratic formula is the way it's often (in algebra textbooks) presented as 'Here is this magic formula that always gives the answers', which is the direct opposite of what I want to teach. Math isn't magic. There are reasons for why it is the way it is. These might not be initially obvious, but there ARE reasons. /sidetrack :P
  16. Your kid is awesome, which Walmart did you get him at? Because I want one of him :D
  17. I know that for me, personally, I'm proficient in both printing and a mixed style which involves almost all cursive with a few capital letters that I find illegible in cursive and obnoxious to form. (Hello G!) I find about equal speed in both. The legibility for me is fine, but for other people is slightly higher in printing. I always printed if given a choice, until in college when I started developing wrist pain while taking notes. I then switched to cursive and found the wrist pain eased when I switched to cursive. This is purely anecdotal and not meant as a general statement that you will give your kids carpal tunnel if they print. :P But for me personally, that's why I chose mostly cursive, especially for my own notes.
  18. Lol Just get them all 'Your_Surname Family Daycare' t-shirts :D
  19. You must be a better woman than I am. If someone asked me if I were going to have more, my responses would be along the lines of "Yes, we're getting on that tonight! Got any music suggestions? We found this wonderful strawberry lotion ... " Yeah, I know, it might be crude. So is asking about my family planning. :P
  20. Y'know, you might also consider a supplement JUST for word problems. When my brother was struggling I checked Barron's Painless Math Word Problems out of the library to help him. There are many other similar supplements (because almost everyone struggles with changing from english to math and back again), so you might check and see if your local library has anything and give it a quick skim to see if it might fit the bill.
  21. This is one reason I never, ever drink at home. My grandfather was an alcoholic, and it killed him. I don't want to go his way. I have a drink or two when I'm out with friends, but my personal absolute prohibition on drinking at home stops it from becoming a daily thing.
  22. Yep. I know someone who got hooked on meth. She said that when she saw people she knew were potheads who still had productive lives, she figured it was more hysteria from the health teacher. By the time she realized that they were actually telling the truth about meth, it was a bit late. She's been clean now for several years, gives speeches about how awful it was, etc.
  23. Not a fan of wine, but I sure wouldn't say no to a bottle of Mike's :D
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