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Everything posted by kiana

  1. It may very well matter if you plan on going to a state university. Many will still accept 3 years of mathematics, but even more of them are moving to requiring 4 years, and it would be advisable for *anyone* (not just Alison) who's concerned about possible shortfalls to contact local universities and find out about both the minimum requirements and whether there are upcoming increases in the works.
  2. :iagree: Unless I worked for them in some capacity, maybe.
  3. Does he have any idea of a potential major? If he's thinking of anything in a STEM field, he's going to need to be working math year-round anyway, to catch up on as much algebra as possible. If he's sure he's not, then you could look at consumer math. Most statistics courses require algebra 2, but you may be able to find one that doesn't. Some colleges may not count consumer math either, but those are generally the more competitive ones.
  4. Sadly, some people really just have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.
  5. I have eaten lunch meat that was older than that and not gotten ill. Chances are you'll be fine. Not that I'd recommend it as a general practice.
  6. I agree. I wouldn't regroup either -- I would subtract twenty and then add two. If he understands how regrouping works and just doesn't like to do it that way, I'd let him alone. I'd turn any incorrect problems back to him with an x and have him fix them.
  7. If it's sat out for a while there could be safety issues, and you can also get issues with texture/flavor.
  8. I would definitely go with the American History, although if possible I'd throw in some connections to world history through some Genevieve Foster books or the like -- not for a formal grade, just 'and read this too'.
  9. I think this is actually the most likely situation, but it would still unnerve me. I would rather be safe than sorry in this situation.
  10. Yeah, that would make me nervous too. I would change my running route if possible and carry a cellphone and possibly a self-defense tool if I felt confident using it, in an easily accessible manner.
  11. If money is really tight, I'd look into an older edition of something like Lial's. http://www.amazon.com/Introductory-Algebra-Edition-Margaret-Lial/dp/0321064585/ref=sr_1_24?ie=UTF8&qid=1346765209&sr=8-24&keywords=lial%27s+beginning+algebra You could get one of these used for under a dollar plus four bucks shipping. The odd answers should be in the back, you could cut them out if you don't want them available, and use them as a basic guide to your answer key to help with grading.
  12. Your CC ought to have a tutoring center. I second the suggestion to check it out.
  13. How did you end up mothering my twin? :P FWIW I didn't have my multiplication facts memorized until I was in Calc III. Maybe Linear. I'm using quizlet for myself now to work on Japanese and it's helping a lot. Another thing that really helped was adding review every. single. stinking. day, even if it was just for five minutes.
  14. If your state requires earth/space for college admissions, and you're going to do bio/chem/phys in 10-12, then you're going to have to figure out a way to fit in earth/space science. Having looked at the scope/sequence for rainbow it does look like the second half has a fair amount of earth science coverage, but I would be reluctant to call it more than half a credit. I would check specifically with some of the universities he might attend as to whether a half-credit of life and a half-credit of earth/space will suffice or whether a full credit of earth/space is necessary.
  15. You don't get a notification when someone removes you from that list. I have moved every single person out of close friends because I simply don't want to get a notification every time they post anything.
  16. Gosh, my mother had dozens (well, at least two dozen) of these and I loved to read and reread them.
  17. Yikes. I had this happen once though, a while ago. I put on my winter boots, drove to school, wondered what on earth that lump under my foot was ... no clue ... finally got enough of a break to take my boots off. It was A DEAD MOUSE. Ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh. Those boots are still in my closet and every time I look at them I think about the mouse and decide it's not THAT snowy and I'll wear my shoes. I really ought to just bite the bullet and buy new ones ...
  18. I would go to the clothing store in question and try on clothes until I found out what fit. Then I would buy one pair of pants to reimburse them for their trouble. Then I would buy the rest online in the same size. :P Since clothing sizes change between stores, this doesn't work if you want one each of different brands.
  19. Yes. Agree 100%. If he gets there with a bit of thought, for word problems, that's fine. I wouldn't stop and dwell on word problems until he instantly recognizes how to solve every one.
  20. Wow, I'm glad I read all the way through before responding. Because my new answer is that you should take that gift card and cram it right up her skinny, well-dressed bum.
  21. If it's *her* money, then that'd be a choice that she makes. Maybe your dd needs some sort of budget, with the understanding 'you'll have $20 (or whatever) for outings (or whatever) this month, but when it's gone, there's none left'. I mean, she'll run out and end up not being able to get food at the movies/bowling, and that'll suck. But in the long run, she needs to learn a) budgeting and b) some people are moochers, and the more you let them mooch the more they'll do it.
  22. Well, honestly, since she was told up-front it was a self-funded birthday party, I would either send the money or not send the child. And yeah, it would irritate me too.
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