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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. We don't "do" Spongebob... I actually have nothing against it and there are old episode tidbits that pop into my head sometimes, giving me a chuckle. We (I) have a problem with the mass merchandising. We have enjoyed lots of movies, for instance, but have none of the clothes/toys/accessories with the movie characters plastered all over. I actually could probably overlook a characters on a shirt or whatever if they were completely retro - i.e. Tom & Jerry - and not part of one of the waves of kid branded consumerism. But that's just me. If I were involved in a gift swap, I would think it rude to dismiss my swap partner's preferences and substitute my own. (Which goes both ways; I would be happy to send a Spongebob doohickey, but I would not appreciate a Hanna Montana one sent to us... does that make sense?) Sandy Cheeks is a squirrel. It's not a reference to her bottom.
  2. Yes. It already has been legalized/decriminalized. My thought exactly. Legal, and buying it yourself at 7-11 are two very different things.
  3. Jaws. I was 4. I still have water issues. Then they took me to see The Godfather at the drive-in. I didn't fall asleep as planned. I think the first age-appropriate movie I saw on a big screen was Star Wars, I think. (also at the drive in) I saw the normal childhood movies on tv - the Sunday night family movie - Wizard of Oz, Bambi, the Hobbit, Rikki Tikki Tavi.
  4. Unless they were selling crack labeled as cheese, there is just no excuse for the place to be taken by men with helmets and rifles. Sorry, SWAT response - regardless of their level of response - to "mislabeling of cheese" is absurd. Shall I be on the lookout for people rappelling from helicopters when I cross the state line with my raw milk and tax-free toilet paper then?
  5. Yes, it seems like that for us, too. After every break there is reentry fatigue until we hit our stride. (which is one reason we don't take summers off anymore) It's sort of like running; if you can tough it out for about the first 8 minutes of complete sucking, you fall into a comfortable rhythm. Until then, it's just crap. In homeschooling, it's just mental overload while everyone adjusts. Fwiw, we all have quiet time after lunch. Everyone needs the reset. Parenting 3 kids 6 and under is exhausting. Throwing homeschooling into it requires a nap.
  6. So, thinking Velveeta is cheese is a felony, right?
  7. I approach it similarly to Rebekah: all drugs have an area of legitimate use, as well as risks attached. When they are used outside their scope of legitimate use, it is abuse. Abuse is unhealthy at best (marijuana, antibiotics) and dangerous at worst (narcotics). Substances that have no legitimate use - e.g. paint thinner, crack - are life threatening every.single.time. We have also discussed how abuse of the toxic effects of propellants, cold medicines and whatnot damage organs. And how use of anything to mask psychological pain means that you are not only causing an unhealthy physical state, but an unhealthy mental/spiritual state as well. (including food, cutting, etc) I have no idea what "bath salts" are in this context... Off to google to put it on my list (not that my kids have opportunity to learn about such things, but since I've learned there have to be rules about not pooping in the yard and other "obvious" situations, I like to have all bases covered)
  8. Good for you! And many blessings in your new home!
  9. I grew up in a home with the only tv in my parents' bedroom sitting area. I watched cartoons a couple tomes during the week and on Saturday mornings, and maybe WKRP or MASH, Wild Kingdom with my dad. My husband grew up with the tv on all the time, video games, etc. For a lot of our early marriage, the tv would go on when the first person would get up and be on all day. We just got rid of it. Period. The tv doesn't go on until we go to bed (we both fall asleep with it on and set the sleep timer). 3 out of 4 Friday nights (when Dad's home) we have family pizza and movie night. And that's pretty much it, except for computer based school things (Gensler logic app, MEP interactive pages, Meet the Masters), which aren't every day. We do use the computer for media... The kids are camped out at the counter right now, finishing their lunch and listening to a Junie B Jones audiobook. It's like the family radio of the 21st century, lol.
  10. The feature of stainless cleaners is that they leave a film so finger prints and whatnot don't show up and wipe off easily when there's something else. If the surface is grubby, they don't do much for the actual cleaning. I get drip marks under the water dispenser on our fridge door (really soft water) with Barkeeper's Friend (good call, Mrs M!), use just a dishcloth on the rest and then use the stainless polish when it's dry. I'm partial to Mrs Meyer's. If you use oil, I would think mineral oil would be best, since it doesn't turn rancid like cooking oils can As a side note, we use the fridge doors as a white board and it doesn't seem to affect the wet-erase markers' legibility.
  11. My mum turned 63 today. I'm 40. My oldest is 22, my youngest are 6 (7 next month). That's funny. When my oldest was young, I was always the youngest parent in the room, by a decade. With the boys, I'm the oldest parent in their age group usually, also by a good decade. Funny how that works.
  12. Nixon. '71 I had to take a moment to process "James Carter, Jr"... Lol, I've never seen Jimmy Carter referred to by proper name.
  13. Yeah, that was my thought, too. I do think change counting is a valuable skill. It's shocking to me how few people can do it. And, all joking aside, how to withstand an angry person and serve them is something that has to be learned... I have no idea how you do that, though. I had a book 20 years ago - Guerilla Customer Service - that was excellent resource for modeling exceptional customer service.
  14. I've never heard of anyone regret taking the opportunity to say goodbye, but I have heard regrets about not doing so. I, too, would be more concerned about her concern for you. And I would seek therapy for it. Worry/concern is one thing. This is adversely affecting her life and that's the tipping point for when to seek therapy.
  15. This is me. We have quiet/nap time after lunch. It imperative for me to recharge. I also take little breaks from various activities (school, etc) during the day. Sometimes, I make a cup of tea and hop to the boards for a moment. Sometimes, it's sitting at the picnic table with my phone for a few minutes before I hang or take down the laundry. We have a terrible backlog since I was dealing with hard core chronic fatigue this winter/spring (and lower grade for God knows how long before), but I'm making progress. I wouldn't get nearly the same amount done if I didn't take a break. My Amish friend has 8 kids and a farm and everything she does takes her longer and more physical effort than it takes me. And she always, ALWAYS, has time to sit and visit. (she takes naps too)
  16. Yeah, me too. And developing immune systems are different from developed ones... If every one of my kids developed an autoimmune issue where none existed in my family prior, I would definitely be thinking environmental causes.
  17. Yep, that's pretty much it. And I'm not anti-public school, or pro-homeschool for everyone. My kids aren't "young". My 22yo daughter graduated from public school. Whatever the issue is, address it directly, with help. The public school social dynamic is unlikely to help the underlying problem.
  18. I would find it upsetting. Not because I've ever posted anything that I wouldn't stand behind. (It's possible that there may be something out there somewhere that I wouldn't be thrilled was out there, but I'd still own it.) Not because I feel like I have some veil of anonymity here. I know people here in real life. I would find it upsetting in the same way I would find it upsetting to have someone making cryptic comments about my sock drawer. They clearly think they're invading my privacy and are letting me know it, and that someone would have that much desire to do so is... unsettling. It's creepy and weird... It's cyber skulking. It's not the what, but the why.
  19. This one? (seems to be working fine. I just searched "macaroni")
  20. Me, too. On a humorous note, I once was subjected to a full tilt rant by a coworker who was incensed I didn't remember the Kennedy assassination... He barely paused when I told him I was born in '71.
  21. Yes, particularly the "go get it" part. If you were all looking at it, left it on the coffee table and walked into the kitchen, my friends might have grabbed it and shot a picture of you. But put away? No, that is a clear sign.
  22. No, the state issues an alternate document which is, in itself, proof. Local sports leagues are required to keep proof of their players' ages. They are not endowed with the ability to issue their own proof. And, fwiw, school ID would not work for this purpose here because they only provide documentation of enrollment, not proof of age. So, if my 10yo had a school ID they could see she is in 6th grade, but still wouldn't know that she meets the eligibility requirements for the U11 team in the spring. Know what I mean?
  23. :iagree: I would be more concerned with an 18 month old that didn't seem attached to Mom.
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