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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. NOW whether you are a nice person is in question. That is a bad, ugly earworm you've planted. Bad.
  2. It has been the policy here for as long as I've been a driver, so 25 years? Property damage only does not get police involvement. They can make a statement to something they didn't witness so, unless there's injury or they need to direct traffic... And it has nothing to do with funding but that there just isn't the staffing to show up for every fender bender. It stinks that your son was in an accident, though.
  3. That's awesome. It's like the dam burst. Something definitely to be thankful for. (And the doggies are thankful, too, I bet! :D )
  4. I was just saying to my husband earlier how I am prepping so much more, yet have no stress. And then I realized: no sense of impending doom. No being forced to socialize with the bigots, whackos and drunks. Yay!
  5. Some college. I a) don't know what I want to be when I grow up and b) am disinclined to learn on someone else's schedule.
  6. We need Reg back to do that. He excels at thread consolidation. :D On the other hand, I could use the "No, Honey, you don't understand. It's MY DAY. I have to FOCUS!" to justify being sucked in.
  7. I missed that even being in question. And wow, Karen! I suddenly feel very, very lazy.
  8. No. That's how you know. There is absolutely no question.
  9. The only way velvet is ever ironed - at least in my recollection - is overturned on a special board with teeth to keep the nap from being smashed, regardless of fiber. :confused: I would do the dryer or shower thing. You *can* hang it and use the steam from your iron, but it doesn't work as well and takes for.ev.er.
  10. :iagree: The only problem we ever had was an unfortunate lick mark from my mother's cat, who missed the memo about being a carnivore.
  11. They did in the early 70s. My mother got rhogam after I was born in 71. I do think there is a strong, but probably not singular, environmental component at play in expressing whatever genetic tendency there may be (which may also not be singular). It would explain a lot of rising phenomena: ASD/other neuro disorders, autoimmune disorders, fibromyalgia, etc. Things that were unheard of - not just because of lack of label - in our grand parents' or great-grand parents' - generations. My kids are all NT and healthy overall and, honestly, I sometimes wonder why. What sets them apart? I doubt it's something we control, simply because we can't control everything in our environment, and I know plenty of people more conscientious than I who have one or more kids with one or more of these issues.
  12. Slow day. Holiday greetings are verboten. Just flip everyone off and move on Most people think there are both genetic and environmental factors in autism. Husband bashing is still not allowed Unclear on whether the Lego store is offering Black Friday specials Some of us are a little sketchy in the media department when it comes to what we let our kids watch. We seem to be dividing into ziplock bag camps. (and I am HIGHLY offended at the whole discussion, as I am in the minority... not) I baked a freky awesome gluten free white potato pie. :D I think that covers most of it.
  13. My 4 year olds (at the time) very much enjoyed Monty Python and the Holy Grail. They played Black Knight for months. (from the living room: clack-clack-clack "You arm is off!" "No it's not! It's just a flesh wound! Is that all you've got? buck-buck-buck..." Sigh. Good times)
  14. You're awesome. Will you do mine, too? :D
  15. I'm going to start using that when the kids interrupt what I'm trying to concentrate on.
  16. I don't use them. I own some, but I don't know why... Probably a project of some sort.
  17. My kids have seen the first one (which is now called the fourth one). They're 7 & 10.
  18. I think we have very little idea of what the perfect storm of genetics and catalysts results in ASDs.
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