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Everything posted by edelweiss

  1. The house that I lived in when I was in elementary school had one, I think. However, I have never lived in an area where they have been common again. None of the houses in my current community have them (central Ohio) and I don't remember any of the houses in my area of Tampa having them when I lived there. They aren't something that I'd be interested in having on my house.
  2. I missed his press conference yesterday, so hadn't heard that information. It's concerning. I'm actually really disappointed that Ohio isn't showing the improvement that other states are. I read an article yesterday showing that Ohio was not meeting 4 out of 5 parameters for successful reopening. It was one of the 17 states showing "Little Progress" in achieving the goals of testing, etc. All of the states surrounding Ohio were showing Some Progress or Strong Progress. I just don't understand it. DeWine acted very proactively IMO. He shut things down quickly. He understands the need for testing, etc. We have some innovative companies here and some major universities and hospital systems. Yet, we aren't doing well. I just don't get it.
  3. I have a dedicated exercise room in the basement. The treadmill is down there. I have a Peloton bike in our bedroom.
  4. I would definitely agree that you need to look at your state's rules. Here in Ohio it would not be okay because we are under a SIP order and it would violate the spirit of it. We have been using our pool a ton and my daughters would love to have friends over, but we just won't do it even though no one would know and we certainly wouldn't get in trouble for it anyway.
  5. DD19 spend hours on FaceTime with her friends each day. She definitely misses seeing them in person. Not sure what we are going to do once our SIP orders end. Her best friend goes back to her retail job mid-May, so it is a big risk that she will be exposed. I don't know what we are going to do about that. We won't stop DD from seeing her friends once the SIP order ends, of course, but we might have to have her distance herself from us once she starts doing so.
  6. I haven’t been in a store since March 5th or so. I have all of our groceries delivered. I have been pretty happy with what they have been able to deliver, although there are definitely substitutions at times. I just roll with it because it’s a pandemic! Like you, I can’t fathom why anyone would need to go out multiple times a week. If anything, this pandemic will make me more prepared in case there is another one! I definitely don’t think this was an overreaction.
  7. So many good things! I love having everyone home and no where to go. We have been having so much fun together-- playing games, cooking and baking, watching TV, swimming, etc. I expect that we will continue this way for the foreseeable future.
  8. Younger daughter (just turned 17) was a serious ballet dancer until a year ago. She aspired to become a professional, attended an intense pre-pro program 6 days a week, spent summers at intensives, was offered spots at several residential programs, etc. About a year ago, she decided that professional dance was not her desire anymore. She took a break for a few months and then started back at another ballet studio. Now she dances just 3 days a week and has declined any performances. I am SOOOO grateful that she stepped away from the idea of becoming a professional before this pandemic hit. Professional ballet is a really hard path, and I think it is going to become even more so because of this. I suspect that some smaller companies may not make it, so available spots will be even fewer. I really feel for the kids who are older and who want to go the professional route. Their training is really going to suffer during this and there is so much uncertainty involved. I am so glad that my daughter isn't in the midst of that now. We have a full dance studio in our house and my daughter is still doing ballet classes now. She actually isn't doing any of the Zoom classes that her studio is offering. Instead she is doing some of the classes being given my some professional ballerinas. She is really enjoying them a lot. I haven't discussed it with her, but I am not sure if she will go back to her current studio when it becomes possible to do so. I wouldn't be surprised if she chose not to. Right now it seems like she just wants to do ballet class on her own. Her current studio is wonderful, but they do pressure her to do performances, train more days, become a trainee, etc. I know that she doesn't love that. DD17 is also taking piano. She is doing the lessons via FaceTime right now and that is working out well. She doesn't plan to drop piano. DD19 rides horses competitively. She was competing in a winter circuit in Florida when this pandemic hit. Her two horses are still in Florida, and she misses riding them terribly. That activity is not going away for her. She has been riding since she was 6 and hopes to make a career of it.
  9. I am enjoying it. I hate this virus, of course, and I am so sad about the havoc it is wreaking, but if I ignore the reason why we are stuck at home, I am actually really happy. I love having everyone at home and having no place to go. I don't miss one single thing about going out so far. For the last several years, I have teased my family that when the kids are out of the house and on their own, I am never leaving the house again. So, I am living my dream! 😂 I am actually dreading when they open things up. Right now we are all home and safe in our little bubble. I am so grateful for this time that we are having together and will be sad when it ends.
  10. LOL! We love that game. My kids are 16 and 19 and we still play it.. It is a quick, fun game and they've always loved it. Of course, they started playing it when they were young, so maybe that makes a difference? I don't know, but I enjoy it too.
  11. I have been treated for anxiety at several different points in my life (health concerns have always been my major stressor), so I should be a basket-case, but surprisingly I am not too stressed. Don't get me wrong-- I am worried about someone in my family getting it, but (for now) we are safely cocooned at home. I do have some worry about how we are ever going to go back to normal life with the virus still out there and no vaccine on the horizon yet, but I am choosing not to think too far ahead at this point. I actually LOVE having everyone at home and not having to go anywhere. We have had an easy transition because DH already worked from home, DD16 is homeschooled. DD19 goes to a local college but was commuting, and she is a freshman, so we haven't gotten too far out of the rhythm we had as a family when she was homeschooled last year. We also have a large house and lots of room to spread out, so that helps. I HATE this virus, but I really love having this unexpected time together. On a personal level, I am realizing that there is very little that I miss doing "outside." I am actually fine spending 99% of my time at home.
  12. My younger daughter's birthday is next week. We usually take a trip for her birthday. I have ordered her several gifts and will decorate the breakfast room to make it festive. 🙂 I plan to make her some type of dessert and let her pick a favorite meal. She is disappointed, but I did tell her that when she looks back on her life, this is one birthday she will likely remember. I can't recall a lot of my birthdays, but I am sure that she will always remember that birthday that she had in quarantine!
  13. I haven't had to go to the store for any reason (I have my groceries delivered). But if I did have to go to the store, I would wear a mask.
  14. We have been quarantining since March 13th. All groceries have been delivered, and I haven't been inside a store since March 3rd., I think. DH already works from home anyway, so being home isn't a change for him. DD19 has not left the house since the 13th. DH, DD16, and I went for a drive on the 21st. DD16 and I have taken some walks (while people dodging when necessary). We also went to my mom's house yesterday because she baked some goodies for us. She left them on the porch and waved to us through the window.
  15. We don't qualify for any stimulus money, but if we did, I would donate to several organizations that are suffering for cash right now. I'm donating right now anyway, but I would love to be able to donate more with some "free" money.
  16. Yes, I am excited about this. Governor DeWine has been talking about this for several days now. Ohio will get two of the machines, so this will help with the shortage of masks. Hospitals have already been saving used masks with the expectation that they will be able to clean them once this was approved. At first, the FDA would only approve this for 10,000 masks a day per machine (rather than 80,000 a day). DeWine was livid. He had a press conference yesterday (there actually wasn't one scheduled originally) to let everyone know and to put pressure on the FDA. He had already called Trump, our two senators, etc. and said that he expected (demanded) the FDA to approve the 80,000 by the end of the day. I am so impressed with DeWine. I am grateful that he is in charge of our state.
  17. I have never heard of him before, but it is so sad. 🙁
  18. Income hasn't changed and isn't likely to. We are spending more money on groceries and household supplies, of course. We usually eat out a couple of times a week, but are not eating out at all right now. We just aren't comfortable with it. Still paying our cleaning lady even though she isn't cleaning for us right now. She has been cleaning for us for 13 years now, so I am happy to be able to do that for her. Still paying for daughters' activities. Piano lessons are still being done through FaceTime. Not ideal, but it works and I'm glad to still support the music school. Ballet school is offering recorded lessons, as well as some live lessons on Zoom. Daughter hasn't done any, but we will continue to pay the studio to support them. Overall spending is greatly decreased though. Aside from groceries and household supplies, the only things that I have ordered/spent money on are presents for my younger daughter's April birthday. I want to make sure that she has some gifts for her birthday even if we are in quarantine!
  19. I think it is wearing on my kids a bit. My husband is doing okay. I don't mind at all. I have been joking for years that once my girls are out of the house, I'm rarely ever leaving the house again. 😂 So, I'm not minding this at all. I really love that I don't have anyplace to go. Guess I'm a true introvert.
  20. I watched this video yesterday. Garga posted it in another thread. It is definitely worth watching!
  21. Interesting! No, ours are allowed to accept tips. They just expect them to be given in cash. This is normally fine, but with the coronavirus, I would think that they would be concerned about receiving them in cash from a bunch of various people.
  22. I am doing the same thing. I had a grocery delivery on Sunday. DH called out to the delivery person and told her to just put the packages on the floor of the garage and to take the tip I left for her (why wasn't there wasn't a place for me to leave a tip online? ugh!). After she left, I went out and wiped down all perishable items with Chlorox wipes. I left non-perishable items out there for several days. Honestly, I feel a bit ridiculous doing it and it might be overkill, but there is nothing to lose by being careful, so that is what I'm doing. We're dumping all mail and packages in the garage for a couple of days too. Can't hurt. We've had confirmed cases in my area for a week or so now, but we just found out that there is a confirmed case in our suburb of about 10,000 people. Definitely getting closer to home now. (I believe it has been here for a while, of course, but it is still somehow different when it is actually confirmed.) ETA: I'm in Ohio. I always appreciate when people put their general area in these posts, so we can compare what is happening in different areas. Sorry that I forgot!
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