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Everything posted by SquirrellyMama

  1. I'll begin by saying that I kniow AZ is spiking and I know it is almost July and sweltering there. With that said... My 17 year old son is flying out to visit my parents in AZ July 4th-18th. They live about 40 minutes east of Phoenix. Is there anything safe he can do outside? They live near Usery Mountain Park, Lost Dutchman Park... Most of his time will be with my parents at home, but wonderd if there was anything he could do in fresh air in a not crowded place. My parents have lived there for a few years, but aren't the type to really get out.
  2. I promise I have tried finding the answer to this question. I did see an answer, but I'm not sure if it is airport specific or airline specific? My 17 year old son is going to be flying in 2 weeks to see my parents. I am not afraid he's going to get kidnapped while waiting for his flight, BUT this is my kid that is very likely to space off and miss his flight. This is his first time flying and he said he would like me at the gate. Since he is a minor can I get to the gate with him. I did Google and find that I could, but again it was not specific to an airport or airline. Just checking to see if anyone has experience with this. I checked the airport he is flying out of and they didn't have anything about it. They did have a section on unaccompanied pets 🙂 Kelly
  3. Floor protector? I must never have fully read my instructions.
  4. We don't have CCs and always rent from Hertz. They have always been very friendly and didn't require references due to lack of CC. Kelly
  5. I wouldn't like this at all. Fear like that can make people irrational and liable to act in haste. Kelly
  6. I would be irritated, think of every sarcastic remark I would like to make, cool down, then let my kid decide. Immature of me I'm sure, but... Kelly
  7. I'm wondering why the cops were called for a suspected counterfeit $20 bill? I work in retail and we don't even check 20s. If it was so obvious just being handed a bad bill I would refuse it. Kelly
  8. I'm sorry, that is hard. But, you didn't know. I'm glad she'll have a good home. Kelly
  9. I always leave my doors unlocked, but I wouldn't if I had a gun in it. And, I'm not even surprised that people have guns in their vehicles. I am shocked that it isn't a crime to have a gun in an unlocked car when a person isn't in it. Kelly
  10. Very few people in my family or my husband's family live in the same state or country as each other. I fully expect my kids to move away. Even if they don't I will. I want to move where winter is short. Kelly
  11. Why is this not criminal? Why would you have a gun in an unlocked car? Shouldn't that be a crime? This entire case makes me sick. I'm sad that so many cases like this in the past didn't make me sick until the last few years. "No string of break-ins was reported in more than seven weeks before Arbery's death and there was only a burglary report after a gun was stolen from an unlocked vehicle in front of the McMichaels' home, police said."
  12. I've had 3 Sharks and love them. I did ruin one by putting essential oils in it. Ok, I possibly ruined 2. I'm not testing that again. I read on the internet that I could do it. Everything on the internet is true, right 🙂 I do put vinegar in it sometimes when I mop. Kelly
  13. We have the Shark Lift away pro. I love the steam mop, but haven't gotren the hand held part to work correctly. Kelly
  14. You can also have FB hide some types of posts from particular people. So, if some reposts a lot of Rush Limbaugh or the 99% (or 98%) group, you can go and hide all posts by those groups. That might effectively snooze certain people if that is all they post. Kelly
  15. My daughters and I have a flight in July to AZ to see my parents. If it isn't cancelled we will go. We are flying from and into relatively small airports so that will hopefully be helpful. Kelly
  16. I didn't start this as a reason to cancel the pandemic. People I know are using these stories as an example of government overreaction. I don't understand why the surgery for the abdominal aortic aneurysm and a cancer biopsy were put off for 2 months. Anothef reason I started it was stress. I really haven't had a lot of stress through this whole situation, but I saw the story about the gentleman's death in the middle of the night and had anxiety over it. Kelly
  17. I can see this distinction. But, I don't think every response has been wrong. I don't think all of these surgeries should have been rescheduled. Fortunately, "elective" surgeries in our state have started again.
  18. I heard about a death recently due to a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. His surgery had been rescheduled due to a ban on "elective" surgeries during the pandemic. He died last week before he could have surgery. I personally know someone that was supposed to have a biopsy done when elective surgeries were banned. I would have been really scared. A lot can happen with the spread of cancer in 2 months. I know it does depend on the type of cancer. I wonder how many people died due to Covid, but not because they had Covid? Kelly
  19. I prefer cooking on a gas stove. I was terrified of it when we first moved in but don't want to switch now. Like others have said I like knowing I can use it if the power goes out. I do have issues keeping it clean. Kelly
  20. Not a video, but something a FB friend posted today. And, I am 100% sure he did not do any research as it says to do. 1. I don't wear a facemask because...It's the perfect breeding ground for bacteria that can end up in your mouth and down into your lungs. 2. I don't wear gloves because...I have enough brains to realize I'd have to change gloves everytime I touched something else, otherwise it's just cross contamination with the same gloves... 3. I do social distancing because...I respect others personal space, but not because I'm afraid of my fellow Americans or neighbors. 4. I don't get the flu vaccine because...(in regards to coronavirus) I don't want to increase my chances of getting an upper respiratory illness including 4 strains of coronavirus by 36%. 5. I won't get tested even if I show symptoms because...I already know they will label it Covid19 without an actual test and I'll be added to the jaded numbers increasing panic over something I may or may not truly have...but rest assured I have brains enough to stay home and away from people when sick or have symptoms of being sick, now or any other time. 6. I wash my hands with soap and water because...well, that's just common sense. 7. I WILL NOT GET THE VACCINE! The gov has never successfully mandated a vaccine and I'll be damned if they make me put something in my body, that was created in less than 2 weeks of this "outbreak". I'm not a sheep and will not be manipulated by the gov into thinking they have our best interest. 8. I will not live in fear, if you want to stay in your house and never go out because you are "doing the right thing" that's fine, that's you. But I'm not going to let the media scare me into thinking this is mass panic. That's what they want, to shut this country down and they're doing it right in front of your face. I will continue to go out and support local businesses as much as possible. Start researching...you have all the time in the world. Turn off the news and start researching from sources that have NO financial gain or conflict of interest...you will learn quite a bit, and you will realize you've been lied to and manipulated. But I DO RESPECT others that don't feel the same way!!!! I wear a mask & gloves where it may help others feel safe!! *copied and pasted, feel free to do the same!*
  21. It is weird that they are both posting the same video, but I often find my very left and very right leaning friends are similar. Not usually similar in beliefs, but very much so in personality. Kelly
  22. Unfortunately, when I've seen CT articles linked in a way to hopefully get through to Christians, they use it as proof that CT is losing their grip on Christianity. The last article I saw put on FB was trying to get Christians to realize just how bad Trump is. Comments were about how CT was getting so liberal. Kelly
  23. I see both sides around me, and I generally just keep my mouth shut, unless I find the information posted dangerous. Kelly
  24. Wierd. Would he cover part of his face if it were -50 degrees so his nose doesn't get frostbite? So bizarre!
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