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Everything posted by mellifera33

  1. No, Family Guy is just awful. The pedophile neighbor is a running joke. I am pretty lax about media, but Family Guy is not allowed in my house.
  2. I think that Fitzgerald should probably be retired as a ship name. It seems to be bad luck.
  3. I made my call! Woohoo! I got an answering machine, which is even worse than talking to a real person, but I did it. :)
  4. Ugh. I have a phone call to make that I've been putting off for weeks and I have to just get it done today. Hate, hate, hate the phone.
  5. Lynx. Just kidding. But I feel like I might as well, since I almost always use Safari. :laugh:
  6. I think I must not understand baking terms. I think of flaky as having thin layers that peel off, like puff pastry dough. Or the canned rolls I use if I make chicken ala king for elderly relatives. :laugh: Maybe what I call biscuits are actually scones?
  7. Huh. I thought that biscuits were supposed to be crumbly. I thought that was why you leave little bits of butter in the dough, to make them have a crumbly texture.
  8. I didn't even know that these existed. I'll be looking for one now--we need one for camping and I'd resigned myself to spending our entire fun budget for the month on a hard carrier!
  9. I switch between using Tom's of Maine and Avalon. Usually Tom's because it's available in regular stores and it's cheaper, but I love the way Avalon lavender deodorant smells.
  10. We moved in December so everything is new this year. The front yard was all grass, so I have been digging up lots of sod in order to make borders and islands. I'm trying to make an attractive edible landscape since the front yard gets all the sun, and I think that I'm doing ok so far. I've put in lots of blueberry bushes, a cherry tree, some raspberry canes, and strawberries. I put in a herb garden, an island anchored by a weeping spruce, and a little berm at the front, planted with a mixture of herbs and ornamental shrubs. I love dicentra and sedum, so I've included those where I can, and I've filled in with annual flowers and veggies. I don't want it to look too farm-y, so I've done things like planting sweet peas and edible peas together, and planting veggies with ornamental value, like runner beans. I don't know, maybe it works, maybe it's just a hot mess. I can always change things around next year. :) Edited to add: I love seeing pictures of gardens. I'll try to add some at some point. Maybe using creative photography to make the garden look better than it really is. :laugh: SaveSave
  11. We have bought supplies as we needed them with 50% off coupons at Michaels or Joann. I'm not sure it saved us money vs. buying the package deal, but it's easier to swallow 3.98 here and 5.50 there than 130 all at once. :laugh:
  12. Benjamin Britten's Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra Op. 34 is also very good for this. I think that it, Peter and the Wolf, and the Carnival of the Animals, mentioned above, are the typical works used to introduce the instruments of the orchestra.
  13. I think it probably depends on the species. I'm looking at a packet of sunflower seeds right now that gives specifications--minimum germination standard of 80%, usual seed life of 3 years. My peppers say 2 years, cherry tomatoes 3 years. I'd keep them.
  14. I need to do this too. I've been landscaping the front yard, and I went a little nuts last month. This month is going to be needs only. Thanks for starting this thread. I need the motivation!
  15. I read elsewhere that they are separating for business reasons--he wants to be licensed to sell marijuana and her felony conviction could interfere with that.
  16. My insurance doesn't require a referral, it's a requirement for the center. It's the local place with OT, psych, social skills groups, speech, etc all in one place. They require a diagnosis and a referral for each department. I guess they don't do evals, only treatment? I'm in the US.
  17. Thanks. That's what I thought, but when I tried to make an appointment with the OT clinic associated with the local hospital, they told me that they don't diagnose and require a referral and diagnosis from a primary care physician. I guess I'll be trying other places.
  18. Psychologist? Pediatrician? Psychiatrist? I'm trying to access help for sensory stuff, but I am running into some roadblocks regarding who can do what. Thanks.
  19. Does anyone use this Cuisinart blender? It seems like what I'm looking for--something with a small footprint that can make smoothies, plus it comes with four travel cups. And it's cheap. Are there any other similar products I should know about? I'm tired of being blender-less. :laugh:
  20. Once in a while I iron a wrinkly dress shirt, but I generally only iron if I am sewing and need to press seams. Every time I go to Costco I look at the steamers and wonder if I should buy one, but I've survived without one so far, so...
  21. Eh, I just don't open the door. Even if my children are gawking at them through the window. If they don't get the hint I have been known to open a window and yell down that I don't open the door to strangers. Works for solicitors, evangelizers, people who want to give me a quote to replace my roof, etc.
  22. A cup of coffee. Walking and listening to music. Gardening. Browsing plants at the nursery. When my 6 y/o says "Mommy, can we snuggle?" Sitting in the backyard while the kids are playing nicely together. It's usually short-lived, but it's nice while it lasts. Taking a nature walk or history walk as a family. Playing a board game with DH or the kids. Museums. Playing music with friends.
  23. This makes sense to me. Pre-kids, undies fit just fine. Now I have the same problem as the op.
  24. I ordered one of the tunic dresses too. If I like it, it may become my uniform. :)
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