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Everything posted by mellifera33

  1. I comment on people's food all the time, but it's always a "that looks good!" "can I have your recipe?" or "where did you find xyz ingredient." I wouldn't comment negatively on somebody's lunch. I probably would have said, "Oooh, avocado and blueberries! Two of my favorites." :thumbup1:
  2. Your post makes me feel better--I have a MS in a science field, and I still had trouble implementing BFSU!
  3. I hear you. We finally switched programs because I would prep for 30 min. for a lesson that would last 9 min. Our family does best either using a scripted program or following rabbit trails in areas of interest.
  4. It's funny--I know people who are passionate about all sorts of things, but of all things to be passionate about--vitamins? The only people I know who are passionate about vitamins are the people who sell juiceplus. In a similar vein, the only people I know who are passionate about smelly candles sell scentsy. The only people I know who are passionate about leggings sell lularoe. I wonder what came first, the passion, or the promise of making money?
  5. We moved from an open, 1100 sq. Ft. 2-bdrm to a closed off, 1800 sq. ft. 4-bdrm, and it was night and day. I have found that I like lots of little rooms better than an open floor plan. Even though the house is not that big, compared to other suburban houses, it feels giant to me due to all of the discrete spaces. The ability to have each family member behind their own closed door is priceless.
  6. Apparently lots of people here believe that--I can't count the number of times I've had people stop when I'm still halfway down the block, wait for me to come to a stop, then wave me through. They could have crossed the intersection 12 times, but they have to be "nice" and wave someone else thru. :huh:
  7. To be fair, I don't think that Moxie reported the puppies--they can't read to know they're not supposed to be there--but their rule-breaking owners. So, nice puppies, crappy people, just like you said. :D And I would report, as well as making passive-aggressive comments when we passed the puppies in the hall. "Oh, pets are allowed here? I wish we'd known that when we made arrangements for our dogs to be boarded."
  8. Eh, fb is mostly cat memes and hyperbole. If my friends and I drank half the wine we posted about, we'd all be at the Betty Ford clinic.
  9. I take a steroid nasal spray plus an oral antihistamine every day during allergy season. If my wimpy antihistamine (zyrtec) isn't cutting it, I will occasionally take a benadryl on top of all the rest, to try to get back on top of the symptoms. I only take benadryl if dh is home to help with the kids, tho, because it makes me a bit slow.
  10. When a driver in front of me, in the left turn lane, decides that they actually need to go straight, so they sit there, blocking everyone behind them, until the lane next to them has emptied and they can swerve over. Well, aren't you special! If I realize I'm going the wrong way, I go ahead and turn and go around the block.
  11. I already have a magenta Flair pen. I'm going to start carrying it everywhere--it sounds like it is guaranteed to turn heads and start conversations! :D
  12. Now I want to carry around a fancy fluffy quill and whip it out to sign things in public.
  13. When I lived in Minnesota I was constantly disgruntled with the indoor climate. I had no control over it (college) but the swing between indoor/outdoor temp was always extreme. Winter? -10 degrees outside and 78 inside. I had to wear a t-shirt, long sleeve shirt, sweater, and parka outside, and strip down to t-shirt inside. Summer? 95 and humid outside, 60 and dry as a bone inside. I had to bring a sweater with me everywhere. Call me boring, but I prefer the PNW, where winter is 50 outside and 60 inside, and summer is 75 outside and 70 inside. :lol:
  14. Ah, my favorite infusion! :D
  15. Do we know where in the PNW the OP is located? Three months in Issaquah is different than three months in Tahuya.
  16. . That's the funny thing--he was probably in his 60s or 70s. :D
  17. Dancing Bears is another option for an older dyslexic student. They don't use nonsense words (although there are some unfamiliar words that are common in the UK) but there is lots of decoding practice with isolated words, and the stories are so wacky that you really can't guess what's coming next. Some people object to the topics (a boy loses his clothes and has to wear a dress, and then is mistaken for a girl, and my son recently read the sentence "Paul quit the pub crawl at ten o'clock.") but honestly it helps to keep his attention.
  18. I love the mannikin rollerskating on the ceiling. :lol:
  19. :lol: I had a funny experience at the local Home Depot this past Spring. I had bought some plants, and one of the nursery workers was helping me out to my car. I already had some plants from a nursery in the back, and the nursery guy was enthralled with the unusual plant I had. It was bleeding heart/dutchman's breeches/dicentra/lamprocapnos million-name plant. Common. Native to the area. Then came the punch line--"We see some stuff here that even the experts don't know about. We got in a house plant last week--it's called a spider plant. None of us had ever seen anything like it!" :huh: SaveSave
  20. Your house is beautiful. The right buyer will come along--we bought a house in the PNW last winter, and after looking at a bunch of new houses with postage-stamp sized yards, we finally found a house built in the nineties with brass doorknobs and a nice big yard. We bought it. :) We love it. We still have the brass doorknobs. :lol: A couple of thoughts--first, this past winter was really awful. Seriously, way off normal. Do you snow ski? That's a great way to get outside and get some exercise/sunlight. Snow shoe? Sled? lol. We get out a few times a week, even if we have to wear hip-waders and Gorton fisherman get-ups. In your pic, your lovely deck looks bare. Could you stage it look like an awesome outdoor living space? Some buyers might need a little boost to think of the possibilities. Good luck!
  21. I don't particularly like water either, but I like herbal teas. I find most infused waters insipid, but I can handle water with citrus. I like cucumbers, but cucumber water just turns me off. Why would I flavor water with a vegetable that tastes like water? :laugh: My current go-to herbal teas are Bigelow peach, Celestial Seasonings Acai Mango Zinger, and Yogi Ginger. They are all pretty strongly flavored and cover up the water flavor nicely.
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