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Everything posted by scbusf

  1. Do you know the brand of these? They sound great!!!
  2. Right???? Aren't they amazing???? And they erase really well, too.
  3. Have you guys seen the new mechanical pencils with colored lead? I can color code my kids in my planner in PENCIL!!!!! https://www.amazon.com/Paper-Mate-Clearpoint-Mechanical-Assorted/dp/B01N5H8TD5
  4. I have thought about constipation. She is normally VERY regular and I know she pooped last night. She says she doesn't need to today so far.
  5. My kids don't usually get a lot of stomach viruses (thank goodness!!!!), so I'm sort of at a loss here. DD9 woke up early this morning saying her stomach hurt. So I gave her a bucket and sent her to the couch. About an hour later, she did throw up, but it was just a little. Then, she went back to sleep for a couple of hours. Woke up, same deal. She says the pain gets better after she vomits, but then it comes back. I asked her where her pain is and she said it's all over, but the worst pain is around her belly button. She won't let me touch her belly at all. 2 episodes of vomiting 5 hours apart doesn't scream stomach virus to me. This is all completely out of character for her. She rarely gets a stomachache at all, much less enough pain that she can't even watch TV. If I google belly button pain in kids, I get appendicitis. I took her temp - it was 98 under her arm. We do have a kids ER, but the thought of how much money that will cost me (especially if it IS just a virus) is what's stopping me. I probably couldn't get her into the pediatrician today. We do have a kids Urgent Care, but we might as well go to the ER at that point. My gut is saying ER, but I have been wrong before ......
  6. Congratulations!!!!!!! Everything looks perfect!!!!!
  7. My youngest has been through all except the logo stage.
  8. Size: We have 5 of us in about 1800 square feet right now. I could absolutely see us downsizing a little in our next house. Schools: Even though we are planning to homeschool the entire way, I would absolutely consider school districts.
  9. I know Biblioplan does. And Guest Hollow, too. Is there anything else that schedules MOH?
  10. I shop at Sam's Club on the app. Then, they get it ready and I pick it up. I don't have to walk around the store at all.
  11. My older 2 have their own grammar curriculum, but this gives me an idea ... I have The Sentence Family. I could probably do that one with all 3 of the kids together.
  12. I have 3 kids - 2nd, 4th, and 6th grades. My plan is to combine history (Brimwood Press's Study of Western Civ.), the younger 2 for Science, and Bible for everyone. Everyone has their own thing for everything else. I just feel very disjointed. Like we are all over the place. But I don't really know what to do to fix that. We tried Biblioplan last year, and there were just too many books. I personally lean towards a Charlotte Mason style, but my DD9 is VERY workbook-y (due to her anxiety and OCD). And my DD7 is very into anything that she doesn't have to sit still for! So we have lots of different style preferences going on, which definitely complicates things. I'm not even really sure what I'm asking. What else can I combine? Maybe I could add in some things like music and art and make a Morning Time?
  13. I bought a rolling shopping bag to bring with me!!! I'm a math teacher, so shoot me a message if you want input :) SaveSave
  14. A couple of years ago, I went to a convention and stayed in a hotel room BY MYSELF. I watched HGTV and ate ice cream while I was in bed. It. Was. Glorious. :thumbup1:
  15. I live in VA Beach, so I'm coming from the opposite direction. Kids are staying home with hubby! You know you can search the Used Curriculum Sale, right? It doesn't show prices, but you can see if something should be there and which section. Go here and look for the Search box. It's small! https://ucs.heav.org
  16. I'm going to our state convention this weekend!!!!! I already have everything I need for next year, so I'm going to be getting myself into trouble!
  17. Today, I took my kids to our local waterpark and I basked in the sunshine on the Lazy River. It was GLORIOUS. And, I didn't think about next year. At. All.
  18. A couple of years ago, I wanted to have my DS evaluated for SPD. I called the OT clinic and got the same spiel. So we went to the Pediatrician, and she gave us a "referral" (different from a referral that some insurance plans require) and she wrote on it "Possible Sensory Processing Disorder". She faxed it over to the OT place, and they put us on a waiting list. Once we had the first appointment, they DID do an evaluation.
  19. I LOVE this thread so much. I am going to take my kids to our local waterpark A LOT. Until we are all prune-y. We are painting the entire first floor of our house AND replacing the flooring. So that will involve lots of purging and organizing. I already have all my curriculum for next year, but I won a convention registration, so I'm going to get myself in trouble there next week. They have a HUGE used curriculum sale. I need to take apart some workbooks and hole punch them for our binders. I need to print LOTS of curriculum. I am going to plan out the co-op classes I am teaching. One of the things I need to do is read Around the World in 80 Days because I'm doing a geography class based on the book and I haven't read it yet!!!!
  20. I drink 2 mugs of coffee in the morning. Then most afternoons, I drink 1-2 more.
  21. Ugh. My DS had Lyme a few years ago. Thankfully we caught it quickly.
  22. Ouch! I have fine hair, too. For beach-y waves, I use my flat iron. I searched for a youtube video and taught myself how to do it. You can also try a sea salt spray.
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