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Everything posted by LNC

  1. I'm considering printing this out- I see some gaps when I'm reading through. I could highlight in a different color for for each child. http://www.coreknowledge.org/mimik/mimik_uploads/documents/480/CKFSequence_Rev.pdf I have read some of E.D. Hirch's books and I really agree that background knowledge is key to reading comprehension and the ability to read and understand high level lit. So, do you think printing all 285 pages of the Core Knowledge sequence and implementing gaps is sufficient for 6th and 8th graders? Or should I go ahead and buy the What Your _____ Grader Needs to Know... series, 1rst-6th? I think we have covered a lot of what is in those books, so I'm thinking the Sequence download is sufficient... Any advice?
  2. Yes - I mean to create a syllabus to be approved by college board. So, her transcript can say Ap for the course.
  3. Some small publishers don't allow their products to be discounted. Could that be it?
  4. I use Word to make a custom homeschool planner and checklist for my children. However, I did buy an inexpensive student planner for the first time for my 8th grade daughter at Target today. It is cute and customizable for photos. I want her to keep track of "homework" - sometimes she gets behind or needs to catch up in reading after our schoolday is over. Here is a photo - it was with all the calendars and planners. We liked it bc you can customize the cover with a back to school photo. http://www.amazon.com/July-2012-Weekly-monthly-Planner/dp/B007TNPOAW/ref=pd_sxp_f_pt
  5. My children can type 60-70wpm with 98% accuuracy. I type about the same. Is that good enough for high school college work? Can we be done with typing practice.? I think they can improve speed with just time and typing papers...
  6. I knew the President, Dr. Sloan, from Baylor. I trust his vision to lead that school and would consider it. He was controversial at Baylor - but I never understood all of that. He was on the right track as far as I'm concerned, and I hope he succeeds instead at HBU. He hired John Mark Reynolds (from Biola - the founder of the Torrey honors program) to become provost recently. I don't have a link but you can google.
  7. My children's only knowledge base for tech so far is children's things like: - the most basic computer knowledge - Word, typing papers - Lego Mindstorms That's it! I herar things mentioned on the boards - Alice, Scratch etc. Can you lay out a plan for me that will get them able to take Ap Computer Science in 4-6 years? In order? I was an English/History major who made my only C in college in an intro computers class. :) I need help!
  8. I see Penn. Homeschoolers cancelled AP Comp. Gov't for this year and doesn't offer AP Human Geography to 9th graders. Does anyone know what Penn. Homeschoolers online plans are for Ap Comp. Gov't in 2013-2014? Is there another online provider with good test results for comparable price for these courses? Would these be good exams to write my own syllabus for to get our feet wet with AP? Thanks for any advice.
  9. THey are all free to download on Kindles or any ereader. But, I have a complete set I purchased from a box at an antique fair years ago. I love them! Jacob Abbott is the author of most of the Makers of History volumes, but his brother John wrote some later ones as well. The Abbott brothers also wrote some of my favorite vintage parenting books The Mother at Home by John Abbott http://digital.lib.msu.edu/projects/ssb/display.cfm?TitleID=556 and Jacob Abbott wrote Gentle Measures in the Training and Management of the Young http://manybooks.net/titles/abbottjac11661166711667.html More info and links for Makers of History set: http://www.heritage-history.com/www/heritage.php?Dir=home&FileName=series_makershistory.php
  10. I loved that book. I can't wait to see her next work when it comes out.
  11. Yes, except now my 11yo is joining in reading HP. My special needs 15yo couldn't concentrate on the audio - so I'm just letting him watch the movies with us. And he has Lego Harry Potter 1 & 2 on the Wii. :)
  12. A 74 overall iq is a "slow learner" (I'm not sure that is a legit label but that is what most educators refer to it as) and wouldn't qualify for a special education in my state. Resource is for learning disabled - a large discrepancy between iq and performance. Self contained special education classes are for the intellectually disabled or autism or multi handicapped. I would continue on with autism spectrum testing if your doctor feels that is a possibility. :grouphug:
  13. I'm reading Harry Potter for the first time. I'm on #4. My daughter reads them right after me and we watch the movies after we are both finished with a book. We are loving them...
  14. I really like the Mark Twain series published by Carson-Dellosa - they are very well done. WWII and post war years: http://www.carsondellosa.com/cd2/Products/CarsonDellosa/PID-1835.aspx?CM_VC=10001 http://estore.onthemarkpress.com/samples/DDTr/mtm1563ebs.pdf
  15. The President's Daughter series by Ellen Emerson White. It was written in the 80's but updated and reissued for today's readers. There is mention of dating, kissing and I think she is "active" in college but I don't remember. I will have my 13yo daughter wait to read them - but I love them. They are emotionally intense and really good. Here is the first one one Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Presidents-Daughter-Ellen-Emerson-White/dp/B005GNLX6Q/ref=tmm_pap_title_0 http://ellenemersonwhite.com/bibliography/daughter I also read this recently and enjoyed it: http://www.amazon.com/The-Disreputable-History-Frankie-Landau-Banks/dp/0786838191/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1340801531&sr=1-1&keywords=frankie+banks
  16. The only thing I have to say is based on the experience of a close family member. You would be suprprised at how much "home/family time" a tenured Ivy League professor has... It is much more than you think compared to other very high paying occupations. :001_smile:
  17. My daughter ended ballet lessons after 7 years and started running instead. I'm so thankful she is absolutely loving it! Phew! She is training for her first 5k in the early fall, but she wants to start improving times after that and consider training for longer races. I looked up running clubs for youth in our area - AAU etc. They meet far away or had different agendas than what we were looking for. No homeschool running groups around either. We can't participate with public school teams in our state. What if she registered as an individual with USATF and signed up for cross country open events on her own? Is that a problem? She subscribed to Runner's World and will research how to improve times on her own. Does sound like a good plan for a high school runner or does she absolutely need a coach?
  18. It seems I bought the ones I have very inexpensively somewhere, but I can't remember which store! My 15yo with special needs is having a blast reading them to me this summer - the "same books" as his siblings!
  19. If you own the dvd. I wanted to import a couple dvds for the plane. I'm googling and it seems you can't import dvds, only music cds? Why is that? Confused...
  20. There are several reasons for being pigeon toed. If you have femoral anteversion (turned in femoral bone at hip joint), you can't just straighten your feet. Orthotics and concentrating on straightening your feet can only help so much - that is how you were made. :) The surgery is extremely risky and definately not worth it for a mostly cosmetic issue.
  21. Dvd once per week. We choose to spend 45 minutes a day on latin - bc we do oral drills, vocab, grammar, and/ or pronounciation cd every day. If you just keep up with basic recitations and 1 worksheet per day you could get it done in 30 min. per day. I think the extra 15 min. per day is necesary to progress to mastery though...
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