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Everything posted by Retired

  1. well you say its not dh or mom which I would take their opinion into consideration If its work then you have a choice to change or leave Now I'm gonna tell you fundamental churches can be very judgmental ;) They have their moral codes and the rest of us are d*med. I grew up with it so I tend to have an attitude. I dress modest for me. I am conscious not to wear super tight pants cause well I've got the butt that men whistle at yes still at 42 :D I refuse to wear a skirt just cause some man may look at my butt but I don't try to flaunt it I can tell you that in south HOME SCHOOL moms are the worst Fundy, judge mental bunch of women I've ever been around and ask me how I know:tongue_smilie: I refuse to dress fuddy, no shorts, no pants. I actually respect folks that have convictions that are personal but have no respect for women that think they are god and Jesus and sent to condemn women of the world for making men sin. Its not Jesus is self righteousness - enough said
  2. http://www.thisoldhouse.com/toh/article/0,,783875-6,00.html this is a great link for cabinet refinish, I used kilz and the benajamin moore paint recommended i've done 2 kitchens with these paints - they look great and durable
  3. My oldest son hated them but he was unusual, read at age 3 and ask for books for every occasion the kids never played with a toy past age 7. But my Lego man is now 15 and guess what right now he has half his room covered in Lego color coordinated piles and building some creation. He wants to build, design and stuff in his future. He also wants a $300 dollar set for Christmas.:D He was talking about civil engineering, architecture, computer science well you get the drift. Its just in his DNA. He said his best job would be a designer for Lego. So they are a great toy for some kids
  4. 5'3" 128 -130 lbs BMI 23 but I lift really heavy weights so I'm actually healthier in my muscle/fat distribution. I tend to hold a few pounds of water weight after heavy workouts so my weight fluctuates by a few pounds daily When I didn't lift heavy my weight stayed around 120-122 and ran all the time. Which with the BMI calculator that would be consider my optimal weight range.
  5. oh my that armadillo was nasty looking LOL and yeah red velvet cake is like a traditional Christmas cake in the south Matter of fact it was one of the first things I baked for my dh when we were dating way back in 1987 LOL We had been dating for like 2 months before Christmas 87 and I was invited to their family party. My red velvet cake was the bomb LOL
  6. another nurse and the scrub issue depends on where you work when my children were young, i worked with a high population of infectious disease (yes we isolated and stuff) but I just didn't want my young children exposed to to much. I would clean up before touching the kids. I also changed my scrubs several times a shift just do to the volume of body fluids I was exposed too. I had patients that were in lay terms rotting to death and the wounds were left open and we did some god awful wound cleaning techniques back then. THANK goodness for the new ways. I work e/r now and yes exposed to all type of junk but I typically come home and shower/change immediately mainly not because of the scrubs but just being at work for 12 hours and a 2 hour commute. I just feel dirty LOL I can tell you my children have never had the flu or a flu shot and rarely colds or any type of sickness They are now 15 and 19. My DH believe they have some great immunity being exposed to all that junk i brought home ;) and worked in while pregnant. I always wondered.
  7. 2 kids, 1 dog, 2 cats The old American family standard :D I have a Leave It To Beaver (old american 50's show) family. I may even wear my pearls to do the dishes:D
  8. I love Jesus because I felt his love for me. I was at a very low point in my life. I remember sitting on the beach watching my kids and just thinking I cant' do it all I need help. I just starting praying and felt this incredible peace all my worries were just gone. I had this incredible feeling of being cherished. I feel that love everyday even in the missed of great difficulty (my mom has cancer, my dad Alzheimer's) I'm a nurse in a high stress e/r but no matter what the world throws at me. I feel his love. He takes all my worries away And the more I feel Jesus love and I fall in love with the Lord. I have a driving desire to be like him. I want to be in church, read scripture, talk about him with everyone. He is my driver in this world. I changed because of his love in my heart. I can tell when I start walking the wrong path (cause I'm human and do sin) He gently chastises me and shows me my sinful though path. HE IS the ultimate father. I hope when someone meets me or talks to me in my everyday life that they see Jesus through me. I guess that the ultimate love. Similar to how your kids at young ages see you as their whole world and want to wear your shoes and b you. That kinda of like what it is to be a person walking in the loving spirit of Jesus
  9. I guess that you put the school system above family time. I do not. I pulled my kids from school for vacation and to attend family birthday parties (4 hours drives) My dh and I both work jobs that do not give us summer vacations. My kids attended a YMCA day camp throughout the summer. SO yeah I pulled my kids whenever I wanted too. Its kinda of funny this question coming from a home schooler. You don't have to be in a classroom 180days per dictated by your state or your kids will be ruined for life Sorry just don't see your point And I will add that one school system we were in sent me a nasty letter saying I would need to attend parenting classes if my son missed school again(without the teachers permission-needed prior approval from the teacher -who knew:tongue_smilie:) American who is the parent. This crap is what initially got me thinking about homeschooling. We give all our parent rights away to the government when they pass compulsory education laws I'm just to anti big government for that and if my kids were struggling I may feel different but my strait A kids got pulled all the time for family stuff:lol:
  10. well I live in Alabama with the high humidity but no monsoons:tongue_smilie: hanging laundry for those without dryers. I hang out everything under clothes, towels etc. liquid Fabric softener for the wash (if you can get it in Malaysia) hang clothes inside out to prevent fading and to make sure you don't bring biting insects in (my mom did this with yellow jackets when I was young, my sister was stung several times) My mom came from the city to the poor country so she made all kinds of mistakes. hang shirts upside down from the tales (you will get smooth, wrinkle free and soft clothes hang pants right side up at the waist or upside down doesn't matter if you live in a high humidly the clothes line must be in full sun. My clothes dry in about 1 hour on less humid days but can take 4 hours on moist days. Once you get use to your weather and stuff you will know exactly when to hang and get clothes off the line (and miss the rain) My mom was the type that hung the clothes on the line and left them out all day. She was a SHAM and hated her life in the country My MIL did the same (she would run the wash before bed) and get up at 4:30 and hang out clothes before leaving for work. I grew up without washer and dryer. We would go to the laundry mat and then bring the wet stuff home and hang. I can tell you my MIL has never used any type of fabric softer nor my mom but my dh and I are spoiled and like soft clothes:D
  11. I debated with myself about posting on the anti Christian thread. I personally don't use Bob Jones or Abeka. I see they are from a whats it called revisionist mind set. There history is colored in the frame that America was filled with savages that the nice European brought religion and saved the world. I'm a Christian and just don't fall in the mindset that religious folks that called themselves Christian did the right thing I will also step out that I'm a young earth Christan which means there was a possibility of dinosaurs and humans on the earth at the same time. It doesn't mean I'm wacky. It means I have read the bible and other scientific journals and believe the possibility. Iam not a backwood dumb person. I'm not wacky. I've a couple of nursing degrees from secular universities. I guess we need to bring up some other religious textbooks and let me pick things out I don't agree with and call them wacky or disturbing. I can tell you several religions I don't agree with and know for a fact many of you practice these religions but I don't bring up the books and point out what I see as disturbing believes I also believe in the voucher program. I've been paying tax dollars into a system that teaches a religion of secular humanism. I dislike a lot of stuff in those textbook. Why should I have to continue to pay for them? I think that the secular folks should pay for some of my books;) :leaving:
  12. PLAY IN THE SNOW!!!! we live in the southern US and snow is a rare no school occasion
  13. OH WOW!!! I feel for this women. I've mention many times on this forum the legalism I grew up with. My mom is 63 right now and going through cancer so she sure has reevaluated her life She was this women. My dad didn't want her to work so she would be available to have sex with him whenever. (I KNOW CREEP AND JERK) I call this spiritual abuse. I watch this lifestyle fold out with my parents. My mom was the submissive in all areas of her life. It really was a bad example to my sister, brother and I. We each have had difficulty with relationships and even more with the concept of Jesus love. I've been married for 22 years. I've read lots of Christian marriage books. I do see some points regarding s*x. There is scripture to back up not withholding sex from our mate BUT I see this more of a directive to not try to manipulate our spouse with s*x. I should be available for his needs and his mine but we also should be sensitive to each others mental, emotional and physical conditions. Which mean there will be times we may want s*x with our spouse but understand it may not be the right time for them I see blogs like this and just see the damage it does to families. Its not just the couple it really screws up the kids. We were basically ignored while my mom fulfilled the "masters" s*x needs all in the name of Jesus. I'm a Christian and love the Lord. He has given me a wonderful marriage to a man that knows I love him when I fix his lunch, make a favorite dessert etc. He does get grumpy and a little aggressive if he hasn't had s*x for while but he knows he is loved. I think the grumpy part for him is s*x is his stress relief. He is just happier and easier to live with when we have an active s*x life. :D
  14. Christy Parkin, MSN, RN, CDE, responds: In the early morning hours, hormonal changes in your body will naturally cause blood glucose to rise. For people who don't have diabetes, the increase in blood glucose is offset by increased insulin production. For people with diabetes, this can be a problem. There are a couple of things going on that make your glucose rise in the morning. One of these is insulin resistance—a condition that means your body's muscle and fat cells are unable to use insulin effectively to lower blood glucose. However, insulin resistance also affects how your liver processes, stores, and releases sugar, particularly at night. The liver is supposed to release small amounts of glucose when you're not eating. But in type 2 diabetes, the liver dumps more glucose than is needed into the bloodstream, especially at night. So, while your hormones are causing a natural rise in blood glucose, your liver is releasing even more sugar into your system. And because your insulin resistance prevents your muscle and fat cells from using the sugar, your blood glucose level rises. Unlike mealtime blood glucose, which can be somewhat controlled by diet and exercise, high fasting blood glucose usually needs to be treated with medication. You should talk to your doctor about medications that can help you obtain good control. You may also want to read our September 2008 story "Rocky Morning Highs Some folks refer this as liver dumping, sign of insulin resistance
  15. If i read you sig line correctedly you raised girls to adulthood and this is your first man. He is 18 and should know when a accident warrants medical intervention. He does not need mom interfering. I have 18 ds and he has had a few burns on the job and never told me. I found out about a few after the fact and being a mom ask did he clean and put antibiotic ointment and he just gives me the looks like do you think I'm stupid. He did have one burn that wasn't healing and HE CAME to me which is a indication that he is mature enough to make that decision. Now as an ER nurse lots of young men goof around it their male bonding and sometimes they end up bad. I'm sure that those in authority would of taken him for medical care and called you if the situation was really that bad.
  16. mmmm being conceived,, I was born March 31, 1970, my parents celebrate their 43rd anniversary July 27
  17. My dh is 49 and does the P90X stuff and he looks years younger. We are no where near a AARP lifestyle :D I'm 7 years younger than him. I get folks telling me I'm younger all the time. We had relatives stay with us a couple months ago that hasn't seen my dh in 10 years. She spend the whole weekend saying she can't believe he is 49 he looks 39. My dh has upped his training to heavier weights and getting more muscle definition since their visit :lol: We have friends that use the AARP discounts so we may do it just for the money savings
  18. Well I see a lot of folks would be upset or think the women was selfish....I went through a rebellious promiscuous phase and I wouldn't wanted a relationship with any of those guys...I was pretty messed up at that point in my life. I say the women made the best of her choices and raised a good daughter. The "new" dad probably was just as promiscuous at the same period of time. He probably was the olds boys ideas "are you on the pill" yeah yeah " oh man that fills good" and that was the end of the conversation. All the guys prior to HIV condom drives pretty much have a good chance of father a kids they never knew about. I just don't pass judgment in situations like these until you have walked in their shoes.
  19. I totally agree. Its on my list as the next translation I will be reading. I've read KJ, NIV, New KJ all the way through a few times. I have actually tried to learn Greek and Hebrew years ago just to tell my BIL (the KJO minister) that I was reading the right bible. :tongue_smilie: I know longer dialog with them. We do meet at my MIL twice a year. I bought my FIL a New King James video bible one year and they went to check it out and dropped the thing like it was a satanic bible and started praying intervention over the home. I just don't get it.
  20. It rarely stays that way maybe the more aggressive posters are on vacation ;) This is a great post. This is one of the many points in conversation I've had with KJO folks. I will say that the KJO is a point of tension in my dh's family. The only's accuse us of reading Satan's bibles and we are being deceived and going to hell. They wouldn't let there children attend a home school coop cause of it. They wouldn't let their children in my home unattended cause we are cult (use other translation). I just can't see anything but the devil it it but thats my opinion. I have said many times to them how can the "Authorized King James" be the only bible. What happens when you start translating to other language. Does that mean that all other beside the English speakers can't have the "authorized word of God"? They have tried to convince me by showing the differences in the translations how other leave large portions, change meaning, etc. I have compared and usually the difference is a negative thought in the KJ and then NIV will say the same thing with a more positive sentence structure. The point is they don't change the meaning at all. I have read the NIV, NASB, NKJB. I don't consider the Message and stuff like that to actual be bibles. The point is that I learn the same things from each bible. There is no difference in what I get or learn from the scriptures. IMO
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