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Everything posted by elizabeth

  1. So many of your posts here have been great examples of qualities that healthcare professionals need . Patience, perseverance, understanding and acceptance of others are all traits you have in abundance .I think you are a really super human being and you will be a wonderful nurse.Congratulations to you on this very special achievement.
  2. I agree with every word you said Soph . There is a librarian here who raises money to fund her annual trip to Thailand to teach young women/children quilting and fiber arts to help pay for their AIDS medications and food. 10-15 year olds with AIDS from rape .These beautiful souls were sold to tourists for the express purpose of violation.That kind of evil is rare in this country and certainly not part of a governmental policy of ignoring the problem as it is in many other countries. Try to wrap your head around that and call it uneeded . I cannot imagine telling my librarian that she is doing uneeded work or panhandling for her mission work. It is an honor to help her in whatever small way possible. Yes it is absolutely obvious that there are people in dire need everywhere and charity begins at home but to suggest people have selfish motives is perplexing to me.
  3. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. I have lost a baby brother as well , my heart goes out to you. Peace be with you and your loved ones .
  4. http://www.amazon.com/How-Would-Survive-Middle-Ages/dp/0531153061/ref=sr_1_15?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1235068253&sr=8-15 Use inter library loan or hunt for a copy at powells online. I love her work. http://www.amazon.com/Oxford-Illustrated-History-Crusades-Histories/dp/0192854283 For future use this is amazing and we love it:thumbup:
  5. She needs to hire a tax attorney or CPA who is licensed to practice before the IRS. I am so sorry to hear of this it is not uncommon though . Please tell her to hire a tax attorney or CPA who can defend against the garnishment. This is not a self help situation and it really can get worse. I will keep her in my thoughts I have been through heck with them in the past and only will say that I keep my former CPA in my prayers because he managed to see us through what was a very trying time.
  6. Please heed Anna's advice. I lost my father and brother to the disease of depression . Please check her in . I will be thinking of you and praying for you both. Love, elizabeth
  7. I am just amazed at how very strong you are in dealing with this . I will keep your family and your physicians in my prayers. Early diagnosis is crucial and attitude comes next. You have both on your side. I am sorry you are having to face this . Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers daily.
  8. Apparently Bess Aldrich wrote a sequel as well as another poster noted to me. I have not read it and plan to while dd begins Lantern next week. As one bibliophile to another thanks for posting your intent to read Aldrich. It is so meaningful to share a love of books with others as reading is essentially a solitary activity . I hope you enjoy her writing as much as I have.
  9. Go to DMC online for projects beginning tips etc If you live near a Barnes or Borders they have magazines for cross stitchers with little card projects complete with floss and aida cloth-buy a magazine with one of those little projects on the front cover and you are off to the races. My favorite website for threads, pattersn, inspiration and recipes is the following link: http://www.nordicneedle.com/ Beware no schoolwork and certainly not any housekeeping will be accomplished once you look at the swonderful projects here. My faovrite magazine for projects and kits is availible at Barnes and Noble and is from the UK . Link follows http://www.crossstitchermagazine.co.uk/ The best book for all things related to cross stitch and related counted fabric work is The New Cross Stitch Bible http://www.amazon.com/Cross-Stitchers-Bible-Stitch-Charles/dp/0715325450/ref=pd_sim_b_14 I love this book and it is everything you need to know in one resource. I am so glad you asked as this is a passion of mine taken up to give my hands something to do when I quit smoking 2.5 years ago. I had needlepointed in the past but this is so much more satisfying to me. Enjoy and please email if you need more links I have hundreds...that's just the way I roll.
  10. Kidding but um not really. I eat reprehensible amounts of sweets because I like them and I take Elavil for chronic pain and it seems to make me desire nothing but sugar. It is not a pretty picture but I feel fine. We eat a lot of fruit and vegetables with only Kosher meat due to Dh preferences but do not eat organic. However, when our neighbors put up their summer veggie stands with sweet corn, okra and tomatoes we are certainly pleased to eat their goods with much appreciation .
  11. http://www.bessstreeteraldrich.org/forms/UNP_Aldrich_PressKit.pdf I thought some of you might be interested in the book selected for this year's annual Nebraska Reads. The link is a press kit with links to resources , discussion questions included for this wonderful book about surviving life in 1865 Nebraska based on the life of Aldrich's mother. It is superb and a great piece to read for the bridge between early modern and modern periods WTM style. It was my favourite as a girl of 12 and I just so pleased to see it selected for this year as a whole new generation of readers will be introduced to this book.
  12. http://www.nexstitch.com/v_crochet_videos.html I love this woman for making these videos so I could teach myself how to crochet.
  13. http://www.amazon.com/Care-Keeping-You-American-Library/dp/1562476661 I loved this book very scientifically sound, not too graphic and availible at any large bookseller. It has clear drawings of body structures that were most helpful when discussing the proper use of tampons. I generally do not like American Girl fiction, I find them trite so it was a stretch for me to take this suggestion and look at the book. I really thought it was just right for dd at the time. FWIW she found it informative without being cutesy. Just common sense information with a minimum of commentary.
  14. The Disappearance of Childhood by Neil Postman Saving Childhood Protecting Our Children by Michael Medved http://www.amazon.com/Saving-Childhood-Protecting-Children-Innocence/dp/0060932244/ref=pd_sim_b_njs_2/182-7763558-4711612 I love both of these books and have read them repeatedly I think they are too informative to borrow from the library, mine are chicken scratched, analyzed and generally hanging in tatters.
  15. http://whyquit.com/ the best medical education resource regarding nicotine addiction. I quit after 25 years armed with this information that helped me avoid relapse. The acupuncture is a good start but he needs knowledge to avoid misunderstanding why nicotine is so hard to quit. No gimmicks no fees just cold turkey from nicotine and the knowledge to beat nicotine for good. Hugs to you both and best wishes for a solid quit. It can be done and whatever gets him there is great !!I have found that hard candy and sugarless gum are great in the car where I always used nicotine. Helps to get you over the bumps in the road so to say. God bless and good luck.
  16. What they are indicating is that a failure to bond appropriately with caregivers/parents by not reacting to a change in environment including being held by different persons is likely an indicator of a delay. It is entirely appropriate for certain ages to exhibit strong preferences for one person over another. I am uncertain what you are asking though...some toddlers are just easy going personalities and more curious they will examine with their hands a new face or object rather than crying or rejecting the "stranger" and that is normal for that child. Are you thinking the query itself is ambigous ? It is really one out of many that prompt the diagnostician along certain paths of elimination. There are many people here with advanced degrees in social work that likely have a better background to explain this line of inquiry. As an attorney I read so many of these reports I think I can reconstruct them out of whole cloth....I hope you get more answers to your very interesting question. Often what looks like a delay is just a quirk then again the converse is also true.
  17. I might be in error but it seems both the video and article violate clearly the letter of the rule stated at the top of this board. Clearly partisan, clearly political and clearly banned.This is a hot button topic and more importantly clearly within the scope of the rule at the top of the page. If the rules have changed please forgive my error in mentioning it.
  18. I really appreciate the honesty of others in this thread. Here goes, I was that kid . I have been sober from drugs and alcohol since 1986 and continue to be grateful for my two year sobriety from nicotine as well.Please help this child with medical intervention while you still can. Once she is 18 you have not a chance in Hades of helping her. The pot you found might be the only drug she has used or it might be the tip of the iceberg. If you are not finding new makeup, fragrance or fashions, cd's or music then I remain fairly certain that there is substance abuse. She could be huffing or buying ritalin -who knows? Barring evidence of items being purchased that explain what the money is being spent on ,my addict in recovery/lawyer sixth sense says there is more here than meets the eye.
  19. http://www.pearsonschool.com/index.cfm?locator=PSZ89t&cx=005941229713221132392%3Ahnmn4cnhhby&cof=FORID%3A11&q=earth+science&searchSubmit.x=21&searchSubmit.y=13#1043 Hello I have ordered from this company and used a text no longer in print they are excellent to deal with and I took the liberty of bookmarking all the pages for earth science. I think that the forensic science texts might be fascinating for my 12 year old Sherlock Holmes fan ...These are secular and they will send you a catalogue as well. Hope this helps .I can spell I cannot type apparently ignore the subject typo please
  20. http://www.pearsonschool.com/index.cfm?locator=PSZ89t&cx=005941229713221132392%3Ahnmn4cnhhby&cof=FORID%3A11&q=earth+science&searchSubmit.x=21&searchSubmit.y=13#1043 Hello I have ordered from this company and used a text no longer in print they are excellent to deal with and I took the liberty of bookmarking all the pages for earth science. I think that the forensic science texts might be fascinating for my 12 year old Sherlock Holmes fan ...These are secular and they will send you a catalogue as well. Hope this helps
  21. Literature:Moderns Survey :The Great Gatsby-Fitzgerald, A Tree Grows In Brooklyn-Smith, Lost Horizon -Hilton, Death Be Not Proud-Gunther, All Quiet on the Western Front-Remarque, Short Story Survey :O Henry, William Faulkner, Flannery O Connor Grammar:Jensen's Latin:Henle 2nd Year Math :Singapore NEM 8 Science:Ecology /Biology dd choice of 5 by Heinrich ,excellent all http://www.amazon.com/s?ie=UTF8&search-type=ss&index=books&field-author=Bernd%20Heinrich&page=1 Silent Spring-Carson,DK Human Body:nopity: History:The Civil War-Burns,Bread and Roses-Watson,How the Other Half Lives-Riis,The Worst Hard Time, Silk and Cyanide,Refusenik-Potok,Tresspassers at the Top of the World, 1968 by Kurlansky and 20th Century by Zinn Philosophy: John Stuart Mill, Hannah Arendt and Max Scheler excerpts from selected works Religion: Living Religions of the World, Biography of Pope John Paul II Art : various and sundry needlearts including thread painting because I like to drive myself insane..., jewelry making and peyote bead weaving. Music:Piano That's all folks. She will be busy as she enters her teen years I hope I can keep up with her interests.
  22. We used these as well and they are fantastic for independent use.
  23. http://www.nordicneedle.com/ If you do not cross stitch I strongly suggest it . It is really easy to learn and there are thousands of different patterns from which to work. It changed my bored, alone time into blissful, create something beautiful time. I also listen to books on cd from the library everything from the Sookie Stackhouse books (southern vampires) to Garrison Keillor to Tolstoy. That is the way I roll. As to the power of needlework I quit smoking 2 years ago and this has kept my hands busy with something other than candy. I also taught myself how to crochet from a book and online stitch guide called Theresa's crochet guide on youtube. # afghans , 2 ponchos and 3 scarves later I can say I enjoy the heck out of it. I am certainly one of those people who has difficulty being at peace in her own skin ,this creative outlet has helped tremendously. I hope you browse through the website and get crazy , try something new for you . Be warned however once you have crossed the proverbial river into needlework it is absolutely addictive. I promise.
  24. Not a conservative Christian but very careful regarding what my 12 year old reads and I had no problem whatsoever with the book especially with regard to clear demarcations regarding the moral qualities of the characters. The second book of the trilogy is a bit darker but nothing once again that would lead to confusion regarding the morality of the characters in fact it is one of the criticisms I have of the book. Flat characters and very predictable in their actions . A skilled writer and worth the time to read but not satisfying for mature readers.
  25. What a wonderful young person. Do not underestimate the power of influence at the age of 14, no doubt you have fostered his gentle spirit and thoughtfulness toward others. My favorite book for dd when she was 4-5ish was called Roxaboxen http://www.amazon.com/Roxaboxen-Alice-Mclerran/dp/0688075924 I love this author and her message .
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