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Everything posted by elizabeth

  1. I hope your little one heals well and soon. If you are offered a breathing machine for wheezing accept it and save unneeded, expensive and scary trips to the ER. Ask me how I know...
  2. Moscato is a wonderful sweet wine to enjoy for people who do not like a "boozy "taste... it is terrific . You might also like Piesporter.
  3. In The Well Trained Mind , SWB suggested the Wiley self teaching guides. They are secular , straightforward and very much for an accelerated learner. In terms of biology, we used this and supplemented with well written science books aimed at our favourite topics. The Ghost Map by Johnsonis a great analysis of scientific paradigm as being determinitive within the practice of epidemiology. Furthermore it helps make biology real and adds a bit of history and anthropology to the mix. Preston's The Hot Zone is another fine popular book to supplement a dry textbook. We have read most of Bernd Heinrich's books as well for learning about the environment and zoology http://www.amazon.com/s?ie=UTF8&search-type=ss&index=books&field-author=Bernd%20Heinrich&page=1. Naturally, there are a million topics that can be seen as exploring a topic deeply in biology depending on personal interest. For this non mathy mom it has worked to meet dd passionate interest in science without leaving me in the dust. I am delighted with her interest in the natural world but jeepers the DK book The Universe, The Visual Guide is a tome weighing in at what feels like 5 lbs and ran a cool 50.00. That has been a succesful approach here a secular text with lots of popular science books thrown in the mix and it works nicely for our family.
  4. Kathy I tried to send you a private message but am unable to as your quota is full. Great clarification regarding scientific terms of art versus common usage. Nicely done and thanks much . elizabeth

  5. Hello, Apparently this is all too common...same song and dance here. Until I went to a rheumatologist. The news was not good but I can live with it and get by with phys therapy and elavil. Get to a neuro or rheumatologist asap I am fairly certain your symptoms are not unusual sadly nor is the dismissive attitude from the MD. I hope this is an orthopedic surgeon as they all react the same upon hearing your symptoms not the case with the autoimmune specialists . Please do not give up or let this go. I am thinking of you and was hoping you were improving. I am sorry to hear that you are struggling. elizabeth
  6. jenny in Florida,Thanks you so much for sharing the selected readings and book titles used. You have done a remarkable job of being balanced in the topical juxtapositions. I appreciate your generousity in sharing your work. This ,like so many of your posts, is a keeper.
  7. http://www.collegeboard.com/prod_downloads/ap/students/worldhistory/ap-cd-worldhist-0708.pdf a lengthy list of topics covered on AP exams from the college board. I have not found a spine that is both comprehensive and well written. Thus it has become a quandry here as well. I plan on using SWBauer's Ancient History with a couple of other texts thrown in that I happen to enjoy but I digress. Modern history I cobbled together several books that are often used in AP history classes , read them all, outlined several and am really pleased . I listed all texts in a thread about 9th grade here. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?p=844676#post844676 I also purchase all my books from the resources at http://www.socialstudies.com/c/apworld.html?s@kS0lp76CcVC4c they are tremendous and I cannot praise their visual and written selections enough . My point of view is primarily secular humanism thus my recommendations reflect that perspective. I hope the links work and are of use. If you are going this route please get sugar free candy to keep by the chair I failed to do so and the results are in the subject line. Jordan almonds are not the ideal energy source for lengthy cram reading sessions. My hair sure is shiny though... :cheers2:
  8. 'However no one would argue that what a black experienced during the civil right movement was the same as what a non black experienced. One could say that a Black had a more vested interest in the civil rights movement and its out come than a none black did. It is the same with the Nazi Holocaust" Again nearly speechless... http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/FTrials/price&bowers/price&bowers.htm I think these Jewish men and their families had a vested interest. Your point of view seems to exclude the simple historical fact that if you assisted, supported or protected persecuted people you were next . I simply disagree with everything you have said and so must bow out as I have nothing constructive to contribute. In closing I will again clarify my position that I still believe that all of humanity has a vested interest in rising to the challenge of ignorance, fear and hate wherever and whenever they arise.
  9. "I really do have more invested in this than you do "Rebecca C Wow, I am for once speechless. It might surprise you to discover that there are many people here who have spent time with , lived with or are related to survivors of genocide. Including the one being discussed. Not everyone is equally comfortable disclosing their history or background -particularly that which might cause others to pity them. It is too close to contempt and derision. This thread and the direction it has taken is all too par for the course. It is probably not a sound idea to assume that any person here has more or less investment in something that should concern all of humanity.
  10. You are always extremely kind and informative. Unfortunately that is not the credo of all who read and post on these boards. I am sorry for the hurtful comments on your blog . That took mean to a new level. I enjoy your posts and candor very much indeed. Some days there is just a whole lotta mean going around . Peace to you and yours.
  11. Thank you for posting the truth about the widespread horrific abuse and objectification of young girls in this situation. It is not easy to discuss but the truth about sexual exploitation of youngsters particularly those without a family is a story that needs to be shared. Many people have no idea. A friend of mine who does missionary work in Thailand opened my eyes to the reality these young ladies are forced to live in.May the time fly by quickly until your daughter comes home to you forever. You have a wonderful family .
  12. It could be pleurisy or much as I hate to think it -a fractured/cracked rib. It really can happen from a long persistent cough over weeks. Ask me how I know...I lived with an ace bandage around my ribcage for a month after bronchitis decided to give me the runaround. Please see an MD
  13. Nope you are 100% correct ,time to home school the CCD. I do and have been very pleased with the outcome. Incidentally the film is not historically accurate as it is based on the writings of an 18th century nun named Catherine Emmerich who was very much a product of the age . This is but one link by scholars that shows just a few of the inaccuracies in the film http://www.archaeological.org/pdfs/papers/Comments_on_The_Passion.pdf She espoused some beliefs that I find morally unacceptable and historically inaccurate regarding the Jewish people. I am truly sad that anyone found this film acceptable for young children. Very poor judgement and if it were me I would seriously reconsider placing my children in the care of people with obviously poor judgement and a lack of education regarding the developmental propriety of certain material for young children and adolescents.
  14. http://www.kolbe.org/Italian_I_and_II___Prego%21__An_Invitation_to_Italian-p22273.html This is what I plan to use albeit not a registered user of Kolbe you can purchase texts through them. Here are other links as well http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072956429/information_center_view0/ Lots of samples etc Dd has an idea that French is preferable in her mind I plan to go with what she wishes to do as we are on our 5th year of Latin and sh wants to continue and acquire a modern language as well...Best of luck in the pursuit here .
  15. Thanks so very much for sharing this wonderful resource!!!
  16. I am so very sorry for your loss. What a wonderful man. I hope your memories bring you comfort and peace. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Peace be with you,elizabeth
  17. Having worked in a health clinic and assisted with treatment of genital warts-as awful as they are and difficult to treat I am not vaccinating. There is not enough evidence of safety particularly with neurological problems. Secondly, because I firmly believe in barrier Birth control. I fear this vaccine will have the effects of the pill fooling people who are young or ignorant into thinking they are protected from life threatening STD 's . For my dd I hope she waits but in any event I cannot say strongly enough that barrier BC is the safest method if one decides to have relations. Pelvic inflammatory disease , AIDS , Syphillis, Gonoherrea , genital warts all prevented by barrier or abstinence. I saw so many patients with really dangerous , serious infections because they were sure that "the pill would protect them and only skanky girls got STD's". Not true at all. In any event I have seen that in younger populations the naivete with which they approach health matters is appalling. They really believe the erroneous info they get from their peers and were almost always shocked to discover that the disease they had could have ruined or seriously impaired their fertility and overall well being for life...I shared these thoughts with dd pediatrician who disagreed that the vaccine was inappropriate. I think the Dr is superb we agree to disagree on this. Dd was mortified by my candor about overall safety/barrier birth control to which I replied ,"My dear child, that is why se******activity is for married adults because we can discuss it without shame or ignorance. " It is a really difficult choice to make but I am very concerned about the glib marketing that underlies the rush to utilize this vaccine.
  18. This is what my chef buddies use to make their chicken tasty. I also love a nice balsamic vinegar marinade.
  19. Hello, Welcome to the boards. I am just wondering if your unusual surname bears any relation to one of our folk music greats mentioned here. I am a huge Pete Seeger fan so the name leapt out at me while browsing the hs board. Glad to see another mom with a 13 year old ready to make great strides it can be exhausting. http://books.google.com/books?id=iehNcvWN5JsC&pg=PA147&lpg=PA147&dq=pete+seeger+song+Kuykendall&source=bl&ots=aVOOG4aKXj&sig=AFfqC7KtvJlAdSr-sBFxF3oUtmY&hl=en&ei=HezDSdOyNIq-MpvTuPoJ&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=1&ct=result Just wanted to say hi and welcome. Elizabeth-attorney /momma to one dd who keeps me hoppin'

  20. Hmm I am surprised by how many people in the thread feel there is some type of etiquette to be followed. I filed my paperwork , bought my materials , had a space set aside for our schooling and then scheduled an early am meeting with the principal and instructor. At that time I shared that my intent in meeting with them was not to again bring up the same issues and ruminate about challenges that could be in place to accomodate dd as I was prepared to homeschool. The principal then stuttered well the kids would have liked to say good bye blah , blah , blah. The last thing dd needed was to have some phony overwrought emotional day or week to really make her feel as if this was akin to death. In my little corner of the world it was and is clear to me that basic civility and of course, compliance with the law is all that is required. Any more than that and the unsolicited questioning of your child and unsolicited opinions will begin to accumulate. Spend your energy planning for educating your child . Let the grown ups deal.
  21. This is such a phenomenal post I am saving it. You very aptly describe the criticisms I share regarding the support of absolutely reprehensible regimes while in the same breath condemning communism as we have witnessed so many times from Pope John Paul II. It is however obvious that he was a product of his time and as such spoke forcefully against human rights violations especially in his encylical on the value of human labor. That is something else altogether.Please if at all possible share a title that would balance Richard Pipes for next year . I really enjoyed it for its brevity and clarity and the final chapter regarding Allende/Pinochet certainly lacks an impression of the horror of Pinochet. Suggestions for balance are absolutely welcome as the fine line, the grey area, is where I am most comfortable. Great post and I am cribbing some of your ideas for discussions regarding the ethics of our government involvement with bringing down one regime of horror to see another in its place even more reprehensible. Our involvement years ago in Afghanistan supporting the mujhadeen(sp?) certainly comes to mind... For me it really comes back to the old question -are we really behaving as " my brothers keeper"? Great discussion and food for thought.
  22. IMHO isolating the core muscles and using them properly is really hard to do and if your form is not right during many of the exercises you can really hurt yourself. I did it for back pain and it helped for a bit before I developed what is called snapping scapula-dislocation from the fiery depths....
  23. Henle Latin II, Latin Grammar and Aesop in Latin-1 credit Singapore NEM II-1 credit Chemistry a self teaching course-Wiley-1 credit The Elements- Oxford press- Sociology Myths and Realities-Penguin Academic -2 credits Grammar-Frode Jensen-1 credit Formula Writing -Frode Jensen(heavily tweaked to include persuasive essays that are logically sound)-1 credit Modern Literature: 2 credits The Good EArth-P Buck The Jungle -Lewis O Henry Short Stories(all) The Secret Sharer-J Conrad Kitchen Boy -R Alexander The Great Gatsby-Fitzgerald A Tree Grows in Brooklyn-Smith Black Elk Speaks-Neidhart Hiroshima-Hersey Lost Horizon-Hilton Lord of the Flies Catcher in the Rye-Salinger Selected poetry L Hughes,Roethke and Whitman All discussion questions found online either at publishing house webpage (Random House and Penguin are great)or created by the facilitator. History:Seneca Falls-Mcmillen 2 credits of History due to amount of reading How the Other Half Lives-Riis The 20th Century-Zinn Communism-Pipes Hard Times-Studs Terkel The Worst Hard Time(dustbowl) Egan Between Silk and Cyanide-Marks Red Scarf Girl Biography of John PaulII-Carl Bernstein Max Scheler His Life and Work The Gates Of November-C Potok Comes A Time-Meltzer No spine approaching topically for depth Philosophy: Pope John Paul II-2 credits here Edith Stein Hannah Arendt John Rawls -A Theory of Justice Library book clubs, lots of movies and needlework, crochet and comic illustration fill our free time. Oh yes ,we own all seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and try watch one episode a night during the summer. We are just that way. Summer school is Latin and PSAT prep...with lots of Buffy and Supernatural episodes to keep things real.
  24. http://www.christianitytoday.com/ch/asktheexpert/nov7.html a great little article and book suggestions regarding the life of Pope John Paul II. I think you would find his life experiences under totalitarian and communist rule to be absolutely riveting . Your blog is simply wonderful .
  25. I always pair philosophy and especially political philosophy with literature and history. We will read the biography of PopeJohn Paul II by Carl Bernstein and a few other books to round out the political part of the picture. On a broader note it is my intent to also align philosophical movement with history for dd. Pope John Paul II fought totalitarian regimes his whole life and backed solidarity as well. His area of expertise philosophically is in the area of phenomenology . There is a strong connection in his thought between the idea of personhood and political and religious freedom. Suffice it to say I know dd's eyes might glaze over when we start discussing phenomenology but she survived Kant so anything is possible . Check back with me next fall and I will let you know how my budding archeologist feels about my grand plans. I always aim high and pray for patience. A great picture book about these issues The Wall by Peter Sis is a great start to begin examining and thinking about totalitarianism . I really love his work.
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