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NicksMama-Zack's Mama Too

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Everything posted by NicksMama-Zack's Mama Too

  1. We thought about dropping family coverage, but found out getting reinstated into the company's group plan would be next to impossible. I wish my dh's employer would offer HSA's, but they have a business interest in the health insurance company.:confused:
  2. from Costco. I'm not sure what price you are getting the IKEA stuff for, but the Harmonics is on sale for around $30 per box w/ coupon. It was pretty easy to install (no glue, just click). I think installing it in a bedroom would be easy. The Harmonics stuff has a foam underlayment built in. A contractor friend of mine said the laminate didn't sound like you were walking on plastic - that it had a more wood-like sound that past generations of the stuff. I'd have to agree. Good luck. K
  3. About a year before she served him with divorce papers. It was a nice place to stash his medical reimbursement checks and their kids' stock dividend checks as well as any other funds she could syphon off their joint account. It really benefited her to get to the mailbox before he did. Sometime, it's all about the timing.... Having said that, I've had my own account for small expenditures for years and we have credit cards in our own names here and there. We have a joint operating account. My dh manages (micromanages) our money and I have a Quicken back up key and account password list at my disposal. He has always been very open about our financial situation. It's all about what motivates you to have a separate account. K
  4. Any Dream Will Do from Joseph and the Amazing Techincolor Dreamcoat to his grandmother and it brought tears to my eyes. We love musicals around here (the latest is Sweeny Todd). K
  5. and I am finding that it really speaks to me. But I probably really need to read this book by the same author first...Someone here mentioned it (thanks!). The Anger Workbook http://www.amazon.com/Anger-Workbook-Lorrainne-Bilodeau/dp/1568380542/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1213359396&sr=1-1 My library has it, maybe yours does too. hth K
  6. The commute would be priceless to me. I miss my dh so much! Even if the rent is $200 higher, if gas continues up, it may be a wash. K
  7. Required to get my CW Permit. Anyways, at the end of the class we were rewarded by getting to sho0t one, single bullet from a Desert Eagle....50 caliber handgun. Good Lord, I will never forget the feeling. I felt as though my hand exploded as I pulled the trigger. The precussion shook my whole body. And then, I laughed wickedly and wanted to do it again... Of course, I wanted to be one of Charlie's Angels too.... K Agreeing with others - you are one HOT MOMMA
  8. I surf the web using Mozilla's Firefox and have Ad-Block added to it. It works great! k
  9. from Costco. It was way easier to install and way cheaper than the glue-in Pergo we installed 10 years ago in our townhouse. I really think it looks nice (better than our Pergo) and I'm hopeful it will hold up well. My dh and a friend installed 600 sq feet of it in one day. My dh is installing thresholds and molding (from Lowes) today. There was very little waste as most pieces were in good shape right out of the box. I'm not sure how well it would hold up in a kitchen. I'd recommend tile and DIY if you can. I've got some high end vinyl in my kitchen and it hasn't taken the puncture marks (dropped knives) very well. If I did it over, I'd choose tile. ;-(
  10. and thoughts. Having met you only briefly IRL I got the impression that you possess enough "grit" to push through this. Anyhow, I know many on this board will be sending you virtual:grouphug: including me as you get through this. K
  11. You sound a lot like me. I'm 5'4 1/2 and I weigh between 130-140. My best weight it 125. I haven't seen that since I turned 40. I was very depressed at my inability to get to my perfect weight (I have weight issues due to the chronic obesity in my family). Over the last year or so I have updated my wardrobe based on comments my dh has made about what other women are wearing. I have switched from classic cut jeans to low-riders/boot cut and more form-fitting t-shirts that accent my curves without showing a bunch of skin. I've switched from regular panties to thongs and boyshorts and from regular bras to the more padded/molded cup bras. I gave up my flannel pj tops for camisols. All these changes to my wardrobe I did for him although I didn't feel like ME when I wore them -- now make me feel s*xy and youthful. My dh has shown much appreciation to the changes. I know it sounds superficial, but the changes I made to my outside appearance have altered the view I have of my innerself. I am not just N&Z's mom, but Rocketmike's wife and lover. It's a good thing. K married 18 years this summer. Together for 22. Best years have been the last 2. ;P
  12. but :iagree: I always say it's God's joke on us. Men need s*x to bring out their emotional connections to us. We need emotional connections to bring out our desire for s*x with them. FWIW, I say follow Kellie's advice (and Marvin Gaye's too).... ;) K
  13. in the office (other than secretaries). I traveled, ate meals, and kept company with a group of men (ages 30+). They treated me as a little sister. During our travel, an older man in the group would always walk me to my hotel room or my car to ensure I wasn't mugged. (We were in downtown Detroit). I was never "hit on". These guys were truly gentlemen. I was always open about my marriage. I mentioned my happiness in my marriage and homelife. I had pictures of my dh in my cubie and he'd call the front desk to talk to me. I think this helped keep the rumor mill in check. Now, my dh works in a car dealership. Nice looking saleswomen are all over (boob jobs, well-manicured, designer clothes) the place. He is good looking and extroverted and I'm sure know there is flirting. I have made it a point to be a presence at his work. I've shown up for lunch looking put together. Called the main operator to ask for him. Befriended the sales women and his co-workers. Made goodies for him to share. In other words, I've kept a presence at his work. Keeps the rumor mill in check. Clearly, he's a guy who's not available. I didn't always do this. I let my kids and their schooling take over my life. I put my dh second. My dh called me on it and after much soul searching, I decided to make our marriage a priority. A friend of mine is married to an adulterer (has a child outside the marriage to prove it). Her husband has worked for the same airline for 18 years. She has never met his co-workers. She hasn't been to any company functions. She has met his "best friend" (another pilot) twice. He disappeared for two weeks and she had no one at his work to call and see if he even reported for duty. He keeps his home life and his work life separate. The OP needs to interject herself in her dh's worklife and make sure his co-worker knows that he's happy at home. I'm glad the OPs dh mentions this stuff to her - she really needs to suit up and take action. Just my .02
  14. The stock of components varies, but you can get what you need within a reasonable time. However, Wii's are hard to come by. Go figure. K
  15. and I didn't mind giving up my plain middle name. One son has the first born middle name of all the first born males in his family for the last six generations. The other son has my maiden name as his middle name. I feel like we both honored our families this way. K :iagree:
  16. Nick Andros from The Stand. However, my Nick is the opposite of deaf-mute. He has dog like hearing and loves to run is mouth.... God laughs. K
  17. Broken for You by Stephanie Kallos. Perhaps you would too. http://www.amazon.com/Broken-You-Stephanie-Kallos/dp/0802142109/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1211885794&sr=8-1
  18. :iagree: Somehow, I am off their mailing list. Yea!! It's so rare that I found anything of value in their catalogs. K
  19. Rod & Staff English.... Singapore Math Story of the World w/ AG Easy to implement. If I had a fourth, it would be MegaWords. K
  20. but I don't regret seeing them. KWIM? Just about all of my favorite movies have very disturbing scenes. I prefer to have some emotional reaction to a film, although one viewing of Sophie's Choice is more than enough. Certain films bothered me as a child, but not many films keep me awake at night as an adult. My regretful movies would be those from my childhood... The Blob (I was under the age of 6 when I saw this. It was on some afternoon matinee channel. Original version. Triggered my chronic insomnia.) Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte (Another afternoon movie that I saw under the age of six. I just remember Betty Davis chopping off some man's hands.) Rosemary's Baby: Creepy. I was pretty young when I saw this. I read Helter Skelter around the same time - so I have some sort of Sharon Tate/Mia Farrow morph stuck in my brain. I can't think of one w/o thinking of the other. The Omen: Can't listen to any chanting monk type music without being creeped out.
  21. Yep. I've looked around at that same table (oh, I would love it) and found this... http://ths.gardenweb.com/forums/load/furniture/msg0411145025497.html Boo on Broyhill if they don't help you folks out.... K
  22. No cable here, so I'm relegated to Youtube. Um. Okay Garth, you need a makeover. I saw you in concert many times in the early 90's. A good decade has gone by and you're still wearing painted on jeans and those striped shirts...what's up with that? See: Tim McGraw or Kenny Chesney...:tongue_smilie: A flattering cut shirt would do wonders for ya.... Rant over.... K
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