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NicksMama-Zack's Mama Too

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Everything posted by NicksMama-Zack's Mama Too

  1. "Babyitis" still plagues me now and then too. You're not alone. K
  2. Yes, advertisers are aiming at the youth and have the perfect vehicle (multiple 24/7 children's television channels). They are aiming at younger and younger children because these children have no impulse control and parents with open wallets. Have you noticed how many stores cater to children? Once trained, these children become adults with no impulse control. Thus, the advertisers have a guarenteed stream of revenue for decades. My dh and I were reflecting on how little tv advertising we were exposed to as children (limited children's programming in the 70's) and how that may have shaped our spending habits. People just 5 years younger that us seem to have different habits.
  3. I am trying to wade through a book about consumerism. Much of it is over my head, but I can't help but consider the implications of our collective thirst for more "stuff." Thus far, this book has been depressing. My husband is reading a book about the declining dollar and says it's depressing too. Remind me to avoid the Economics section of the library next time.:001_huh: We haven't had television in 4 years. I don't "get" pop culture. We are not name brand shoppers. I buy used or borrow. We recycle. We drive OLD cars. Barter when possible. I wear clothes until they are worn out. For entertainment we have friends over for dinner and play our Wii (first console system since SegaMaster - 1991). My biggest annual expenses are our pool passes and the kid's karate lessons. Honestly, I want for very little. My dh and I throw around the idea of traveling more and have dreams of him working less hours, but haven't been able to let go of the security of a bi-weekly paycheck. We don't want a bigger house or newer cars. Our kids don't want for much. We have no plans for the stimulus check. There seems to be a world of consumers that we not a part of and don't really understand. Are we that weird? Well, I'm rambling here as usual. What say the hive?
  4. I thought it was so much fun to shop there. Thanks for the memory. K
  5. Infantilize Adults, and Swallow Citizens Whole" by Benjamin R. Barber. Once again, I find myself relieved that we don't have television advertising in our home.
  6. I've never even thought about sending them separately. :001_huh: I haven't seen any info on the online NOI, so I think it's a county deal. hth, K
  7. http://thesoftlanding.wordpress.com/2008/02/09/are-brita-water-pitchers-made-from-safe-plastic/
  8. I had been thinking about you for months. Thanks for the update. K
  9. My 64 yo bio-dad (not involved in my life at all - ever) has never paid a dime in taxes or health insurance or child support. He has spent his whole life living off others and under the table wages and has no assets of his own. He bragged for years how he's outsmarted us all and will inherit all my grandparent's assets....blah blah blah. His mother is 85 and healthy. Well it seems as though he has pancreatic, liver and bowel cancer. From what I hear, he is getting VERY GOOD medical care to prolong his life. He is getting chemo and drugs. He was diagnosed over 6 months ago and is still here. He is getting excellent care. My dear mother who supported this man for many years continues to work because she needs health insurance and wants to protect her assets (home, cash). So, I guess there are still hospitals out there that provide services..... K
  10. We keep it in the refridgerator - I've never seen mold growth in it. It gets emptied frequently by my water-lovers. OPK's (other people's kids) like to use it when they visit because of the spigot. Never had a problem with it. K http://www.amazon.com/Brita-35530-Ultramax-Dispenser/dp/B00009LHZH/ref=cm_cr_pr_pb_t
  11. I've had no problems other than my power cord died. I replaced it with a part from an online (not Dell) retailer. A friend of mine has a Toshiba Satellite that she has had for years . They are available from Best Buy and Circuit City. hth, K
  12. from Toys R Us. Both were bought on a weekday, during the afternoon hours. If you don't see them on the shelf, ask the store manager. Our TrU are not busy at all and people here tend to flock to Walmart/Gamestop/Best Buy. Good luck. K
  13. We make "meal-salads" consisting of spinach and any or all of the following: manderine oranges, craisins, sliced strawberries, diced fuji apples, almonds, diced new york sharp cheese, tomatoes, blue cheese, red onions. We top with grilled meat (london broil or chicken breast). Top with cranberry/poppyseed/fruity dressing of your choice for the fruity/chicken salad or creamy italian for the tomato/blue cheese/ red onion/beef salad. Mix and match and enjoy! K
  14. Hugs to you. I hope you are surrounded by loved ones as you go through this sorrowful time. :grouphug: K
  15. Really, it was so worth it!! I used to be miserable 6 months out of the year with chronic sinus, asthma, puffy-eyes, sleep problems. After 2-3 years of shots, I was SO MUCH BETTER. I'm not sure what the downside is to shots vs. life-long allergy meds. K
  16. I look like this woman....but you won't catch me in that dress. By Books would need some help.
  17. I worry about the future implications of the actions of both sides of this. The zero-tolerance policy that tends to evolve from these types of situations bothers me. I am not condoning the alleged abuse, but my radar goes off whenever I view the government strong-arming people. I am trying to reserve judgment until all the facts come out. However, I am very cynical and I feel like both sides are playing the public. I feel manipulated. Yuck. :confused: K
  18. and submit your post. You are VERY talented. Too bad you have to suffer for your art. :001_smile:
  19. and then see that they live in a messy house.... I make FAST FRIENDS of that person and extend to them an open invitation to drop by for coffee at my (messy) house ANYTIME.:001_smile: Is there a Smiley for Coffee-Lover? Really, don't feel bad for not being able to do it all. You are not alone and I'm sure I'd feel right at home with you. K
  20. He is right-handed, but holds his pencil like my left-handed dh. (He's a clone of him!) His handwriting hasn't improved in years. We have done HWT print and cursive books. This week I started to really look at how he is holding his hand. I realized that he is bending 90 degrees at the wrist and holding the pencil above the line he needs to write on. (Insert hanging my head in shame). The only way I can figure out to correct this, is to make a splint of some type, so he can't bend his wrist. Any better ideas out there! K
  21. and read Camille Paglia's columns (since that seemed to me who GG was channeling). I'll miss her. :confused: K
  22. Who was it that had been treated for breast cancer (in Maryland) in the past and was having testing done to see if her counts were good or bad? I awoke in the middle of the night and her situation popped into my head. If anyone remembers who it was (Kathy, Karen?) and hopefully can share some good news, I'd appreciate it. TiA, K
  23. My sweet, calico just turned 16. Every cough, sneeze, or slow to rise reminds me that we will lose her someday. I feel that sorrow every time I read posts such as yours. I will be thinking of your furry friend. :grouphug:K
  24. I just got off the phone with dh (works at a dealership). He said alignment would cause a pull and poor handling at any speed, not a vibration or wobble. It's more likely one or both tires are out of balance, or road-force variation of the tire caused by damage to a tire. Check for damage to the tire, missing weights, a chunk of mud or snow on one portion of the wheel. hth K
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