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NicksMama-Zack's Mama Too

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Everything posted by NicksMama-Zack's Mama Too

  1. being the anti-consumerist, this fits me to a "t". ;-P Somedays, it feels like all I have is LOVE...... and that's enough!! K
  2. Did your dh score the underside and take out some of the particle board? Please share your wisdom. It's beautiful! I have schoolroom envy!! Is there a GREEN emocon? K
  3. so often we've gone to books on CD ;-( I'm sure it's my breathing. I am a speed reader and I add a lot of inflection to my reading aloud. My kids love it, but man, I need to take a breath at some point. I take shallow breaths to keep up with my reading. Need to work on slowing down and just breeeeeeeething..
  4. I am really struggling with my 6th grader's schedule. It looks much like yours!! My child is so upset about all the time allotted for school. If he wants to work for 6 hours - he could just jump on the bus, KWIM? He's not seeing the benefit of homeschooling - ugh.
  5. He dropped a pair of heavy handcuffs (he's an amateur magician) from about 3 feet and put a nice, little, round dent in one of the planks. Luckily, it right where my dining room area rugs starts. But,like a new car. Once it gets its first scratch/dent, you can relax. We bought extra and it's the snap-in kind, so perhaps if we get motivated and it gets more dents, we will replace a few planks. BTW, very easy to install. Definately worth doing yourself. K
  6. if I could afford it. I can't, therefore I have laminate. My BIL is a builder and has hardwood throughout his whole first floor. He has dogs. Even with scratches it's beautiful. I can't believe a flooring store would recommend laminate over hardwood. Laminate can't be sanded or restored once it's scratched. I think they just want to sell you laminate now and then have you come back in a few years for the real thing.... K
  7. until marijuana is legalized and then use it to fertilize his hemp garden? :001_smile: Of course, he will run around nekid....
  8. as do most people. ;) I just want to say that I know two public school teachers personally. One is a friend I grew up with that is now a Reading Specialist and the other is my MIL who taught math for 30 years. One has a very negative view of home schoolers and covertly quizzes home schooled children and makes comments like "don't you want to go to REAL school and be with your friends?" and the other is very supportive often looking over my curricula and raving about how thorough it is and what a great education my dc are getting at home. So, I don't believe that generalizations about either choice are legitimate. My opinions are my own and I never assume anyone agrees with them. Ultimately, I am the parent and the buck stops here. Everyone else is BTWwelcome to share their opinions, but..... K (scroll down if you are interested in who is supportive and who is not.) BTW, Mother in Law is the supportive one.
  9. when thinking about the costs of homeschooling. We probably spend about $300-$600/yr on curricula for two children. As we approach middle school, I'm sure that number will increase (cc, science gear, perhaps DVD based math and more IEW). I am blessed to live a few miles from a wonderful library. I think it's a bargain to home school compared to all the money that parents of ps'rs are expected to come up with throughout the year. Back-to-school school supplies run about $90 per child (asked my best friend, mom of 4). Middle schools require $25 fee for gym clothes. Then there is the fund-raising throughout the year (jams, jellies, candy, pizzas, wrapping paper) and teacher's gifts. Then there's "school clothes." My dc get new sweats every fall and one pair of jeans. Mom's of ps'r have to buy 5+ pairs of jeans, new dressy shirts and shoes. I know my bf spent at least $200 per kid on new clothes last fall. Like I said, home schooling is a bargain. Just my .02 K
  10. because my favorite and tv shows are probably are a bit more racy (sex and violence) than most folks prefer... 1. UR (unrated) movies (Sopranos, S*x and Lucia, True Romance) 2. Liverwurst sandwiches 3. Amy Winehouse music
  11. I saw it on the table too! Lucky for you, I didn't have any cash on me! Enjoy! K
  12. of the house. Specifically, to the sides of the windows. We bought some 3-4 ft bushes for about $40 each (Cherry Laurels) and planted them on the frontside of our home. I highly recommend them. I'd remove everything from the backyard except the table and chairs at the bottom of the steps. I'd add a few large flowering pots along the perimeter of the sitting area. It looks like a great place to entertain. Move the van out of the driveway and take a closer picture of the home from the same angle or slightly to the side. The current picture doesn't really do anything for me. Seems to showcase the gravel driveway, rather than the house. As for the inside. Looks like you've done a lot of work!! Just a few things: Front view of house: I'd retake this picture from a few different angles. The tree branch is distracting and I can't get a feel for the style of the house. Kitchen: I'd remove the rolling pin thing from the wall and leave blank or put a small picture with some color there. Empty the sinks of the dishpans. Anything on the counters is distracting and takes away from the potential work area. Dining Area: Could you remove the tall bookcase and just put the books on the smaller one? If you could take a picture from a slightly different angle emphasizing the view out the back doors, that would be great. BTW, very nice home. Good luck. I think posting on Craigslist is a great idea. K
  13. begins with a P. She told me that you can lock in a cheaper price by reserving your truck in advance. With her company, you can reserve up to 6 months in advance and they will honor the quote they gave you at the time of reservation. If you need a truck for the summer, make your reservation in the spring and you will get the spring rates (usually cheaper). IRRC, local rentals are cheaper than one-way. Keep in mind, summers are a high-demand type and the prices increase with demand. Internet prices may be cheaper than walk-in prices. Check the web before you call. hth K
  14. and she sent my BIL to private school for high school. She was ribbed by her co-workers for sending him to a private school, but she did it anyway. She has always supported my home schooling and has offered to pay for them to go to private school if I need another option. In her mind, ps is not an option worth pursuing mostly because of the negative socialization and the fuzzy math. BTW, she is pro-NCLB and was involved in the early days of Virginia's Standards of Learning.
  15. with three Lazy-Boy products. Couch - ribbing on the cushions is poking out. Recliner 1 - screwed-in leg falls out of hole. The part the leg screwed into has broke lose. Recliner 2 - Wiggles in all directions. So, I wouldn't recommend buying another Lazy Boy product. BTW, my grandma's LazyBoys from the 1960s are more solid and in better shape than my 2002 versions.
  16. when I was a small child. The meaning of it is stronger than ever. Thanks mom. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjcKHEuOcxQ
  17. BTDT. I bought another HWT Cursive workbook (he's been through it once already). I give him the option of completing his R&S grammar work in print/manuscript AND then he gets to do the HWT workbook, OR he can complete it neatly and in cursive and not have to do the HWT workbook. You can guess what he chooses. He learned to type a few years back and does all his IEW drafts and finals on the computer. BTW, my friend's with kids in junior high would love to have their kids typing because the teacher's preferred typed reports.
  18. We've only watched them sporadically. My dc are only 10 & 11. I would think an 8th grader would get a lot from both of these. The Joy of Thinking (Mathematics) - Fun anytime. Some of it is over their heads- but I think it would be fine for an 8th grader. Physics in Your Life. We will be viewing this more formally (with readings from Hewitt's Conceptual Physics) when my dc are older (8/9 grade). hth K We will be revisiting Physics in Your Life
  19. We had seasons in the sun...." did I get that right? Here's another.... "Run, Joey, Run....."
  20. "Gypsies, tramps and thieves...." Every week. My early childhood was filled with "He-Haw" and "The Sonny & Cher" show. My mom owned every Carpenter album made and I can sing along with every Carpenter song. Kathleen, I have fond memories of my sister and I standing on our twin beds and singing "I feel the earth move under my feet, I feel the skies ...." ;P I loved the 70's. Life was great before BIG HAIR and shoulder pads took over.
  21. that keep me out of rush hour traffic (which starts at 3pm. around here)! I have to take special back roads to avoid rush hour to get to karate. I'd love to have a mid-day or mid-morning class!! :auto:
  22. has them in all different sizes in the $11-12 range. I pick up a pair every other year or so for my kids. hth K
  23. A fellow homeschooler gave me a heads up on where to save some money on generic Zyrtec. Last time I bought name brand Zyrtec, it was $1/dose! http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00194508I/ref=nosim/0sil8 hth K
  24. but was eliminated because I went to elementary school with the DEFENDANT. I remembered him from school because I saw him being dragged to the principal's office frequently..
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