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Heather in WI

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Everything posted by Heather in WI

  1. Today I read Little Bear and the Marco Polo to my youngest two. :-)
  2. I was raised Southern Baptist, in my adult life attended two Independent Fundamentalist Baptist churches for 2+ years each, attended a couple of other IB churches a few times, and now am a member of a Reformed Baptist church.
  3. No, not if you mean a fictional bedtime story. We do have some sort of family devotional reading every night. Currently, we are reading one section out of our Vos Story Bible nightly.
  4. We had margaritas last night. Tonight is all about the Fat Squirrel. :)
  5. My eight year old has enjoyed all of these books! Also, he has loved: The Little House on the Prairie series (he's read the entire series more than 5 times!) anything by E.B. White anything be Beverly Cleary any of the series from H. Irving Hancock: Grammar School Boys, Vacation Boys, High School Boys, West Point, Naval Academy, Uncle Sam's Boys, Dave Darrin, etc
  6. What a wonderful update! :) http://www.lockwoodfamilytomexico.com/
  7. Oh, to have a picture of Mrs. Mungo doing this! Just the thought is making me :lol:
  8. LOLOLOL! We've been making poor man's margaritas all week with Limonade, tequila, and grand marnier. Yummy!
  9. :lol: So funny! Off to share with a few friends in my never-ending teasing of them for reading this book! :D
  10. I finally broke down and ordered Fractions for my oldest. He spent hours last evening with it! He asked me to order the next book now so that it would be here when he finishes this book. :)
  11. Thank you for this! I didn't know about the credit/debit part. This is about half of our purchases. You've got a definite point on who benefits here! :glare:
  12. We go through hundreds of thousands of dollars in materials a year. (We own a remodeling-construction company.) These are materials/supplies that we buy retail/wholesale from incorporated companies and pay sales tax on. Currently, I just input the receipt as "Lowes" or "Amoco gas". I don't specify which branch. Now, I'm going to have to track down each and every company's tin, address, and owner for each branch that we buy materials from; fill in their info to Quickbooks, and then will spend even more time each week making sure which exact store we've purchased from than I already spend. And, then send out hundreds of 1099s. :tongue_smilie: I have a feeling a lot of small businesses will get burned with this change. It will be easier for companies like mine to consolidate purchases to one big company in order to simplify tax reporting, rather than having to track down tins, owners, and mailing addresses of all the smaller specialty lumber yards, cabinet makers, moulding makers, gas stations, etc.
  13. That's not what I meant. There was a provision tucked into the new health care law that mandates all "businesses file tax forms called 1099s for every vendor that sells them more than $600 in goods"!!!
  14. Yeah .... don't ask me how I know this. :scared: That lesson taught us that an accountant is must-have! We love Quickbooks. I enter everything in and we have the accountant who does our taxes look over it twice a year. s/o ?: Is anyone else panicking over the new health care-1099 law? http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5hAvWflrKAzC5ihkMKerPivEQbTDAD9I7PKG81 We are in an absolute panic here about this! The only thing that calms me down is knowing that it doesn't take effect until 2012 and hoping that it is repealed before then.
  15. We started a remodeling construction company 4 years ago. We've had our ups and downs with the economy, but yes, even with construction down so much we have enough to support our family of 6 + dog in a middle-class lifestyle. It is a lot of work, but it's work for *us*, iykwim.
  16. Rosie, you are a person whose insights I value very much. Definitely didn't have you in mind. :)
  17. Thanks for clarifying. Oh, darn. I was excited for a few minutes!
  18. What did the e-mail say? I thought I was subscribed to her e-mail list, but I guess I'm not.
  19. http://www.lockwoodfamilytomexico.com/2010/09/urgent-prayer-need.html My goodness, how sad! Praying here.
  20. My boys are very science-y and we've had great fun with the Sonlight science program. Have you looked at it? Since you already have some Usborne books, you may not have to buy the entire thing.
  21. Thanks, ladies! I appreciate all of the suggestions and commiseration. :) I definitely don't want to drop Latin. He really enjoys learning another language. Now I'm sitting here with two Latin programs and I already told him I was thinking of switching, so he wants to switch now. Argh.
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