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Everything posted by ChemMommy

  1. Monday isn't my padded room day, but Lunch was leftover Mexican. Water for lunch and anytime I remember to drink it; I'm always dehydrated! 20th Century history is our game this year. We are on our fourth year of TOG.
  2. I'm an associate professor of chemistry and this is my 13th year homeschooling my kids. My neighbor was an education professor and he never let his kids near a public school. I always got the giggles over that one!! Mostly I'm treated well about homeschooling. Frankly, they've given up on changing my mind. LOL I've had three homeschooled students in my classes over the year and only one was successful. Of course, lots of people aren't successful in chemistry at college, so I'm not sure that that means anything. All three of them were wonderful people, though, and went on to be successful in other endeavors.
  3. If it is lactose intolerance, you can add lactaid to his diet to help. It's available OTC, too!
  4. What's for breakfast today? Toast with honey and a big glass of water....I'm working on better hydration.. What may throw off your routine today? Our on-line classes with The Potter's School start today. There will, of course, be technical difficulties! What are you looking forward to this week? We are sneaking away to go fishing for two days, even IF it is in the 30's, because my dh and I have two days off in the middle of the week.
  5. Today wasn't so bad. Even math with 15 yo drama queen wasn't bad. Didn't have to resort to bribing her with chocolate to get through the lesson. Let's just say that chocolate is on speed dial at this house! On the positive side, same 15 yo dd made ravioli and veggies for lunch and homemade cookies. It's still warm enough here to swim in you heat the pool. Mornings are in the 50's. Highs in the low 80's....loving it!! I woke up from a nightmare yesterday where someone was saying "how dare you think you are educate your kids". And this is our 13th year of homeschooling!! Wonder where that stress nightmare came from. Possibly from the thought of having to graduate the first one! LOL Dreams are funny things!:lol:
  6. I meant bikini line. UGH....I am so hairy there. The chin stuff I just pluck... How awful is waxing on the bikini line? Or embarrassing?
  7. Would anyone be willing to chime in with advise about a personal issue or two? I sweat like a pig now that I'm 47 and, uh, changing. Any suggestions? And, what do you do about stray hair, uh, down there? HELP!!! My mom was silent on these matters and I have no sisters! Take pity. :lol:
  8. I think you did fine. I've always gone with an "if the kid asks, they get answered" theory on this one. Your son knew he was asking personal questions of a female. He wanted your input, even if he really didn't understand the magnitude of the question. Personally, my son first asked me and then followed up with dad. I'm glad I got to explain things because, according to my dh, their talk mostly focused on road construction equipment!!! I have NO clue how he covered "THE TALK" with road construction equipment...but I would have loved to be a fly in the car for THAT one! LOL Just encourage your son to follow up with dad OR you if he has more questions.
  9. After a run to the pediatrician, we grabbed the books and headed to Qdoba's (a Mexican place) and did school sitting under their umbrellas. I got to sip tea, the drinking kind, and do lessons. It was great! So, where did you do school today? And where is your favorite away-from-home place to do school?
  10. We use tracfones here. We have the double minutes for life on mine since it is used the most. The rest are just pay-as-you -go and need more minutes. For our 3 tracfones, we are paying maybe $15 per month. Check your reception. When my ds was at Boy Scout camp all summer, we got an AT&T gophone since that was the only reception in that area. In town, verizon has been working great for us. And, like you, those cell phone family plans are out of our reach at this point!
  11. Let's just say that there IS a reason I live 2000 miles from my family!! LOL
  12. My dd is Spark on the OYAN forums. If you are comfortable sharing, what is your child's pen name.
  13. You are calculating a specific heat and the units for specific heat are J/g-K (joules/gram-Kelvin). Most constants have crazy units since they are not physical values so much as devices to convert between, in this case, energy and mass!
  14. My 9th grader used it this past year and LOVED IT!! I can't say enough about the teachers. They do free webinars all year long. Be sure to check into the on-line forum. The kids read and critique each others work. All I really had to do was to firmly explain to my dd that she needed to complete her novel by the summer deadline for submission. Other than that, I did NO teaching at all! For a kid who likes fiction writing, this was a great program. She's writing her second novel already!
  15. What did you think? I loved seeing the children and Marlboro man in person. And I grew up on chicken fried steak and gravy! She seemed nervous and a bit stiff. I think she'll settle in soon! Way to go, Ree!
  16. :grouphug::grouphug: I'm so sorry you're having to deal with a child like this! Vent away!!
  17. If you expect to be there for more than a year, I'd be tempted to paint a color you enjoy and offer to repaint it orange when you move. It takes about a day to double roll a larger room and might be worth it to enjoy your living space if you are going to be there for an extend time....
  18. Miralax has been great at our house for constipation. I can't imagine getting mineral oil down a child!! Might be worth the expense. It's now available OTC, too!
  19. OH, my!!! I might buy a nook just to get all of her books!! Which one is your favorite? I'm rather fond of "The Corinthian"
  20. That's wonderful news!! I'm rejoicing with you!
  21. It's not you, it's your location!! Come on up north and you'll have a massive variety of coats, except here, we have coats for ALL seasons, and I don't mean the same coat either! We have separate coats for fall, winter, really winter, spring, and summer (yep, summer nights at the lake get cold). Good luck with your shopping!! And don't ask me about how hard it is to find age-appropriate summer wear up here! LOL:lol:
  22. No, parents who have been strongly involved in boy scouts can be selected, too. My dh and my son did their ordeals together. Our OA events are about 30-40% adults even.
  23. It's a bit hokey with all of the rituals, etc, but it is not hidden or secretive, like a lot of cults would be. OA is mostly a fellowship and service groups for people who love scouting and are too old to be boy scouts :001_smile:. Do I love it? No, but it doesn't alarm me (and I'm a pretty conservative Christian type person). I don't love the hokey ceremonies and rituals, but, honestly, after the ordeal and brotherhood ceremonies, the rest is just weekend fun and service projects, nothing objectionable. Hope that helps......
  24. $15 per child We buy the books and vests separately, as needed
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