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Everything posted by ChemMommy

  1. Our favorite misheard lyric is: On Christ the solid rock I stand All other ground is STINKING sand. And I may never march in the infantry Hide behind the tree Shoot the artillery The child responsible said he thought he's prefer to hide than be shot! LOL
  2. We used Potter's School for two year and were very, very happy with the quality of the teacher!
  3. I used an older edition. We just had to look up the literature in the table of contents. If something was missing, we tried to find it on-line. If that didn't work out, oh, well! We skipped it. No guilt. TOG1 (and all of the levels, really) have more reading than a typical ps school, so missing one is not a big deal. It was more of a pain to look up all the poems because there were so many of them in TOG 2. BUT, for the price, older is fine. HTH!!!!
  4. I don't think that you've seriously over schedule your child. BUT, you may want to make school a slow rollout, meaning introduce math and do it only for a week. Take this time to show her where to keep her books and supplies and to assess her abilities/gaps. Then, add a new subject the next week, and so on..... I think that your dd might feel overwhelmed (and you might feel frantic) if you jumped into the whole thing at once. Consider starting with her favorite subject and then add the one she's the most behind in and then a short one...Soon you'll be up to full speed. IF it is too much, drop the extras until after Christmas. Establish the basics and fix gaps this first year and do extras as time allows this year or in the future. WELCOME to the homeschooling community! May God bless your efforts and endeavors!
  5. Year 2 has the most content, IMHO. Year 1 has some wonderful D level books that I'd hate to miss, but that are nice to read at the R level (Iliad, etc.). Year 4 has some super history/ethics issues to explore that are probably best studied as an older teen. What grade/age is your student?
  6. Thank you ALL for taking the time to reply with your thoughts. Just one more question: Did you find the instructor's manual critical, helpful, nice, or reasonably unnecessary? Looks like WWS might just work for us this year.
  7. Did it work? Did you have to fill in gaps? How independent is WWS? Can students do some days alone, most days alone, no days alone, all days alone??? I'm increasing my work hours this year (ugh) and am looking for a program that is more scheduled for our LA program. THANKS for taking time to reply!!!
  8. Probably the mom misunderstood the standardized test scores. I know I did at first! 4th grade math means the child did as well as a fourth grader taking the test would do, not that the kid is doing 4th grade math. I might be tempted to ask if the kid enjoys division....but I'm recovering from surgery and feeling snarky! I agree with the other poster: sure sign of a newbie homeschooler. I know I was convinced I had a blooming genius when my first was in kindy:lol::lol:
  9. I think there are too many bins. I'd eliminate the pinkish ones to make it seem more like an office a man could use. You need a chair (smaller one) and a few, very neat desk accessories to define its use better. I think some sheer panels that cover the wall, not the window, would be nice, especially if you can coordinate the color with the bins more.
  10. We did set I and II in one day. IF there were a lot of proofs in one lesson, I'd hold half of Set II for the next day and combine that with a review of the chapter. There's a bit of memorizing that needs to be done and these half-days helped keep on top of that. We did set III together with the answer key, for fun. Never took more than 5 minutes.
  11. I'm in a very conservative locale and at the local convention, my slacks are definitely the rarity!! I'm sure more than one jumper-wearing-mama has prayed for me as I wandered through the vendors' hall! LOL
  12. It sure took me by surprise and I laughed out loud. But, I couldn't explain why it was so funny to my kids....which made it even MORE funny!:lol:
  13. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B007LS4GOU/?tag=readtoday-20 Got my attention and made me laugh! The description read: Do you feel as if you have been steeped in hot water & wrung dry? Tea is more than a beverage; it is an experience!
  14. Four in seven years. #4 wasn't hard to add to the mix. She was a peaceable baby, for the most part. AND, the older ones are tremendous help! It was FAR easier to cook dinner, for example, because the others would entertain a fussy baby while I stirred pots! The older ones get a real kick out of helping. I was very tired/sleeping for about 6 months after the birth. I decided that it is perfectly acceptable to nursing one BooK only each time (yes, I was lop-sided, but I never could remember which side to start on otherwise.). And, I decided it was perfectly acceptable to snore like a sailor at the 3am feeding and then dump, ahem, I mean tuck the filled-up baby back into bed after wiping drool off my cheek. After the first 6 months (and once the kid was sleeping through the night) #4 was truly EASY. I was an experienced momma!! Congratulations on your delightful surprise!!!!!
  15. I use pixlr.com for photoediting. I've been very pleased with it.
  16. We are in our 2nd year with OYAN and love it for my fiction writer. It has fostered a tremendous desire to write. She comes to me now and points out good plots, excellent writing, and significant scenes in books she reads. We are thrilled with the product and the owners. The forum is a very important part of OYAN; the students give each other feedback on the forum. My dd is also attending the summer camp this year for the first time and can't wait!!! The owners also do free webinars during the year on various writing topics that are tremendous. My dd submitted her first novel as a 9th grader and will submit her second this year. I think this is a better program for an older kid. It's a LONG process to birth a novel.
  17. It was a HUGE hit with my 9th grader who loves to write. The forum activity is a blast. With a younger child, it's a pretty big project to stay committed to a novel for one entire year. Also, there is no grading down by the OYAN people. However, the owners do free webinars that are super informative and run a summer camp for writers. We love this program for our fiction writer!!! Great people; great service! FIVE stars
  18. WOW!! What wonderful feedback on the quality of the 7th grade BJU program! Thank you so much for taking the time to share.
  19. I have a rising 7th grader who has expressed strong interest in biological sciences. We did Elementary Apologia's Human Anatomy this past year and she's had a blast. So, here's my dilemma(s): 1. Should I do another year of life science? She is good in math, but not advanced enough to do Algebra. We'll start pre-algebra late in 7th grade. 2. Would anyone be able to compare BJU Life science to CPO Life Science? Thanks for any input!!
  20. Chang is HARD core chemistry. I would not recommend it for a high school course taught at home. Zumdahl does a great job (better than apologia) preparing kids for college chemistry and a good job for an AP exam. Chang could easily be overwhelming. Yes, both texts are LONG. It will be a lot of work to get through them. Don't worry about the chapters toward the end with descriptive chemistry of the main and transition elements. You might consider getting a more recent version of Zumdahl and its answer key. Good luck to you!!
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