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Everything posted by LauraGB

  1. I'm confused. All the colors in the top picture are green. :confused:
  2. Me too! I felt so bad for her. Even though she's not my ideal candidate, darn it, that was the stupidest question I've heard so far. And if it wasn't for this forum, I wouldn't have understood that biblical "submission" means current-time "respect". And I'm guessing the guy who asked the question expected as much from the general public (but that he knew exactly what it meant when he decided to ask the question). I wonder why, with all the major issues to discuss, he didn't bother to ask all the male potential candidates if they would still respect their wives after they became president. :glare::glare:
  3. I expected he would grow up a little more as life came at us. I suppose that would be a change...but not so much a personality or character change.
  4. That's great news! Two years is a long time to wait to get things back in order - what a fortunate gift.
  5. Those are my questions, too. What a sad, sad situation.
  6. No, and I wouldn't even dream of it. But I know more than a few parents who do.
  7. My kids are old enough to make their own breakfast if they want to. This morning ds made blueberry pancakes for everyone. I don't often eat breakfast and can't remember the last time I cooked anything for it, except for granola and muffins and such, but I don't make those things in the morning. For some reason, I don't love waking up and cooking things. I don't often cook for lunch, either. Sometimes I'll make soup, but usually when I make soup for dinner, I make enough to have for lunch for the next couple days. Mostly, I'll heat something up in the oven (usually leftovers or nachos) if we aren't having sandwiches or something of that sort. I guess my kids are old enough to work out lunch, too; ds likes to pull dough from the fridge and make little personal pizzas, so I just have him make one for me, too :tongue_smilie:. I always cook dinner. And I do prepare snacky sort of things to keep on hand for the week.
  8. Yes. I feel naked without it. Kind of like forgetting shoes. In it, I've got my wallet and all sorts of wallet-y things (cards, insurance info, license, receipts from last Christmas in case I need to make any returns). I've also got a check book, about 6 months worth of receipts, the dogs' vaccination papers, gum, change, personal hygiene items, old grocery lists, cell phone, lip liner and lipstick, and a plethora of other VIP items. And by keeping it so...heavy...it makes me feel comforted that if anyone were to try to attack me in the grocery store parking lot, one good swing of my purse would knock him/her out cold.
  9. To me, no money means no money. It means no cash in my wallet, and a pretty empty checking account. On a larger level, it means no emergency savings, either.
  10. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: So sorry. We can't pick our family, Wendi. We can only try very hard to love them regardless. :grouphug:
  11. Thanks for organizing this, Jennifer.
  12. I'd tell them if they didn't like what the (unpaid) chef was serving, they're on their own. And I have. Your dh's bland taste buds are not a result of his midwestern upbringing. Some of us like good food ;) I'd eat your fondu, and I'd like it :D
  13. Ooh! Congratulations! I was just thinking about posting you a question to see what you decided. One thing about vets I've found over the years is that some really want to help your dog, and some really want to sell their product. So, I would suggest you ask the vet about food. Seriously - the answers they give are very telling about how thorough they can be. I've had three dogs, four different vets - all of them are different. I've finally found a vet who sells Science Diet but is an advocate of a raw food diet and even gave me recipes for home made dog food (and I don't even actually feed raw food) without once mentioning the food they carry in the store. I've had vets who will only suggest meds and the food they carry, vets that carried only natural, organic foods that suggested risky surgeries for probs, and newer, younger vets who were innocently trying to do their very best. Ask about diet and you will get a good idea of what their views and practices are. About the insurance. A few years ago I might have laughed at having insurance for a pet. But now...not so much. With the size and breed(s) of your dog, there are so many potential issues (hips, ACL, etc), I would pay the extra $10 a month and get the insurance. An acl surgery is easily $1200-$1500, and the insurance is extremely helpful in that situation. And aren't regular checks covered at 100% with insurance? Those alone cost about as much as the year's worth of premiums, so it's not a bad deal at the end of the day. I'm so excited for you! :party:
  14. Ooh! I like that one! I also like NOW and iGeek, but iGeek makes it sound like you only do Mac. Of the three, I'd call the IT Girl first, then NOW, and then I'd call iGeek to see if you do windows, too :D.
  15. The other day, dh was telling me a story about being a kid and "heading up to the cabin", but then he stopped mid-sentence and commented about how he needs to stop saying "up" because it's such a "hick" thing to do. Well, I've never really thought about it before. But I do it all the time, too (we're both hicks at heart ;)). Up north, down south, out east, out west, down to Some City, over to Some State... It never occurred to me that this is abnormal. But, I guess if I dissected the sentences, I'd find some misplaced prepositions and objects. I just got over my "got" syndrome (:D), so I'm not sure I'm ready for another thing, lol. Do you do this? Is it regional, maybe?
  16. :lol: I'm in the Let Her Shave camp, too. My dd was 9 or 10 when it began to bother her, too. It was just time. She used an electric razor until last year when she could wield a real one without needing stitches.
  17. He just got back. He hadn't even noticed! (both shoes were at least black and sneaker-like) Someone is going to sleep well tonight, lol. :lol:
  18. He's at a wilderness themed day camp all week, and he had an overnight there last night. When I picked him up at 5p today, he was completely filthy and exhausted. He needed to be to football practice by 530p, and he wanted desperately to take a shower (you know it's bad when a 12 year old boy *wants* to take a shower before football practice :lol:), but there was no time. So he got all his football gear going on, I made him a pb&j (he'll eat a real dinner when he gets home later), filled his water jug and sent him on his way. When he arrived, everyone was already running laps, so he just quickly joined in. Dh dropped him off and came home to eat. Dh just left to go to a parents meeting and I was cleaning up the living room...only to find one of ds's cleats on the floor (left there by a dog, of course). The poor kid has been at practice for about 2 hours. I saw him put on one cleat while he was here; he grabbed the "other" (supposedly) and ran out the door to put it on in the car. But the "other" is here. He's got to be running around with two mis-matched shoes on his feet! :lol::lol::lol:
  19. :)Thanks so much for the info, guys . There were blood tests done a while ago, but I don't think they were specifically looking for anything at the time, and all of them turned out fine (except for a Vitamin D deficiency). Possibly some more specific ones need to be taken.
  20. You know, I went to the store this aft and looked for your wine, but I couldn't find it :-(. Anyway, I bought another Zin (a not very oaky one) and feel like a good puttanesca (with lots of capers and olives) would be awesome with it. No chicken, though, for sure. Maybe you could do a sauce like that and heat it up and cook the pasta when you get there?
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