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Everything posted by LauraGB

  1. Yes, that is my stupid question of the day. Dd told me she caught some kids she knew smoking pixie stix. She said there was an index card (complete with the blue lines) and the candy involved. Now, I'm not exactly naive when it comes to such things. But for the life of me, I can't figure this one out. So I googled it. And yes, people do smoke pixie stix. :confused: I don't think she was mistaken. I also can't think of any white powder one can just roll up in an index card and smoke. I really think that they were in fact smoking pixie stix. So, tell me - what in the world would possess someone to smoke pixie dust? I mean, I guess in theory, pixie dust *could* make someone happy.... :confused:
  2. Oh, Scarlett. So tragic. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  3. Do you bring it in and take it out, have a stack or rack filled with it, or think it's repulsive and would absolutely die if you saw a library book or any other book for that matter in someone's bathroom?
  4. Today I'm trying to decide if I want to keep it. On the one hand, I really like Mrs. W. On the other, it's kind of funny to see my avatar running around with his pants on fire. And if I had a third hand, I'd say it kind freaks me out to see my posts and that guy at the same time (almost like they're not really my posts).
  5. I'm totally legit. I just want you all to know that. :) And I think most of you are real, too. It would be too weird to come here if I thought everyone without a blog or avatar wasn't "real". I'd skip it, I think.
  6. Yes. Once was with a glass dish. Once was with a ceramic one. Both were completely my fault because I had taken them out of the fridge and put them into a hot oven. But, neither exploded - they just cracked. Disappointing, none the less, though. And stupid. :tongue_smilie: Won't make that mistake a third time, lol. I still use them almost exclusively, though. I don't really love using the aluminum ones I have, and I haven't yet sprung for stainless.
  7. Pizza. If pizza is an option, pizza I will always choose.
  8. If I change it, will my old one still be here so I can change it back? I don't think I have it saved on this computer.
  9. This was a headline in our local newspaper today. Maybe I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, but I'm thinking, "no kidding". We used to call it nervousness, excitement, a little of "ooh, what will the new day/year bring?" Not "anxiety". And we didn't need a bunch of counselors to collaborate, write a news article (like it's worrisome to be anxious about something new), and then go on to say things like: and Maybe if we'd let people have those pretty natural emotions and reactions without analyzing them, picking them apart, writing news articles about them, prescribing meds for them, that maybe, just maybe, this upcoming generation might have a chance to develop some coping skills and stop second guessing that excitement and nervousness is *not* the same thing as full blown "anxiety". A little room for character building, anyone? Geeze. Just my thought for this morning.
  10. Yes! Tired of everything. If your body is physically exhausted, it's only natural that mental exhaustion would follow. Please check into that before you consider possible depression. Then, of course, there is peri-menopause (or even the beginning of menopause - my mom was in her early 40s) . But I would definitely be feeling more like looking into the anemia first. Sorry you are feeling so cruddy. :grouphug:
  11. Ds started out this season on the 8th grade team, but after a few practices (and before the first game) he was bumped back to 7th grade because nearly all of the kids were head and shoulders (and 50lbs) heavier than he was. I was secretly very, very happy. At the first game, I saw the 8th graders on both teams - oh my; some were taller and heavier than dh (and he's not puny). They had all grown, where ds is just getting there. It's a humbling deal, but common sense has to prevail with these sorts of "games".
  12. Yes. Those were difficult times, my friend. I've chosen to forget them because I don't plan to do "9" ever again for the rest of my life. It's just that first major hormonal influx and they are just not equipped to deal well (unlike the girls :lol::lol:).
  13. I don't blame you. Watching my kid play football is the most nerve wracking thing I've done since watching them take swimming lessons. And I was a mess at those.
  14. And what if they did bend the rules and he tackled a kid half his size and broke his back? That boy would have to live with the fact that he destroyed another person's life for the rest of his life. That mother needs her head examined.
  15. Assuming this is a tackle team, the other options would include flag football, some other sport where body contact isn't the norm, or just waiting it out until the small child grows into his body (or the large child grows into his body) - she's talking about pre-adolescent boys. Ds is on a tackle team this year. He's 120. If he tackled a 60 lb kid, he'd seriously injure him, regardless of padding. The weight restrictions are there for a reason - so no one ends up eating through a straw for the rest of their lives. The mom the OP is talking about is dangerous.
  16. Oh, man! That's what I was looking for, too! Thanks for reposting!
  17. Would you believe a tornado just ripped through the area in which this house is? Literally, within the past hour. :001_huh: I expect it's probably still there (I mean, it's been there long enough already). But what are the odds? Maybe it's a sign.
  18. You're allergic to cows? The animal itself? I had no idea anyone could be. What about the cow are you allergic to, do you know? Interesting!
  19. Ds! Lots of ragweed, pollen, plant based stuff, but no cats. We have a cat. He's got lots of thick hair, but it's short. When ds was holding a long haired shelter cat at Petco a few weeks ago, his eyes got itchy and he started to sneeze. Even my nose got a little itchy and I'm not aware of any animal allergies for myself.
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