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Everything posted by LauraGB

  1. I think it depends on the maturity of the child. Some can handle the content, some might be too sensitive, some might miss the point all together, and it might be profound for others. As for the youngest ages, I think dd read them around 11yo and I was okay with that for her.
  2. You don't sound useless to me. I mean, if all you did was sit on the computer while your kids were a mess, your house is a disaster, the dishes are piled, the trash is falling out of the can and dinner is coming from whichever restaurant that will deliver it...again, and it's like that day after day, well, then I might have to change my opinion. But your situation doesn't sound anything at all like that.
  3. Well, now I know you're real :tongue_smilie:. It looks great, Nakia! Well done!
  4. It's a good thing we don't eat a lot of meat because I never remember to thaw it soon enough. I always end up wrapping it in a plastic storage bag and plunking it in a bowl of water or just setting it on the counter. Both of which are not safe.
  5. I can't stand how they blur his nose. Makes me instinctively blink repeatedly to get things back into focus.
  6. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Please keep us posted when you can. :grouphug:
  7. Apology accepted, Jeannie - I missed the whole thing, anyway :tongue_smilie: Blogs are *not* mandatory. Wow, I must have missed quite a bit. Dang...
  8. By "roll" do you mean in the casing? Like bratwurst or kielbasa? Or do you mean it's bulk ground sausage?
  9. Yup, I agree. And now that I'm just about 40, I say...dreams change. Make money now, save it and plan ahead. If he is educated in his field, can he work the computer job and establish a business in the trade he loves? Worth a thought. I wouldn't toss a good paying job away for one that pays a pittance right now, now matter how happy and giddy I felt about it.
  10. I just posted a recipe for Maple Pecan Granola on my blog. And I agree with the others who suggested making extra pancakes, waffles, and muffins and then freezing them for easy grabbing. You could make some breakfast burritos and freeze those, too (we don't have a microwave, so it's just faster and easier to do it in the morning). Or the over-night egg dishes and french toast dishes are nice. Anything so I don't have to wake up and start cooking.
  11. I don't think mine is visible. In fact, it's so easy to privatize and personalize each and every thing on there, I actually quite like it.
  12. Sorry, Nakia! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  13. Ah, good to know. Makes more sense now. It starts out so intriguing...ugh!
  14. I am really enjoying it! We are only part way through the first season, but I just know it's got to start getting bad because there are only 4 seasons. Should I keep watching? Will I be disappointed? Does the writing get dim? What?! What goes wrong?
  15. Don't feel bad. Really. It *is* more common than most people think. In fact, I believe studies have been done that show relation between several autoimmune diseases and undiagnosed parasites (since many don't show up in traditional testing). In second and third world countries, they are a given, and considering how many more of those areas there are and the misdiagnoses of the "first" world countries... ETA - this has been common knowledge among many for many, many years. I remember studying it way before our children were born and I was working in natural medicine. The problem is that it has a stigma that many of us don't care to acknowledge because it makes us uncomfortable.
  16. It's never too late to read HP! I love her. And I do take her stance (the one in the picture) often enough - my kids picked the avatar for me :tongue_smilie:.
  17. :lol::lol::lol: How did you figure it out?
  18. Can you check around with your local farmers? That price is insane (and it's similar at our grocery stores, too). I get organic chicken from a local farmer for about $4 per pound. It's worth it to check around if you can.
  19. commonsensehomesteading.blogspot.com is a great blog! Tons and tons of info.
  20. Oh Peela! I wish there was something I could do! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  21. I could eat pizza for breakfast, lunch and dinner, every single day for the rest of my life. It's so versatile - it's really just bread with some sort of sauce and a topping (and preferably a boatload of cheese). A fancy-pants open-faced sandwich. I love pizza.
  22. You are. Twice in the past few years I've noticed the quantity go down and the price stay the same (chips are an example - the bags are now 10 oz, down from 12, down from 14 and 16, but the price is the same or more).
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