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Everything posted by LauraGB

  1. Yes. I pretty much get the same things each week, rarely ever buy meat at the grocery store, make nearly everything from scratch (so no boxes, mixes, breads, etc), and what used to be $175 not even 2 years ago is now about $300. And it's really ticking me off. I can't find one single thing to cut back on, and I've tried. Thinking about going back to making my own butter again - even the cheap stuff is almost $4 per lb. :svengo:
  2. I can and do do both, but I prefer to cook; I think it's because I like dinner better than dessert.
  3. My mom was busy and we often ate things like frozen pot pies, frozen pizzas, mac and cheese, etc, and she rarely cooked anything that didn't start from a box or a can. But at my grandmothers' houses, the house always smelled like food (both had large families) and the counters were always piled high with "real" ingredients. And the food they made, budget friendly as it was, was always amazing. But they were very "get out of my kitchen so I can work" types. So, I guess, when I was around 10 or so, I started wanting to cook at home, pouring over cookbooks and taught myself.
  4. I would love a prequel sort of book! So many stories going on in those books - it would be awesome if she expanded on them!
  5. Ooh, I'm glad this thread came back around. I just signed up, too. I'm Laura P. over there. I don't really understand it yet, but hopefully this afternoon I can start adding everyone.
  6. Wow. That's nuts. Sorry you are having to deal with this right now. Ugh. :grouphug:
  7. All of them? So, he's not an anomaly? Well, on the one hand, that's a bit of a relief (so thanks!). On the other...how do the mothers make it through the haze??
  8. We don't get vaccinated for the flu, either. I did once, a long time ago, and it was the only time I got the flu.
  9. The other day ds had a football game; he needed to catch the bus to the "away" game at 9a and his game was at 1230p. In the morning, I told him to pack a lunch because after practicing, then the game, it would be 3p before he'd eat again, and he would be starving. He refused, siting that he's not supposed to eat before playing a game. I told him to just bring something lunchy "for fun" - just in case he got hungry (which, duh, he would). Nope. So, I left it, rather than argue more about it (and I pressed pretty hard already for him to bring some food!). Naturally, the kid was starved after the game, and all the other kids had either brought lunch or money for concession stand food, and ds was about the only kid without lunch that day. :glare: Today, he had football practice until 730p. Usually, dh picks him up, but dh was busy, so I did it. Before ds left, I told him where I would be, and that he'd have to go there instead of where dh usually parked (where I parked was about 100 yards from the field, in a park he knows very, very well). At 7:37, I finally got out of my car (it's dark here by 730 now), walked over to where he was practicing, which I could easily see from where I was parked, with my car running and the lights on, only to find him on the coach's cell phone. Apparently, he had called home, my cell phone, and dh's cell phone wondering where I was! I explained I had been there early and had been waiting 15 minutes already...yada, yada. He had never walked over because, according to him, it was "too far" to walk (after 2 hours of football practice). The truth is that he didn't want to walk that far. :glare: So now, I'm pretty sure the coach thinks we are total slacker parents. And I'm thoroughly embarrassed! Of course I would send my kid with food if he was gone for the day! Of course I will be there on time (usually early) to pick my kid up from something! Good grief! That child....:glare: Do your kids do this to you? How do you deal? Ugh!
  10. You're right! My priorities are all messed up!:lol: It's not bad stuff, just busy stuff. Settling in for the fall and that jazz. Getting into the groove now, though.
  11. I think it may depend on where you live. Where I live, it's easy to sub maple syrup or raw honey for pretty much anything (except maybe caramel or streusel topping and such) In other areas, it's brown rice syrup, sorghum, or agave. Stevia is another option. With raw honey or maple syrup, it's nearly 1:1 ratio in baked goods (usually a little less) - but it does depend. For instance, if you add 1c honey in place of 1 c sugar for something like ice cream, you will end up with honey ice cream; the same goes for pies (and it's kind of gross). I guess it's trial and error when it comes to subbing for sweetness - sometimes a simple fruit puree does the trick, and sometimes it takes something else, it just depends on what it is you are baking.
  12. I have seen bugs crawling around in the bulk rice bins, even at the grocery store. Not creepy crawlies, just bugs that might have been transported with the grains. I rinse. Always.
  13. :iagree: I don't think I'd step another foot in there, either. :grouphug:
  14. Lasagna, steamed cauliflower, bread and roasted garlic.
  15. Things have been so crazy busy on my end, that I don't have time to check in like I like to do. Lately, when I have a few minutes, I come here, can read a few threads, maybe make a quick post, and then I've got to go. And I'm feeling like, well, like it's just not enough, and I miss you guys. :001_wub: That is all.
  16. Right now it's 49F, with a high of 56F. On Monday it was 88 - see what 48 hours can do? :tongue_smilie:
  17. Is anyone here from there (or near there)? This morning I woke up to an acrid smoke smell in my bedroom at 530A - and I'm over 400 miles away from there! The air here was horrible until about noon; it was like being on the downwind side of a campfire. It was difficult to breath without coughing outside. If it's that bad here, how bad is it there? Has everyone been evacuated? Last I checked, over 16 thousand acres had burned around the Boundary Waters area.
  18. Are you planning on stocking up for the winter via local farmers markets and such? If so, I'd invest in jars; pint, quart and 2 quart jars. Also, you can blanch and freeze a lot of those goods, so good Ziploc bags are handy. With your allergies, possibly a pasta maker would be helpful? You can get them for under $40 at places like Bed Bath and Beyond or Amazon. Brown rice pasta is pretty darn good, IMO. And you can make ravioli and tortellini as well as the traditional pastas. Can you find a local farmer or seller to stock up on the rice? ETA - Healthy Artisan Bread in 5 Min has a lot of recipes for bread and bread type things - I think they have an entire chapter dedicated to gluten free. They might offer some suggestions for breads your whole family can enjoy all at once.
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