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Everything posted by LauraGB

  1. Being self-sufficient (as much as possible) is the dream. We want to be able to have orchards (peaches, plums, pears, apples, etc) and gardens. Invite people to come on over and pick their own. And a place for dh to move his machines for his business to (possibly the renovated barn) and still run that one. This house in particular? I'm not sure - I haven't really seen the inside or the whole grounds yet. But looking at other properties within a 30-40 mile driving distance to town, this place is an unbelievable steal, even if we had to tear it down to the foundation and start all over; other places half the size, half the land, absolutely disgusting inside are well over the price for this one. So, I'm thinking it's either a deal of a lifetime, or there is something terribly, terribly wrong. If the realtor is being honest, it would be a perfect opportunity to put in some pretty great features like solar hot water, outdoor furnace...fun stuff like that, without compromising the house itself.
  2. Yep - get crabby. And swollen, for some reason. I just stay in the a/c and wait for it to pass. I absolutely can't stand it - it truly makes me just...angry all over.
  3. Here's another pic of the upstairs: Anyone know what that wire/cord-like thing might be leading to the end bedroom? Here is one of the flooring: Goodness, it would be worth it to rip out all the walls just to get rid of that nasty paint.
  4. That's what I think, too. I mean, the bathroom and laundry room at least had to be added after the fact - I'm guessing it's that far left part of the house, likely off the kitchen, which I expect is in the middle bit. Dh thinks the middle part was the first part, but I'm thinking the right part was added shortly thereafter because I don't see a break in the foundation.
  5. No, we can't live there. Our job is where we currently live (as in, our house) and they are tied together. Eventually, we'd like to rent our current property out and live in the new one. But, it's only 1/2 hour from here, so not a bad highway drive at all. I do have more pics. Here is the upstairs (I think, from what I can gather, there are 4 rooms up there, plus a wide landing - and the hallway is 5ft wide?!): Here is...something - they listed it as the "library", lol :
  6. Oh, I don't know if I'm supposed to do this, but here is a picture of the outside of the house (I'll come back and delete it tomorrow). The outside does have vinyl, which is definitely not original, lol. But the top part (the scollops) are wood. The front screams wrap-around porch to me, which would mean a roof over that weird looking middle window. The barn is on the other side of the driveway. (pics removed)
  7. Whew! Recently an acquaintance was stung and had a life threatening reaction (I didn't even know that wasps could do that, to be honest), and when I noticed you hadn't posted since last night.... Glad you are doing all right!
  8. And an abundance of wild turkey, which are everywhere - even in the road, just hanging out (alive ;)).
  9. We have the 5 years, but I think we might only have about $50-60K above any offering price to play with. We did this once before the kids were born, but it was a whole different situation; that house had been renovated/updated every 30 or so years, so while we had a ton to do (8 months worth before it was livable), it still wasn't as much as this place is going to require. And it was an investment. The next place would be the last place for us.
  10. Lol! No, I mean from when electricity was original :lol:. You know wires and little glass tubes and stuff - a fire waiting to happen behind those horse hair walls.
  11. :grouphug: How are you doing today? You haven't been here to respond, and it's kind of worrisome.
  12. I love my children very much. More than chocolate, even. But, no. You are so not alone. I struggle with it because sometimes, when we spend so much time together, all those personalities are going every which way, and...grrr. But, when they are gone, I miss them. I'm a glutton for punishment, I think :tongue_smilie:.
  13. So, if you had the opportunity to purchase a 2700 sq ft, two story, 110 year old farm house, on 10 acres, for under $90K, barely 30 min from the city, would you do it? This house still has the original electricity, original windows, no furnace or a/c (wood stove heats the whole thing presently, supposedly :rolleyes:), but does have plumbing, original woodwork, doors, floors, and is structurally sound. The ten acres are mostly in front of the house (long driveway), it has a big ol' barn with the stone foundation, but it has rotting toward the top and an awful roof. We would spend the next couple years remodeling it before we'd be able to move there. The back of the property was sold to another person who will be building a house quite far back (think a typical farm field length - it's the other 30 acres of the farmer's land). According to the realtor, these people are "into" organic farming. But the present crop surrounding the house is soybeans, so the soil needs a lot of time and amending. Would you do it? Is it insane? *Everything* needs to be ripped out and replaced or refinished. We are going on Tues to look at the inside (beyond the pictures she gave us). We have seen the land and outside of the house in person.
  14. :iagree: Beans are fantastic for this. It's fairly easy to replace the meat in a lot of dishes with various beans; sloppy joes are good with red kidney beans, so is chili, and other burger based soups. And when you do use meat, use it more as an accent than a main course. I've tried so hard to eliminate meat from my family's diet, but they end up complaining. If I say, "Hey, there's chicken in there," or call it "Scalloped Potatoes and Ham" it seems to pacify them. Maybe it's psychological?
  15. Most importantly, how did it taste? :tongue_smilie: I wouldn't sweat it. If it didn't taste bad, I'm guessing you'll be fine. I think mine expired in Dec, lol.
  16. Mustard, onions, pickles. Lettuce is good, too. Sometimes cheese, sometimes tomato. Anybody remember this? "Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce cheese, pickles, onions, on a sesame seed bun"? The question made me thing of that :tongue_smilie:.
  17. I know! I'm tempted to lay out another 10 just because the first 10 felt so good - the next 10 could be positively liberating!
  18. :iagree::hurray::iagree: Oh my goodness, :iagree: !!! ETA - And everyone needs to get back to using their bodies to move. Cars and a sedentary lifestyle have stifled yet another generation.
  19. I'll play. 1. I like to write, but I've only finished one story in over 15 years. 2. I love wine. 3. One pregnancy = two kids. 4. I could eat some sort of pizza every single day for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the rest of my life (and be thoroughly happy about it). 5. I hate liars to the point of not allowing them in my life once they've proven it - it's a rarity for a second chance. 6. I do not believe humans in any way, shape, or form are responsible for the normal, cyclic climate change that happens to earth. 7. I love politics but have a strong aversion to any politician, regardless of which side of the aisle he/she is on. 8. I don't like milk, but I adore cheese. 9. I drive a 13 year old SUV that runs just fine but gets lousy gas mileage, and I don't see a better option available in the market just yet, so I'll drive that baby till it falls apart (or rusts to the point that I'm embarrassed). 10. I love my dogs like my own children (and my children have never, not ever, eaten my slippers, so that tells you how much I love my kids :tongue_smilie:).
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