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Everything posted by LauraGB

  1. How old are the children? I've left my kids in the car at 11 and 12 years old while I ran into the grocery store for a few things because they didn't want to come in with me (and who blames them?). When they were younger, I went inside the gas station to pay for gas.
  2. Zinfandel pairs well with just about anything in my book :D. I would suggest something with fresh or roasted tomatoes and savory herbs. An elegant pizza with a garlic sauce topped with roasted small tomatoes (yellow, orange and red for lots of color) and basil and some great old shaved fresh parm on the top would be fun (kind of like a fancy-pants bruschetta). I haven't tried the specific Zin you mention, but I might just have to go out and get some today and get back to you with what I ate :D.
  3. That's what I was thinking. Or radon. And yes, it would freak me out. :grouphug:
  4. Yes it was checked and everything was within normal range. But it wasn't checked beyond the normal testing (no in depth special testing was done).
  5. Jamie Oliver's old show "Oliver's Twist" is on netflix and I just watched an episode last night where he prepped a pork loin - it was moist and juicy, and it looked crazy easy; almost made me want to eat it (and I don't eat pork)! If you have netflix, I think it was episode 9 (Abba Mania) - it's worth a watch.
  6. How long will they be gone? At 10 years old, I would make her go and explain that she'll never get the opportunity to change that moment again in her lifetime. Have a heart to heart about ending days and hopefully she will see the significance in her going now, and change her focus from leaving you to being there for another. :grouphug:
  7. Yes! It sounds like a wonderful adventure! But I'd be absolutely certain to have my phone attached to me at all times and my credit card at the ready for a quick rescue.
  8. :grouphug: Maybe the elementary school will stink and you'll need to bring him home, and then you'll already have the plan in place to pick up where he left off. School beyond the "preschool" years is a different beast all together. That's sort of what happened in our case. Great school, great curricula, great teachers...by Thanksgiving of first grade they were home for good.
  9. Help me think this through, please. What could be causing weight loss if one is already underweight for a "small frame" (even if that "frame" description may or may not be accurate), eats like a pig (lots of cheese and fats and bread, 3 meals and some snacks daily), has no presenting psychological issues causing appetite loss, doesn't purposely exercise, isn't unusually tired and otherwise feels fine, has regular bowel movements, and last physical showed everything was A-okay? I'm stumped.
  10. Isn't almond flour just sifted ground almonds? If it is, I do it in the food processor with whole almonds. Would coconut flour be the same sort of thing?
  11. Elvis's death. I was 4 (almost 5) years old and my mother's soap opera was interrupted by "breaking news".
  12. This one! I was 4 remember feeling like the earth stopped moving, lol! I remember playing with a toy train on the carpet (I still remember what the carpet looked like) and the news interrupted Days of Our Lives. :lol:
  13. :iagree: Anything can be rolled in those things! Dd was at camp last week and she rolled up white bean dip with cucumbers, cheese, green onions and lettuce; left over black bean taco filling, peppers, onions, cheese and lettuce; cream cheese and chive spread with carrots, pea pods, onions, and lettuce/spinach mix. And I know she took some pb&j sandwiches, too. She usually packed some carrots or pea pods or broccoli/cauliflower and a piece of fruit, too. We froze some bottles of water (we dumped a little out before we put them in the freezer to allow for expansion) and that's what she used as an ice pack, and then drank it as it thawed throughout the day. ETA - and oil/vinegar based pasta and veggie salads. They should stay cold enough with the ice pack.
  14. I have a Cuisinart, too :). But mine is a little older and I don't think they make the same model anymore. I have this one http://www.amazon.com/Cuisinart-Frozen-Yogurt-Cream-Sorbet/dp/B003AOW0DI/ref=sr_1_19?s=appliances&ie=UTF8&qid=1312079107&sr=1-19. ETA - this one must be the new model:
  15. Yes!!! Food, shelter, water, clothing...everyone needs to know how to feed themselves. I know ds can do it, but I worry about dd - she can boil water (for pasta), toast bread, and make sandwiches, but that's all she's interested in doing right now.
  16. :iagree: In her first book (I think) she explained what happened when the mothers with no education themselves *had* to homeschool their kids and the limited resources that Jeffs allowed to do so; it was a travesty. I'm betting that the homeschool laws had a lot to do with why they chose to move the cult to Texas in the first place. We have similar freedoms in my state as Texas and I wouldn't want it any other way. I think they have plenty of other reasons to keep an eye on that place than the education issues. Perhaps they should stay focused on those.
  17. Are there dairy farms there or do they bring milk in from elsewhere?
  18. $3.57 for regular (store brand), $6.29 for organic. ETA Butter is inconsistent, though. One store has its store brand 1lb for $3.89 (organic $6.99), another store has their store brand for $2.39 (organic $6.99), and yet another store has a few organic varieties starting at $3.89 up to $5.99. I don't understand the massive fluctuation there.
  19. Oh! That might be it. Yes, that would make sense based on the suggestions. And, no, for sure, friend was never used as a verb before facebook :lol:. I started out putting it in quotations, but I needed to use the word so much, I got lazy.
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